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November 20, 2011 MLIS 7550 Carol Waggoner-Angleton Melissa Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "November 20, 2011 MLIS 7550 Carol Waggoner-Angleton Melissa Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 20, 2011 MLIS 7550 Carol Waggoner-Angleton Melissa Johnson

2  Dublin, Georgia  Student Population – 1200  Liberal Arts –  Education, Business, Biology, English 50 Full-time faculty Student – Faculty Ratio 15:1

3 Mission Statement: The Angleton Johnson Library supports the mission of Hangleson College by providing services that are essential for advancing knowledge and scholarship and enriching the lives of students, faculty, and staff in a climate which encourages academic achievement and fosters a love of learning.

4 Currently  175,000 Print Volumes  30,000 e-books  150+ online resources through GALILEO  10,000 periodicals  30 computers for patrons  2 microfiche/microfilm readers  3 patron printers  2 circulation computers  20 employee work station computers

5  Current system  Built in-house in 1999  Maintained by College ITS  Maintenance intensive  Cost Prohibitive  Anticipated growth not supported by current system  Replacement supported by technology plan goals


7  Vendor Hosted System  Compatible with existing college system  Compatible with existing hardware and peripherals  Compatible with planned hardware acquisitions  Expandable/Scalable  Priced within budget

8 Core:  Cataloging  Circulation  Public Access Catalog  w/Federated Searching Additional:  Acquisitions  Academic Reserves Additional:  Serial Control  Authority Control  Backup Circulation  Patron Access  E-Commerce  Remote Log-In

9 MARC 21 Formats Compliant Z39.50 (Information Retrieval Standard) Compliant ANSI/NISO Z39.85 (Dublin Core Metadata Element Set) Compliant OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting Electronic Data Interchange Web 2.0 Compatible Must support existing peripherals

10 Dual processor 2.5 GHz 3 GB RAM 20” Monitor Video card Hard Drive : 320 GB SATA Sound: Internal speaker CD/DVD: 16x DVD +/- RW Keyboard – USB, Mouse 2-button USB Gigabit Ethernet network card Webber and Peters (2010). Integrated library systems: Planning, selecting, and implementing. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited. 34.



13  2011- 2016   2011-2013The library will investigate and purchase a new Integrated Library system with features to better serve the college including 10 new patron workstations and an upgraded MS Office Suite.   2013-2014The library will upgrade to WiFi capabilities and scheduled software updates will  occur. Web 2.0 features will be implemented including Facebook and OPAC enhancements.   2014-2015Integrate “Live Chat” off-site reference service and upgrade one circulation  workstation and printers. Assess computer operating systems for upgrade. Perform scheduled software updates.   2015-2016The library will purchase 10 new patron workstations to replace outdated  hardware. Scheduled software updates will occur. Reassess library web-site for possible updating.

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