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© Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Alabama Retail is committed to partnering with our members to create and keep safe workplaces. Be sure to check out.

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Presentation on theme: "© Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Alabama Retail is committed to partnering with our members to create and keep safe workplaces. Be sure to check out."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Alabama Retail is committed to partnering with our members to create and keep safe workplaces. Be sure to check out all of the training tools that are available in our Safety Library. This training tool is brought to you by

2 Shiftwork Safety

3 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Session Objectives Recognize the health, social, and safety effects of working outside the usual 8-hour day shift Identify strategies for minimizing the negative impact of shiftwork Stay healthy and safe when working shifts

4 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Negative Effects Of Shiftwork Upsets the body’s circadian rhythm May cause disorders of the cardiovascular system May cause risk of cancer Causes disorders of the GI system

5 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Negative Effects Of Shiftwork (cont.) Causes sleep deprivation Disrupts family and social life Reduces workplace safety and alertness

6 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Cardiovascular Disorders Heart rate and blood pressure follow a circadian rhythm Increased levels of coronary risk factors Poor eating habits, lack of sleep Shiftwork not absolutely associated with cardiovascular disease

7 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Circadian Rhythms Internal clock High activity periods Disorientation and fatigue Adapting to new schedules

8 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Gastrointestinal Disorders Food not digested well at night Indigestion, heartburn, stomachache, and loss of appetite Prepared foods may be greasy and heavy Increased snacking on junk food Carbonated drinks can irritate the stomach

9 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Sleep Deprivation Body designed to sleep at night and wake during the day Difficult to rest when body is awake Exposure to daylight makes it worse

10 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Sleep Deprivation (cont.) In addition: The world is waking up Alcohol and caffeine consumption can interfere with sleep Daytime sleep is not as refreshing Over time, unrelieved sleep deprivation can cause physical and emotional problems

11 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Preexisting Conditions Shiftwork can interfere with treatment of some diseases Workers may get ill when switched to night shift Check with your doctor if taking medication

12 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Family and Social Life Time with family reduced Difficult to participate in outside activities Social interaction is related to physical and mental health Feeling of loneliness and isolation

13 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Workplace Safety Reduced concentration Decreased motivation Reduced reaction time Fatigue Increased risk of accidents and injuries

14 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Effects of Shiftwork: Yes or No? Increased risk of cancer Cardiovascular disorders Sleep deprivation Gastrointestinal disorders Interference with family and social life Safety on the job

15 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Effects of Shiftwork Do you understand the effects of shiftwork? Health Social Safety

16 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 How to Reduce the Negative Effects of Shiftwork Take steps to get more and better sleep Adjust your eating habits Exercise regularly Increase interaction with friends and family Develop strategies for staying alert at work

17 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Strategies for Better Sleep Talk with family, friends, and neighbors Relax before going to sleep Set a sleeping schedule Sleep in a quiet, cool, darkened room © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105

18 Strategies for Better Sleep (cont.) Have a light snack Take naps © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105

19 Maintain a regular eating pattern Eat a balanced diet and drink lots of water Eat your main meal according to your work schedule Avoid heavy, greasy foods at night Limit intake of junk food, alcohol, and caffeine Diet and Eating Habits

20 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Exercise Develop an exercise or stretching routine Exercise assists sleep quality Exercise improves alertness Avoid exercising before going to sleep

21 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Family and Social Life Schedule awake time when family is home Make friends with same work schedule Join a fitness or hobby club Schedule weekend social functions during normal awake time

22 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Keeping Alert at Work Do physically active work Change tasks every couple of hours Stay in contact with other workers

23 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Exercise or stretch Drink some caffeine Listen to music Keeping Alert at Work (cont.)

24 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Avoid commuting fatigue Avoid sleeping pills and stimulants Never shortcut safety procedures Other Shiftwork Tips Never

25 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Shiftwork Strategies: True or False? Set a regular sleep schedule and stick to it. To stay alert when working late, drink a lot of caffeine and eat a couple of candy bars. Have a light snack before going to sleep. Adjust your sleep time on days off to coincide with family activities. Exercise right before going to bed.

26 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Shiftwork Strategies Do you understand: The strategies we’ve suggested for minimizing the negative impact of shiftwork?

27 © Business & Legal Reports, Inc. 1105 Key Points to Remember To stay healthy and safe while working shifts: Maintain a regular sleep schedule Eat a well-balanced, sensible diet Get enough exercise Spend time with family and friends Keep alert on the job and follow all safe work practices

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