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What is CEN ? òEuropean Committee for Standardization, setting standards for Europe. òRecognized in Directive 98/34/EC as “the” competent European body.

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Presentation on theme: "What is CEN ? òEuropean Committee for Standardization, setting standards for Europe. òRecognized in Directive 98/34/EC as “the” competent European body."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is CEN ? òEuropean Committee for Standardization, setting standards for Europe. òRecognized in Directive 98/34/EC as “the” competent European body òRemoves Technical Barriers to Trade by: è Publication of of +/- 1100 Standards a year, many of which support legislation

2 Composition of CEN Brussels National members of CEN Affiliates CEN Management Centre

3 3 CEN/TC 335 “Solid Biofuels” òAim: expand the European Biofuels market and facilitate trade in these fuels òCovers fuels prepared from biomass and certain biomass wastes (i.e. exclusions of Incineration of Waste Directive 2000/76/EC) òActive since 2000 òMandated by Commission, to draw up European Standards

4 4 CEN/TC 343 “Solid Recovered fuels” òAim:create a European Solid Recovered fuels market and facilitate trade in these fuels òCovers fuels prepared from non-hazardous wastes “to be used for energy recovery in waste incineration and co-incineration plants” òActive since 2002 òMandated by Commission, to draw up European Standards

5 5 CEN/TC 343 “Solid Recovered fuels” Working Structure

6 6 Drafting process of TS  EN Working Group experts Draft document 12-24 months Voting Process 6-7 months Publication CEN/TS 2 months Upgrading to European Std. Track: 10-11 months CEN/TS + UAP process

7 7 Classical drafting process of EN Working Group experts Draft document 12-18 months CEN-Enquiry 11-12 months WG experts discuss comments on CEN-Enquiry 10-12 months Voting Process 6-7 months Track: Publication EN CEN-Enquiry + Formal Vote 2 months

8 8 Where to find information ? òYour National Standards Body òMr. Martin Frankenhaeuser Chairman CEN/TC 343 òWWW.CENORM.BE

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