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DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS Jenny Carpenter EUUG Conference, Paris 2002 c 2002 DEFRA.

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2 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS Jenny Carpenter EUUG Conference, Paris 2002 c 2002 DEFRA

3 1 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS WhyWhy WhatWhat HowHow WhenWhen Use and maintenanceUse and maintenance TrainingTraining FutureFuture

4 2 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS WhyWhy do we need a thesaurus? - Indexing and organising - Information retrieval

5 3 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS How did we compile the thesaurus?How did we compile the thesaurus? - Consultant - Consultant - Library team - Library team - Existing keywords - Existing keywords - Thesaurus Framework Document - Thesaurus Framework Document - Visits to other government departments - Visits to other government departments - Load into the Authority File - Load into the Authority File

6 4 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS What did we decide about the thesaurus?What did we decide about the thesaurus? - A limited number of printed copies - A limited number of printed copies - These would be updated manually - These would be updated manually - It would not be available to end users - It would not be available to end users - It would only apply to new items - It would only apply to new items

7 5 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS Introduction of the thesaurusIntroduction of the thesaurus - May 2000 - May 2000 - Presentation to Library Staff - Training of Cataloguers - Training of Cataloguers

8 6 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS What did we decide to do next?What did we decide to do next? - Tidy existing catalogue records - Tidy existing catalogue records - Remove non-descriptors and replace with descriptors - Remove non-descriptors and replace with descriptors - Replace “z” form of spelling with “s” - Replace “z” form of spelling with “s”

9 7 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS How did we do this?How did we do this? - Bought consultancy from Sirsi - Bought consultancy from Sirsi - Temporary member of staff - Temporary member of staff

10 8 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS How do we use the thesaurus?How do we use the thesaurus? - Cataloguers search Authority File for appropriate term - Cataloguers search Authority File for appropriate term - Copy and paste into the catalogue record - Copy and paste into the catalogue record - New terms used sparingly - New terms used sparingly

11 9 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS How do we maintain the thesaurus?How do we maintain the thesaurus? - Thesaurus editor - Thesaurus editor - Monthly reports - Monthly reports List Unauthorized Tags List Unauthorized Tags List Unauthorized Bib Records List Unauthorized Bib Records

12 10 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS Tags With UNAUTHORIZED Headings Produced on Thu Aug 1 07:25:07 2002 1 650: : |aInterpersonal realtionships|?UNAUTHORIZED 1 650: : |aMicrosoft Access 2002|?UNAUTHORIZED 1 650: : |aMunicipal waste incineration|?UNAUTHORIZED


14 12 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS What does the Thesaurus Editor do?What does the Thesaurus Editor do? - Discussion with cataloguer - Discussion with cataloguer - Authorises the term - Authorises the term - Creates new thesaurus entry - Creates new thesaurus entry


16 14 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS How do we train staff in thesaurus use?How do we train staff in thesaurus use? - Regular training sessions for cataloguers - Regular training sessions for cataloguers - PowerPoint Presentation for Enquiry Desk staff - PowerPoint Presentation for Enquiry Desk staff

17 15 DEFRA LIBRARY THESAURUS What is the future of the thesaurus?What is the future of the thesaurus? - To produce a new paper edition - To produce a new paper edition - To make it available on DEFRA’s intranet - To make it available on DEFRA’s intranet - To train end users - To train end users - To add additional terms to reflect environmental responsibilities - To add additional terms to reflect environmental responsibilities

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