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Register of electors - canvasser briefing session 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Register of electors - canvasser briefing session 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Register of electors - canvasser briefing session 1

2 Introduction Add names of trainers 2

3 Objectives of the training session To outline your duties as a canvasser To ensure that you are confident about all aspects of your role 3

4 Change to the registration system – Individual electoral registration (IER) The way you register to vote changed on 10 June [19 September in Scotland] Electors are now responsible for registering themselves. Under the old system the ‘head of the household’ could register everyone who lived at an address New electors must now provide their National Insurance number and date of birth when applying to register The majority of existing electors were automatically re-registered under the new system 4

5 How to register Potential electors can now register in different ways: –by applying online at to-vote –by returning an IER application form –by phone [if offered] / in person [if offered] 5

6 The role of the canvasser 6

7 What forms will residents receive? HEFs Households will be surveyed during the canvass period to confirm who lives at an address, so we know who is and who isn’t registered. They’ll will receive a household enquiry form – a ‘HEF’. Outside the canvass period, we will also send HEFs to properties where we think we may be able to identify new electors. 7

8 What forms will residents receive? ITRs Anyone identified on a HEF who is eligible and not already registered will be invited to register to vote – they’ll receive an ‘ITR’ and an application to register. We may also identify electors through other means and they’ll also receive an ITR and an application to register. Another category – unconfirmed electors – will also receive an ITR and an application to register. 8

9 Key canvasser activities [Deliver a household enquiry form (HEF) / Invitations to register (ITR) and reminders]. Visit households / electors that have not responded to a HEF or ITR to encourage a return: –obtain a correctly completed form –if no answer - return at a later time/date –if still no answer - leave form and envelope at the property, along with our standard letter and mark your canvass list accordingly –record date and time of visits 9

10 The Household Enquiry Form (HEF) 10

11 The HEF Purpose: to obtain up-to-date information, so we can identify who lives at an address and, if they are not already registered, invite them to register. [If allowing responses by phone/online, indicate this here] 11

12 Example HEF – pre-printed 12

13 Example HEF - blank 13

14 Online return of the HEF [Insert screenshot if offered] 14

15 Using tablets / smartphones to collect information and submit a HEF return [To be included if you are providing canvassers with electronic equipment to complete and submit HEF returns directly – to cover, for example: How should the equipment be operated? How to log in and keep passwords secure? What are your policies on canvassers using the equipment for other purposes?] 15

16 Information required Address Pre-printed with address details in most cases Make any corrections to the address if advised to you by a member of the household If you have to use a completely blank form (e.g. if you have identified a new property) please fill in address, including the code for that particular polling district. 16

17 Information required Names Make sure any pre-printed names are correct, and cross out or amend any that are incorrect Add any names as appropriate Nationality If pre-printed, check the nationality is correct. If the nationality field is blank, ask ‘what is your nationality’? 17

18 Information required Other information jury service (over 70s only) [delete in Scotland] postal / proxy vote open register – see instructions on changing opt-out preference Contact details (e-mail / telephone) Collect these if possible – they will help us contact electors quickly in case of further queries. 18

19 Information required 16 and 17 year olds Always ask if there are any 16 or 17 year- olds living at the property, and ensure they are included on the form 19

20 Information required Nobody eligible to vote? Section for recording the reason Examples: –property obviously empty –business premises –second home –ineligible nationality (i.e. foreign nationals other than European Union or qualifying Commonwealth citizens) – give nationality 20

21 Information required Declaration and signature The form must be signed by the person supplying the information DO NOT sign on behalf of the occupier; you can only sign a form where the property is clearly empty or does not exist 21

22 Key messages when following up with HEF non-responders 22 Returning the information requested is straightforward. I have a form which I can help you complete now, or I can come back later to pick it up. It is important that this form is completed and returned. It is used to confirm who lives at this address, so electoral registration staff know who is and who isn’t registered. Anyone who is eligible and not already registered will be invited to register to vote.

23 New properties You can play an important role in identifying ‘new’ properties If a new property (or conversion) is identified and it is not on your list, obtain a completed HEF from that property and update your list with the ‘new’ property information 23

24 Invitations to register and the IER application form 24

25 Invitations to register and IER application forms Purpose: to register electors under the new system of individual electoral registration 25

26 Who will receive an invitation to register? Potential new electors – identified through, for example, the HEF, your personal visit or local data Existing electors who could not be automatically transferred onto the new IER registers – unconfirmed electors 26

27 Existing unconfirmed electors Will still be able to vote at the UK Parliamentary general election [and May 2015 local elections], but if they haven’t re-registered under the new system, they will lose any postal or proxy vote they may have on [insert register publication date]. 27

28 Key messages when delivering the first ITR 28 Registering to vote is straightforward - you are now able to register online, though, if you prefer, you can still complete and post back the completed application [add registration by phone/in person if offered]. It is important that you complete the application to register under the new system, so you don’t lose out.

29 Key messages when delivering ITRs during the reminder stage, speaking to non-responders 29 I have a form with me which I can help you complete now, or I can come back later to pick it up. Registering to vote is straightforward – it only takes a few minutes, but you will need your National Insurance Number.

30 30 Example application form

31 Information required Name Make sure that you are speaking to the individual named on the form (if pre-printed) and that any pre-printed name is correct; applicant to make any changes where necessary Address Applicant to check the pre-printed address is accurate and make corrections where necessary The applicant should also indicate whether they live at another address 31

32 Information required Change of name / recently moved To be completed if they have changed their name or address in the last 12 months Other personal information Date of birth Nationality National Insurance number Potential elector to give reasons if they don’t know one or more of these Contact details Not required, but extremely useful in case we need to contact individual about their registration 32

33 Information required Other information Whether they want to be included in the open register Whether they wish to apply for a postal or proxy vote Declaration The form must include a declaration of truth made by the applicant. 33

34 Using tablets / smartphones to collect identifiers and submit an application [To be included if you are providing canvassers with electronic equipment to complete and submit applications directly via the website - to cover, for example: How should the equipment be operated? How to log in and keep passwords secure? What are your policies on canvassers using the equipment for other purposes?] 34

35 If you identify a new potential elector not on your list Give a blank form and encourage the person to apply, explaining the various methods for registering available. If not collecting the completed application on the doorstep, make a note of the date the potential new elector has been identified so this information can be provided to the office. 35

36 Health and safety 36

37 Lone workingWe have a responsibility for your safety Assess risks when visiting locations Let someone know where you are going and what time you expect to be home Take mobile phone 37

38 Minimising risk NEVER go into anyone’s house – make a note if someone needs assistance and let us know Take care when carrying and lifting large quantities of forms Walk away from verbal abuse or aggression Beware of dogs and other animals Keep iPads and other valuables secure Report any incidents to your Ward Supervisor / the office 38

39 Data protection 39

40 Responsible for forms and personal information in your care Personal data must be kept safe from unauthorised access, accidental loss or destruction. Instances of unauthorised access, loss or destruction must be immediately communicated to your supervisor. Security of personal information 40

41 Security of personal information [Cover local security measures, e.g. use of lockable cases / satchels for carrying forms – don’t carry more forms than you can fit into the secure case/satchel, etc.]. [Completed forms must be delivered to the office by X, within X hours/days]. [If providing canvassers with a smartphone or tablet to access the application must be submitted directly and not stored on the device] 41

42 Collecting personal data on the doorstep Always wear and show your official identification to the elector Be aware of other people around you and take precautions so that nobody else can overhear any personal information you are collecting 42

43 Collecting personal data on the doorstep When collecting information on a HEF, make sure you are speaking to a member of the household (or landlord) When collecting information on an ITR, make sure you are speaking to the relevant individual –Not there? Do not share personal information, even with spouses or family members 43

44 Putting it into practice 44

45 Contacts 45

46 Out of hours contacts Between xpm and xpm on weekdays and xam and xpm Saturday/Sunday there will be a contact number available for queries. [01234 567890] This number will be staffed by office staff; we advise that you restrict your working hours to match these Members of the public can also call this number to check that you are working on behalf of the ERO 46

47 Area supervisors Please note your area supervisor –Canvass area 1-4 Contact John Smith 01234 567891 –Canvass area 5-8 Contact Jack Brown 01234 567892 –Canvass area 9-13 Contact Jane Black 01234 567893 These people are your first contact in case of query and they be will contacting you during the canvass period to check your progress 47

48 Questions ? 48

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