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SLIC’s Supplementary and Advanced Training Guidance What does this actually mean in terms of content? Draft guidance.

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Presentation on theme: "SLIC’s Supplementary and Advanced Training Guidance What does this actually mean in terms of content? Draft guidance."— Presentation transcript:

1 SLIC’s Supplementary and Advanced Training Guidance What does this actually mean in terms of content? Draft guidance

2 Outcome 2 – Support for staff at work  Some is covered in ECDL  Needs contextualised to workplace  Scope for project work  Exercises could be developed around this or portfolios created  Group work might included brainstorming for ICT applications in the workplace  Must checklist the job description and actual use of ICT

3 Outcome 3 – Health and safety/ legal issues  Council depts. often have staff who can cover data protection, health and safety, ICT in workplace  Staff with copyright or freedom of information specialisms  CILIPS courses  Union health and safety officers  Consortia  Local HE institutions

4 Outcome 4 – Finding things out for users  Communication skills, reference interview and information handling skills  Existing community and service planning  Group and project work to create local information resource – evaluating local databases and searching web content of local interest  Staff must be clear they have the correct enquiry and be able to evaluate the information appropriately

5 Outcome 5 – Reader Development  Brilliant for project work, great motivator  Use web for reading sites for children, adult learning, bookselling and information about initiatives  Create/customise materials for OPACs/website/discussion lists/reading groups  Use the NRDO at Hamilton  Use exercises to evaluate content  Remember all users – special needs, ethnic groups etc

6 Outcome 6 – Supporting the learner  You may be part of an education dept who can help  Identify local sites and collect handbooks and information  Identify good homework and learning links  Include social inclusion issues – supporting learners with different backgrounds, ethnic minorities, travellers etc  Think about learning styles  The Educators should play a leading role  Use external partners, like colleges and online learning sources

7 Outcome 7 – Management of ICT in libraries  Use Advanced IT training roles to lead, also IT dept and systems librarian  Staff should be clear about ICT available, how to use it and future plans  Overview of networking benefits for users with special needs  Develop a strength in adaptive technologies

8 Outcome 8 – ICT for administration and CPD  Should be covered by ECDL, Outcome 2 and contextualised in project work  Simple things like identifying and joining discussion groups  Development of future training needs, like advanced ECDL

9 IT Gatekeeper  Web design skills –HTML, Software – FrontPage/Dreamweaver/Fireworks  Basic principles of design, DDA compliance, information management, links to other sites etc  Management of Email databases and bulletin boards  Internet screening – filtering, AUPs, monitoring  Copyright  Transferring/uploading files to web site  Specialist interfaces for children, etc

10 IT Consultant  Identifying user needs – advanced enquiry skills, good communication skills and ability to correctly analyse the user’s information needs  Advanced knowledge of information sources  Partnerships with other providers – when links and agreements save duplication of effort  Information presentation and design  CILIP courses

11 IT Manager  Strategic planning of the ICT needs for future development  Identifying the key issues and ensuring that the needs of all users are covered  Good knowledge of legal and regulatory framework – copyright, IPR, data protection (should be expert overview)  Planner for the creation of own content – must understand metadata, principles for digital archiving, management issues relating to this and rights management  Access issues

12 Educator  Coaching, mentoring and training the trainer skills  Good knowledge of education and lifelong learning developments in authority  Links to other lifelong learning providers and partners in the area  Should be able to create, edit and deliver own programmes merging content from external sources (web, ECDL) to develop in-house resources for staff and public  Knowledge of learning styles  Knowledge of pitfalls of computer training and need to support and motivate learners

13 Net Navigator  Very good advanced search skills  Understanding of search engines, boolean logic, grammar of the Internet – how ranking works, ownership of web  Like Gatekeeper must be able to clarify user needs  Further developed knowledge of how to evaluate the quality of the electronic information – covered in Outcome 4  Use of current awareness and alerting services  How to set up relevant information services – like using new stock information and emailing interested library users, or local studies events

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