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ETIR Project - GE.1, 13-14.09.2011 Application of NCTS-TIR in Polish Customs Administration Beata Gajda Ministry of Finance of Poland Customs Policy Department.

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Presentation on theme: "ETIR Project - GE.1, 13-14.09.2011 Application of NCTS-TIR in Polish Customs Administration Beata Gajda Ministry of Finance of Poland Customs Policy Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 eTIR Project - GE.1, 13-14.09.2011 Application of NCTS-TIR in Polish Customs Administration Beata Gajda Ministry of Finance of Poland Customs Policy Department

2 2006. 10. 01 s. | 2 Content of presentation  implementation of NCTS  use of NCTS for TIR procedure  specific TIR functionalities in NCTS & interfaces  use for safety and security purposes  shortcomings of NCTS-TIR

3 2006. 10. 01 s. | 3 Implementation of NCTS  Since 2004 NCTS is used in Polish Customs Administration for common & community transit  MCC application – delivered free of charge and supported by European Commission (until 2009)  communication with traders – msgs in XML format sent via e-mail, – no electronic signature/authorisation required in transit – requirement to register in reference database

4 2006. 10. 01 s. | 4 Use of NCTS for TIR operations  Since 1.01.2009 obligatory use of NCTS for TIR operations within EU  only electronic exchange of information between MS (conformation of delivery of transport, control results, enquiry and debt recovery procedures)  no use of guarantee management functionality

5 2006. 10. 01 s. | 5 NCTS - TIR - statistics Number of TIR operations in NCTS in Poland NCTS availability in Poland: 99,9 % 20092010 Office of departure/ entry 302 726378 662 Office of destination/ exit 491 235579 434

6 2006. 10. 01 s. | 6 Submission of TIR carnet data to NCTS  development of own application/buying it on the market – based on XML specs published on customs website  using web application TIR-EPD provided and maintained by IRU  use of services of customs brokers

7 2006. 10. 01 s. | 7 Use of TIR-EPD TIR-EPD application  developed by IRU according to PL specifications and requirements for trader communication,  testing before implementation,  access, training, maintenance – by National Association and IRU

8 2006. 10. 01 s. | 8 TIR-EPD - statistics  TIR-EPD users in Poland (registered, with access to the application) – 1591 companies  Number of pre-declarations sent – 15 532, ca. 15% of total number of pre-declarations sent via TIR-EPD

9 2006. 10. 01 s. | 9 Specific TIR functionalities and interfaces Interface of NCTS-TIR with Risk Analysis Module  automatic verification of TIR carnet validity - on the basis of lists of invalid, invalidated TIR carnets disseminated by IRU, - updated daily in PL system  selection for control based on risk analysis

10 2006. 10. 01 s. | 10 10 Transit declaration / TIR carnet data (IE15) RISK PROFILE directive no directive random selection CONTROL NCTS (MCC) Specific TIR functionalities and interfaces

11 2006. 10. 01 s. | 11 11 MCC - RAM Specific TIR functionalities and interfaces

12 2006. 10. 01 s. | 12 12 MCC - RAM Specific TIR functionalities and interfaces

13 2006. 10. 01 s. | 13 13 MCC - RAM Specific TIR functionalities and interfaces

14 2006. 10. 01 s. | 14 Specific TIR functionalities and interfaces Automatic sending of data on termination of TIR operation (Annex 10 to TIR Convention) from NCTS-TIR to National Association - SAFETIR - since 1.07.2009  additional fields to be filled in by customs officer at CODes (volet page No, partial/final unloading, subsequent No of unloading) at the moment of registering Control Results in NCTS (IE18),  other required data supplemented by the system  data sent daily automatically to the server

15 2006. 10. 01 s. | 15 SAFETIR Statistics 2008 01 - 12 20092010 01 - 12 2011 01 - 06 07 - 12 data transmitted within 0 day (%) 41 %43 % data transmitted within 1 day (%) 40,8 %8,6 %79 %85 %83 % average transmission period (days) 4173,61,0

16 2006. 10. 01 s. | 16 NCTS-TIR + safety & security data Possibility to send entry summary declaration data together with transit declaration/TIR carnet data in NCTS – since 1.07.2009  in TIR-EPD  at the entry to Poland – ca. 80% of TIR declarations include s&s data

17 2006. 10. 01 s. | 17 Shortcomings of NCTS-TIR  electronic data additional to paper TIR carnet  no significant benefits for traders  different methods (tools) for communication with traders in MS  NCTS not fully adapted for the needs of TIR procedure (partial loadings, unloadings)

18 2006. 10. 01 s. | 18 Thank you for your attention

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