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Reports IT Key Ideas, Dynamic Database Systems, 2002 Chapter 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Reports IT Key Ideas, Dynamic Database Systems, 2002 Chapter 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reports IT Key Ideas, Dynamic Database Systems, 2002 Chapter 5

2 Margins (top, bottom, left, right) A report heading and footer Page headers and footers Group headers and footers Printing controls, eg. in columns Reports are based on queries and add the following features

3 other title Main title duplicates hidden Group header data Page footer Group footer/summary information

4 Design view other title Main title Group header Page footer Group footer/summary information other information Field names Data boxes

5 Headers and Footers  The information in the report header and footer are printed on one page only. For example, the last page can present what is termed a Grand Summary. This might be a count of the records in the report, or the grand total of the prices.

6 Headers and Footers  The information in a group header and footer is printed before or after each group respectively. For example, at the bottom of each group Summary Information can be displayed. This might be a count of the records in the group, or the sub-total of the costs within that group.

7 Typical database reports include a title (and sub-title) a group sub-heading column sub-headings data repetitive data not being printed a summary grand summary and other information, be this page numbers, date or the author of the report.

8 Creating a Report IT Key Ideas, Dynamic Database Systems, 2002 Example Print a list of people with red hair in order of age, displaying the number of people in the output.

9 Create the Query IT Key Ideas, Dynamic Database Systems, 2002 The outcome requires the names of people and their ages, in age order, where their hair colour is red. The names of the people may be their full names, separate given names and surnames or possibly surnames only. Use the Age calculation saved from previous queries.

10 Create report by using wizard IT Key Ideas, Dynamic Database Systems, 2002 select Create a report by using wizard and select the query

11 the wizard prompts IT Key Ideas, Dynamic Database Systems, 2002 which fields?all of them but as Hair Colour will not be displayed, choose it last grouping?none for the current task sorting?already sorted by Age, but if not, choose Age layout?tabular style?personal preference title?something like People with red hair preview or modify.

12 Skills  page numbers, names, dates  displaying summary calculations grand summary group summary  non-repeating of repetitive data  minimising the number of pages  controlling printing, including page and column breaks.

13 Page numbers pages numbers are displayed by the field titled [Page] and the number of pages in the report by the field titled [Pages] Text can be added to the numbers by enclosing in quotes. For example, =“page “&[Page] or ="page " & [Page] & " of " & [Pages] NB:page numbers are only for multi-page reports.

14 Displaying dates as in queries, the current date can be displayed dynamically by using the calculation =Date() in a text box.

15 Summaries Two types, namely Grand summary Summary (group summary) A Grand Summary appears in a Report Footer or Header A Summary appears in a Group Footer or Header

16 Calculating the Summaries The following functions are typically used Count Sum Avg Max Min

17 Examples of Summaries =Count([Surname]) =Sum([Appearance Fee]) =Avg([Age]) =Max([Mark])

18 Examples of Summaries When placed in the Report Footer =Count([Surname]) will display the number of records that reside in the output

19 Examples of Summaries When placed in a Group Footer =Avg([Age]) will display the average age for each group in the report, eg. each Hair Colour group.

20 Avoiding repetitive data Method 1 - Hiding select the field showing the repetitive data in the Details section of the report choose Properties and set the property Hide Duplicates to Yes set to Yes

21 Avoiding repetitive data Method 2 - Groups click the Sorting and Grouping button and choose a field on which to set the Grouping set the Group Header and/or Footer to Yes set to Yes

22 Minimising the number of pages Keep the detail section as clean and short as possible. Hint Eliminate or minimise the gaps above and below the text boxes.

23 Columns Set these properties in Page Setup Columns

24 when using Group Headers with Columns In Group Header Properties set the property Repeat Section to yes. Hint set to Yes to avoid this problem

25 Controlling printing The printing of data in groups can be controlled by utilising the properties called Force New Page and/or New Column.

26 Sample output

27 Example 2 IT Key Ideas, Dynamic Database Systems, 2002 Print a list of the (full) names of people (alphabetically) without brownish hair colour, displaying the number of people in each hair colour group and also overall (using a minimum number of pages).

28 Sample output

29 IT Key Ideas, Dynamic Database Systems, 2002 page 58Practical 5.1People

30 Producing an output that displays Female Abbott Abram Almond Apponyi … Male Abbery Aitchison Auerbach Auld … where the column headings are the full word version of the gender.

31 Create a new table In the new table create two fields, according to the data dictionary shown Field NameData TypeSize SexText1 GenderText6 Save the table, eg. Genders.

32 Enter data into the new table

33 Creating a lookup list in the many table The data relationship between the Genders and Details tables is one to many, as a Gender has many people, but any person only has one gender. The Genders table is referred to as the one table and the Details table is then referred to as the many table. In this table it is possible to create a Lookup List that allows for easy data entry when entering each new person’s gender.

34 Selecting a gender by using a lookup list A lookup list can also be referred to as pop-down list.

35 Creating the lookup list Choose Design view for the Details table. Select the Sex field At the bottom, next to General, select the Lookup tab.

36 Change the Display Control to Combo Box. Click on the Build button on the Row Source and this opens a query.

37 Add the Genders table to the query and the two fields to the query close and update the row source.

38 Change the column count to 2 as two fields were placed in the QBE, enter two Column Widths, eg. 1.5, 2.5 enter a total width in List Width, eg. 4 * * * NB: the SQL statement

39 View the table. Click anywhere in the Sex field (column) and click the Lookup arrow.

40 IT Key Ideas, Dynamic Database Systems, 2002 page 63Practical 5.3People

41 Chapter 5 ******************************** IT Key Ideas, Dynamic Database Systems, 2002

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