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Child Welfare and Education Two Systems Working Together for Foster Youth.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Welfare and Education Two Systems Working Together for Foster Youth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Welfare and Education Two Systems Working Together for Foster Youth.

2 Department of Public Social Services Self Sufficiency Administration Adult Protective Services Children’s Services

3 CSD Organizational Structure Assistant Director Jennie Pettet Deputy Directors Ryan Uhlenkott Rosemary Jiron Todd Bellanca Regional Managers Assistant Reg. Managers Supervisors Social Workers

4 Lay of the Land 3 Administrative Regions 7 Operation Regions- geographic 3 Centralized Regions- specialty ▫Permanency (aka Adoptions) ▫Enhanced Services- medical needs & outside CA ▫Youth & Community Resources- teens, young adults, group home care, ILP, transitional housing

5 How We Serve the Community Child Abuse Hotline 800.442.4918 Investigative Services ▫In-person interviews ▫Preventative services ▫Protective action

6 How We Serve Families Decision for Juvenile Court Involvement Family Maintenance ▫Children remain in a parent’s home Family Reunification ▫Children placed in out- of- home care

7 Next Steps in a Case Court orders a Case Plan Social worker Provides Services Review of Safety & Risk Report Prepared for Court 6 mos. Review Hearing

8 What Comes Next Reassess & Review Services (6 mos.) TimeTerm

9 Move to Permanency Adoptions & Safe Families Act Court Selects a Permanent Plan ▫Family First ▫Current Caregiver ▫Matching Adoption Within 1 year Legal Guardianship Within 90 days Living Arrangement Immediate

10 Children and Youth in Care Family Preferred Foster Home Consider for permanency Congregate Care Limited & Monitored

11 Well-Being for Youth in Care Eating Humble Pie! Mental Health ▫Pathways to Wellness K-12 Education ▫LCAP & LCFF Emancipation ▫Extended Foster Care

12 Values for Youth & Young Adults Always consider a safe return home! Continued search for permanency! Young Adults need a safety net & support! Youth have a voice & choice!

13 Overview of Extended Foster Care Education Complete HS Attend College Employment Working 80+ hours per month Volunteering Barriers Addressing Barriers Disability Prevents above

14 Transitional Age Services Independent Living Program (ILP) 16+ ▫THRIVE Youth Partners Consortium & partnerships ▫YOCs ▫Secondary Education ▫Conservation Corp & Job Corp ▫Private providers for services & housing ▫Faith in Motion

15 Mental Health Services for Youth Mental health screening & assessment Services specific to the youth ▫Wraparound ▫Intensive Home Based Services ▫Culturally appropriate services Child & Family Team Meetings

16 Education Support That’s why we are here! Education Liaisons (RCOE/DPSS) Educational Representatives Volunteer Program Project Graduate (Riv. County Bar) District level support

17 Who are our youth? Interested in Education Changing placements at high rate Parenting Identify having support from caregivers or family Facing academic challenges Opting to remain in foster care In need of our collaboration! Cal YOUTH Study (M.Courtney, et al., 2014)

18 Next Steps What is something new you learned? What is something you hope to achieve or contribute?

19 How Do I Reach Out? Michelle Wohl 358-7915 Desk 809-5972 Cell

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