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Terri Cooper SEDNET Region 13

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1 Terri Cooper SEDNET Region 13
Hernando County Reporting Restraint / Seclusion (for Students with Disabilities and 504 Plans) Guidelines Training Terri Cooper SEDNET Region 13

2 Who is SEDNET ? The Multiagency Network for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities Works with other agencies to create and facilitate a network of stakeholders committed to providing quality care to children with or at risk of E/BD. Created by the Florida Legislature in 1984. A statewide discretionary project funded by the Department of Education. 19 regions across the state.

3 DOE Indicators for SEDNET
Increase Graduation rate for Students with EB/D Indicator 2 Decrease Drop-out rate for Students with EB/D Indicator 4 Reduce Out of School Suspension for Students with EB/D Indicator 14 Improve Post-School Outcomes for Students with EB/D Continuing Education Employment Continuing Education and Employment

4 Objectives Review Definitions
Describe Monitoring of Data Collection/Reporting Review Training Policy Review Hernando County’s Plan for Reducing Restraints Review Incident/Data Collection and Reporting Procedures Share Reporting Restraint and Seclusion Wiki FAQs

5 Physical Restraint….. is only used to prevent injury to the student and others. should only be used in emergency situations when an imminent risk of serious injury or death to the student or others exist. is used in a manner that conveys dignity and respect for the student. is a LAST RESORT !!!

6 Concerns Restraint is being used as a behavioral intervention (for noncompliance, threats, or disruption) instead of an emergency safety procedure The use of restraint may reinforce or strengthen the problem behavior Restraint is implemented independent of a function-based behavior intervention plan When restraint is used, there is a failure to use data to analyze & address the cause of the precipitating behavior

7 Some Definitions

8 Physical Restraint Physical force that immobilizes or reduces the ability of a student to move his or her torso, arms, legs, or head freely. (Office of Civil Rights) Physical Restraint MUST be Reported.

9 Physical Transport Any physical force or exertion needed in order to propel a student into motion while immobilizing their arms and torso with one or more persons assisting. Physical Transport Must be reported.

10 Physical Escort A temporary touching or holding of the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, or back for the purpose of inducing a student who is acting out to walk to a safe location. Does NOT have to be reported as a restraint.

11 Mechanical Restraint The use of any device or equipment to restrict a student’s freedom of movement. unless the student has a prescription or it’s use is included in the IEP. Does not include Adaptive devices used to achieve proper body position, balance, or alignment Seat belts Restraints for medical immobilization Does not include the use of an SRO’s handcuffs

12 Seclusion The involuntary confinement of a student alone in a room or area from which the student is prevented from leaving. The student is taken to a room or area against their will The student is alone in the room or area The student is physically prevented from leaving the room or area Does not include a Time-Out HCSB prohibits the use of Seclusion with any student!!!!

13 Time Out A behavior management technique that involves the monitored separation of a student in a non-locked setting and is implemented for the purpose of calming. Physical force or threats may not be used to place a student in Time Out

14 Monitoring of Restraint /Seclusion Procedure at the Classroom Level
A school-based administrator who has been trained in reporting restraints and seclusions is ... Responsible for investigating the restraint Collecting the necessary data Notifying parents on the day of the restraint Reporting the data on the state-wide web site Providing technical assistance to the teacher

15 Monitoring of Restraint /Seclusion Procedure at the School Building Level
A school-based administrator who has been trained in reporting restraints and seclusions will…. Report restraints of SWD or students with a 504 to the Director of ESE/Student Services immediately. Complete and submit Restraint Reports

16 Monitoring of Restraint /Seclusion Procedure at the School Building Level
Documentation of the restraint will be maintained at the classroom level by the classroom teacher. Documentation of the restraint will be maintained at the School Building Level by the trained administrator. Each student who has had an incident of physical restraint will have a separate file kept in the Principal’s office containing all necessary documentation required by the two Procedure checklists. These files will be reviewed at least annually by District Staff.

17 Policy for Training on Restraint or Seclusion
Hernando County uses Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (CPI) to train personnel with regard to the use of restraint. This is the only HCSB approved program. Initial training is offered twice a year district wide. CPI certification is valid for one year. Annual refreshers are offered in order to maintain certification.

18 Policy for Training continued
The district allows the following to receive the entire two (2) day training program: Administrators ESE teachers Counselors Behavior Analysts/Specialists Regular Education teachers as needed. Paraprofessionals may receive the (2) day training if they have been approved by the Director of ESE/SS.

19 CPI Restraints approved by HCSB
1. Children’s Control Position 2. Team Control Position 3. Transport Position 4. Interim Control Position Only staff with current CPI certification are allowed to use these restraints!

20 Children’s Control Positionsm

21 Team Control Positionsm

22 Transport Positionsm

23 Interim Control Positionsm

24 Policy for Reducing Restraint/Seclusion
Hernando County had 19 reported incidents of restraint in the school year including 6 reports for Hernando County students in residential placements. Hernando County had 4 reported incidents of restraint in the school year including 4 reports for Hernando County students in residential placements. Hernando County has 1 reported incidents of restraint in the school year. Hernando County’s goal is to reduce the number of restraints for the school year by 1 percent.


26 Plan for Reducing continued
Hernando County does not use …. Seclusion or mechanical restraints. Restraints that restrict breathing. “Prone” or “Supine” restraints. All CPI restraints are standing restraints only If a student falls or sits during a restraint, disengage and reassess if there is an imminent risk of death or injury .

27 Plan for Reducing continued
Restraint data will be reviewed and analyzed When data show multiple restraint incidents per student, staff members and/or school, District staff will meet to determine the need for District support. Once a need has been identified, technical assistance will be provided. Implement student-specific strategies such as: Reviewing IEPs/504 plans Conducting evaluations/re-evaluations and FBAs Evaluating effectiveness of BIPs and health care plans Introduce or strengthen multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), including school-wide PBS.

28 Plan for Reducing continued
Provide additional professional development training in PBS, Crisis Management, Conflict Prevention Problem solve with school administrators to make data-driven decisions regarding school environments. (RtI:B Database) Behavior analysts/specialists will facilitate a debriefing activity with the school personnel involved to review incidents of restraint and identify prevention strategies.

29 Incident/Data Collection Procedure
Please see the forms page on the Wiki for copies of all the necessary forms needed to complete the incident report These forms will always be available on the Wiki, but you can download them to a folder on your desktop or make hardcopies.

30 FAQ’s Q: Do restraints that happen beyond the hours of the typical school day have to be reported? A: YES. Districts are advised to report all incidents of restraint.

31 Q: Do restraints by SROs have to be reported
Q: Do restraints by SROs have to be reported? A: YES If such an incident rises to the level of an arrest or Baker Act, that would constitute the end of the restraint.

32 Q: An SRO uses handcuffs on a student
Q: An SRO uses handcuffs on a student. Does this have to be reported as a restraint? A: No The use of handcuffs by an SRO is interpreted as “detainment” and not a restraint.

33 Q: If a restraint occurs in school-based child care, the homes of students receiving hospital/homebound, home placement, or in private schools, does it have to be reported? A: YES, unless The parent is restraining the student, or The parent is paying for school-based child care

34 Questions ???

35 Thank You for your Participation
Thank You for your Participation !! Thanks to Kristin Hope for her valuable assistance in creating this Wiki !! Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns Terri Cooper (352) ext.213 The Multiagency Network for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (SEDNET) is a special project funded by the Florida Department of Education, Division of Public Schools, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services, through federal assistance under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B.

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