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SOCIAL MARKETING CONCEPTS Community Health Education Methods Chapter 5.

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1 SOCIAL MARKETING CONCEPTS Community Health Education Methods Chapter 5

2 Marketing Marketing – the analysis, planning, implementation, and control of carefully formulated programs based on consumer research designed to bring about voluntary exchanges of values with target markets for the purpose of achieving organizations goals and objectives. Marketing is a deliberately planned, orchestrated, and implemented process of mutually satisfying exchange facilitation

3 Social Marketing Social Marketing – the process for influencing human behavior on a large scale, using marketing principles for the purpose of societal benefit rather than commercial profit. Social marketing campaigns have been used to influence behaviors related to public transportation, solar energy, conservation, military recruitment, urban planning, voter registration, and adopting children, as well as health behaviors.

4 Marketing Concepts Consumer Orientation – The basic concept that an organization’s mission if to being about behavior change by meeting the target market’s needs and wants. Exchanges – The consumer receives a product, the company receives profit. Demand – How much the market needs a given product.

5 8 Demand States Negative Demand – Market dislikes a product No Demand – Market indifferent to a product Latent Demand – Customers can’t find a quality product Falling Demand –Product dropping in demand Irregular Demand - Fluctuation in use and need of product Full Demand – Company has all the business it needs Overall Demand – Demand higher than company can handle Unwholesome Demand – Dangerous products made by competitors requires marketers to create strategies to persuade people to give up those products

6 The 4 P’s of Marketing Product – A physical good or service that satisfies a need Price – How much the good or service costs Place – Where is the product located? Promotion – Can be advertising, incentives, face-to- face selling, and public relations.

7 Ten steps for integrating a marketing approach to an organization 1. Know oneself 2. Start at the top 3. Start doing research 4. Rub shoulders with real marketers 5. Hire marketing specialists 6. Reward risk-taking and experimentation 7. Look for consumer barriers to dismantle 8. Continually reassess all four P’s 9. Conduct routine “marketing audits” of the agency’s philosophy and practice 10. Go about tasks in a different way

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