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Throughout the fall and into the winter of 1964 the Johnson administration debated the correct strategy in Vietnam The Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to.

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2 Throughout the fall and into the winter of 1964 the Johnson administration debated the correct strategy in Vietnam The Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to expand the air war over the DRV quickly to help stabilize the new Saigon regime


4 The civilians in the Pentagon wanted to apply gradual pressure to the Communist Party with limited and selective bombings The bombing missions, known as OPERATION ROLLING THUNDER, caused the Communist Party to reassess its own war strategy. From 1960 through late 1964, the Party believed it could win a military victory in the south "in a relatively short period of time


6 confirmed in March 1965 when Johnson sent the first combat troops to Vietnam, the Party moved to a protracted war strategy The idea was to get the United States bogged down in a war that it could not win militarily and create unfavorable conditions for political victory

7 Throughout the fall and into the winter of 1964 the Johnson administration debated the correct strategy in Vietnam The Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to expand the air war over the DRV quickly to help stabilize the new Saigon regime

8 Protests erupted on college campuses and in major cities at first, but by 1968 every corner of the country seemed to have felt the war's impact. Perhaps one of the most famous incidents in the anti-war movement was the police riot in Chicago during the 1968 Democratic National Convention

9 Hundreds of thousands of people came to Chicago in August 1968 to protest American intervention in Vietnam and the leaders of the Democratic Party who continued to prosecute the war

10 The Tet Offensive By 1968, things had gone from bad to worse for the Johnson administration. In late January the DRV and the NLF launched coordinated attacks against the major southern cities. These attacks, known in the West as the Tet Offensive, were designed to force the Johnson administration to the bargaining table

11 The Nixon Years The secret negotiations began in the spring of 1968 in Paris soon it was made public that Americans and Vietnamese were meeting to discuss an end to the long and costly war Nixon claimed he had a secret plan to end the war

12 This strategy brought American troops home while increasing the air war over the DRV and relying more on the ARVN for ground attacks. The intense bombing campaigns and intervention in Cambodia in late April 1970 sparked intense campus protests all across America

13 Shock waves crossed the nation as students at Jackson State in Mississippi were also shot and killed for political reasons

14 "They are killing our babies in Vietnam and in our own backyard."

15 The expanded air war did not discourage the Communist Party and it continued to make hard demands in Paris Washington and Hanoi assumed that its southern allies would naturally accept any agreement drawn up in Paris but it didn’t run so smoothly

16 The Paris Peace Agreement did not end the conflict in Vietnam the Thieu-Ky regime continued to battle Communist forces From March 1973 until the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975 ARVN forces tried desperately to save the South from political and military collapse















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