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Tom Yarmas CTO – Cloud Technologies U.S. Public Sector Cloud Computing: How to do it right!

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Presentation on theme: "Tom Yarmas CTO – Cloud Technologies U.S. Public Sector Cloud Computing: How to do it right!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tom Yarmas CTO – Cloud Technologies U.S. Public Sector Cloud Computing: How to do it right!

2 Cloud is the new paradigm for IT.

3 NIST Cloud Definition  Ubiquitous access  Shared Pool  Rapidly Provisioned  Minimal Mgmt 5 Essential Characteristics: On-demand self-service Broad network access Resource pooling Rapid elasticity Measured Service 4 Deployment Models: Private Public Community Hybrid 3 Delivery Models: SaaS Paas IaaS

4 Path to Cloud (ITaaS) 4 Cost Reduction & Flexibility Time ITaaS Self-service Highly automated Flexible ITaaS Self-service Highly automated Flexible Virtualize & Consolidate Everything Centralize IT, Policy & Management Standardize Service Offerings Automate & Optimize Assess Tasks Ahead; Determine ROI Where Does Your Journey Begin? Virtualization Is Necessary, But Not Sufficient Rationalize Applications

5 Data Centers are Evolving External Cloud Services Zones of virtualization Private Cloud But there will be a movement to the right  Many IT architectures will co-exist  Data centers will use hybrid models Application based silos Application based silos

6 We Need a Process 6 Design ExecuteManage Assess

7 Where to Start? Low Asset Utilization Duplicative Systems Application Based Silos Easier to manage Somewhat better utilization Zones of Virtualization Share demand across assets More responsive to agency needs Internal Cloud Shift from Asset Ownership Better linked to emerging technologies External Cloud 7

8 Step 1 – Assess  Evaluate what applications currently exist  Evaluate what resources currently exist  Analyze workloads against resources –Efficiency too low?  Evaluate who is using which resources –Chargeback/Showback 8 Anaylze and Evaluate Current Environment

9 Cloud Readiness Assessment  Security requirements  Service characteristics  Market characteristics  Network infrastructure, application and data readiness  Government readiness  Technology lifecycle

10 We Need a Process 10 Design ExecuteManage Assess

11 Step 2 – Design Better Efficiencies  Consolidate  Standardize  Virtualize 11  Citrix XenServer  Linux KVM  Microsoft Hyper-V  vmware vSphere Server Virtualization is not “Cloud”

12 Step 2 – Design Think in terms of delivering services  Service Catalog  Automation  Orchestration –Across Internal and External Through the whole stack! 12 Agility Economies of Scale Flexibility

13 A “New” Cloud Operating Model is Required + Automation & Orchestration Cloud Computing ITaaS Public or Private Cloud Services Virtual and Physical Data Center Services Desktop Services = Packaged, standardized IT services Self-service provisioning & administration Enforced automated policies & controls Lifecycle management for workloads & services Pay-per-use model for IT Services

14 14 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only

15 Choices are Numerous ITSM Virtualization Partners Solution Partners ManageIQ Open Source

16 We Need a Process 16 Design ExecuteManage Assess

17 Step 3 – Execute Think in terms of buying services  SaaS  PaaS  IaaS 17 NetApp Confidential SaaS: Gov-Apps, Internet Services Blogging/Surveys/Twitter, Social Networking Information/Knowledge Sharing (Wiki) Communication (e-mail), Collaboration (e- meeting) Productivity Tools (office) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) IaaS: Networks, Security, Mainframes, Servers, Storage Telecom Carrier Services IT Facilities/Hosting Services PaaS: Application Development, Data, Workflow, etc. Security Services (Single Sign-On, Authentication, etc.) Database Management Directory Services

18 To Move or Not to Move: The Economics of Cloud Computing* Results: Overall, they found that in-house provisioning is cost-effective for medium to large workloads, whereas cloud-based options suit small workloads better For medium workload intensity, cloud-based options are cost-effective only if the application needs to be supported for 2-3 years, and become expensive for longer-lasting scenarios Software licenses can be big expenses for in- house solutions Outbound I/O charges can quickly add cost to Cloud based solutions * 3/2011 Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University

19 We Need a Process 19 Design ExecuteManage Assess

20 Step 4 – Manage Iterate & Optimize  Reassess & identify gaps  Add new services  Leverage new technologies 20 NetApp Confidential

21 We Need a Process 21 Design ExecuteManage Assess

22 Cloud is the new paradigm for IT.

23 Call to Action  If you have not done Virtualization yet, Start –Assessment Services –Transform to Private Cloud –Gain Expertise in orchestration, workflow automation, service levels, and charge-backs  Look at Broker services (multiple service providers)  Evaluate complete solutions (consistent with shared infrastructure)


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