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Driver Tiredness Kills. Aims of the training To raise your awareness of the dangers of driver tiredness To challenge some of the myths we have about driver.

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Presentation on theme: "Driver Tiredness Kills. Aims of the training To raise your awareness of the dangers of driver tiredness To challenge some of the myths we have about driver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Driver Tiredness Kills

2 Aims of the training To raise your awareness of the dangers of driver tiredness To challenge some of the myths we have about driver tiredness To provide effective countermeasures to enable you to cope with the problem

3 Background Most people don’t take sleep seriously Tiredness is seen as a weakness Most of us don’t get enough sleep Sleep is not ‘cool’ Staying awake is seen as macho, cool, young

4 …just a little bit further…


6 Fatigue and tiredness – what’s the difference? Fatigue: Impairment due to prolonged physical or mental work Solution: rest (not necessarily sleep) Tiredness: The likelihood of falling asleep Solution: sleep (rest is not sufficient)

7 Causes more than 20% of motorway accidents Most frequent cause of accidental death of truck drivers Accidents worse - high speed, no avoidance 3 times more likely to result in death or serious injury Those with sleep problems are twice as likely to have an accident at work Facts and figures

8 Annual Average Probability of Occupational Fatality: Deep Sea Fishing 1 in 750 Coal Mining 1 in 7,100 Car Driving (25,000 miles/year) 1 in 8,000 Construction 1 in 10,000 Agriculture 1 in 13,500 Service Industries 1 in 150,000 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents

9 Performance after 18 hours of wakefulness is comparable to that of a drunk driver. Driver Tiredness kills

10 When do tiredness-related accidents occur?

11 Shift workers - especially on the first night shift Driving home after a night shift Truck drivers Company car drivers Men - particularly aged 18-24 and 40+ Skilled manual workers Who is most at risk?

12 Causes of Driver Tiredness

13 We cannot live without sleep We need about 7-8 hours of sleep every day Not enough sleep leads to: attention difficulties slower reaction times slower, muddled thinking erratic speed control sloppy steering Effects of sleep loss build up Recovery usually takes 2 full nights of sleep Sleep is vital

14 The body clock ▪ minimum alertness ▪ poor performance ▪ maximum alertness ▪ maximum performance early morning siesta time

15 0400 050006000700 Time of day (hours) Stage 3 2400 010002000300 Wake REM Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 4 A good night’s sleep ….

16 Alcohol causes early morning awakening and disturbed sleep worsens existing sleepiness Sleeping pills Designed for “short-term” use effects can last too long and make you sleepy at work can have side effects smallest dose, shortest time, supervised by your doctor Alcohol, drugs & sleep

17 Over-the-counter medicines Bought without prescription, but many can cause significant daytime sleepiness Remedies for: - Colds and flu - Allergies (e.g. Hay fever) - Travel sickness Often contain medicine used to aid sleep

18 Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Large neck (collar size over 43 cm/17 inches) Overweight Men, aged over 50 Heavy snoring Choking during sleep Daytime sleepiness

19 Sleep apnoea affects 5% of the general population and at least 20% of truck drivers Sleep Apnoea

20 …time for a break

21 Group discussion Have you ever felt yourself falling asleep at the wheel? What happened? What do you do to cope with driver tiredness?

22 Myths “HIGHWAY HYPNOSIS” Doesn’t exist - just another name for falling asleep

23 Won’t stop you falling asleep at the wheel

24 Sucking lemons Sticking pins in your wrist Holding money out of the window Recounting past romances Shaking your head violently Putting your hair up in the sun roof These will not keep you awake

25 Myths about tiredness “Cold air will keep me awake” The Facts are: Cold air on your face will not keep you awake … nor will listening to the radio, …. or chewing gum, …. or stretching the legs Willpower will not keep you awake

26 “I’ve been this tired before, and I can cope” The Facts are: When you are sleepy - you over-estimate your alertness - your judgment is not as good Microsleeps are uncontrollable and inevitable Determination won’t stop you from falling asleep It is harder to cope with shift work as you get older Myths about tiredness

27 Effective counter measures

28 Shared responsibilities Organisational Individual Health and safety  workload & breaks  shift duration  type of work Fitness to work  sleep not just rest  medical condition  medication Work organisation  shift scheduling  work predictability  pay system Life outside work  family responsibilities  commuting  lifestyle

29 Eat a balanced diet Don’t go to bed too full or too hungry Avoid caffeine/alcohol before bed To relax, have a warm bath or shower before bed Exercise regularly, but not just before bedtime A healthy lifestyle

30  Dark room - mask/heavy curtains  Quiet room - turn off the phone - ‘Do not disturb’ sign on front door - ear plugs - white noise machines (e.g. fan)  Cool temperature – c. 18 degrees centigrade  Comfortable bed – firm, supporting, check condition The ideal sleep environment

31 Plan your journey and take a break every 2 hours If you are feeling tired STOP DRIVING Park somewhere safe Call your scheduler if necessary Have a couple of cups of strong coffee / caffeine drink Followed by a 15-20 minute nap Remember that this is an emergency measure On the road

32 Use caffeine to increase alertness when you need it Takes about 20 minutes to have an effect Don’t use it when you are already alert Avoid caffeine near bedtime Don’t dehydrate – drink water too Effects can be long lasting - know your own limits Use caffeine to increase alertness when you need it Takes about 20 minutes to have an effect Don’t use it when you are already alert Avoid caffeine near bedtime Don’t dehydrate – drink water too Effects can be long lasting - know your own limits Use of caffeine

33 The Power Nap

34 When would you take a break from driving? You find it difficult to concentrate? You keep adjusting your driving position? You are repeatedly stretching and yawning? Your head is nodding? You are fighting to keep your eyes open? When:

35 Willpower and sleep

36 Now … when would you take a break? Finding it difficult to concentrate Adjusting driving position Stretching and yawning Head nodding Fighting to keep eyes open

37 Minutes from home? The journey home is a high risk time for falling asleep at the wheel Many accidents occur close to destinations We naturally relax and unwind after a long day and as we get close to home Gives the body a signal that it is safe to sleep Don’t be tempted to push on - STOP. Take a break.

38 Get the best sleep possible before starting your shift When working shift work - try to get as much sleep as you would on a day off - ask your family to help you get adequate sleep - when on nights, try not to delay this sleep to later in the day Listen to your body - if you feel sleepy and circumstances allow - sleep! At home: getting enough sleep


40 Let’s get an early start …

41 Fatigue has biological causes The effects of sleep loss build up If you ignore sleepiness, in the end you will fall asleep uncontrollably Two full nights in a row of good sleep are needed for recovery The body clock programmes us to sleep at night The body clock does not adapt to night work There is no single, simple answer to fatigue problems These are recommendations – find what works for you Improve your own situation … now!!! Key Points - Summary

42 How long will you Survive? No food – 3 to 4 weeks No water – 3 to 4 days No shelter – 3 to 4 hours No sleep when driving - 3 to 4 seconds

43 Your safety is our goal

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