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© Nuffield Foundation 2011 Nuffield Free-Standing Mathematics Activity Cup of coffee.

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1 © Nuffield Foundation 2011 Nuffield Free-Standing Mathematics Activity Cup of coffee

2 How long does the buzz from caffeinated drinks last?

3 Cup of coffee Non-smoking adult tCoffeeTea 012545 111139 29834 38730 47726 56922 66119 75417 84715 94213 103811 349 12308 13267 14236 15216 16185 17164 18144 19133 20113 21103 2292 2382 2472 The amount of caffeine (mg) remaining in the body after t hours is measured from the time the caffeine level reached its peak value

4 Which functions could be used to model these data sets? Caffeine remaining for a non-smoking adult How could you find the parameters?

5 Reflect on your work What types of functions did you use to model the data? Which method of finding parameters did you use? Do you think it was the most effective? How well did your models fit the data? Compare your models with those found by other students. Cup of coffee Which model gave the best fit?

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