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Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) WP 3 Pomeranian Bight Case Draft work plan Region Skåne (PP7)

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1 Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) WP 3 Pomeranian Bight Case Draft work plan Region Skåne (PP7)

2 1st WS Pom B (WP3, PP7, Skåne), (18-)19/3 Objectives introduction to MSP mobilising players – “warming up” Increasing local/regional knowledge about MSP (incl Balt Sea Plan, Swedish status quo, EU) increase stakeholders awareness of significance of MSP for them Elaborate concepts for consultations Click View / Header & Footer to edit

3 1st WS Pom B (WP3, PP7, Skåne), (18-)19/3 WS Design Swedish language (except internat. speakers) ~50 participants Location: Malmö Start with dinner day 1 Presentations day 2 (morning) WS day 2 (afternoon) Click View / Header & Footer to edit

4 1st WS Pom B (WP3, PP7, Skåne), (18-)19/3 Presentations The Swedish approach The upcoming Swedish MSP legislation, EU COM proposal Presentation of the BaltSeaPlan draft MSP Pom Bight gaps - What do we actually know about the coastal/sea water of south Sweden? Zoning and other principles in MSP Local example of MSP (Lomma) Click View / Header & Footer to edit

5 1st WS Pom B (WP3, PP7, Skåne), (18-)19/3 Workshop What is in it (MSP) for you (your stakeholder group)? Which are the conflicts in the Pom Bight (from a Swedish point of view)? Drawing the conflict map! Zoning – how can it be used as a pedagogic tool in a multi-stakeholder-dialogue? A successful MSP consultation from your point of view? Established/lacking stakeholder groups relevant for the Pom Bight MSP? Click View / Header & Footer to edit

6 Pom B (WP3, PP7, Skåne) Succeeding workshops/meetings April – Oct 2013: Small dialogue meetings with Pom B stakeholders Objectives: Methodological input for future processes: i.e. design of consultations, links to other processes Identification of MLG focal issues for WS 2 Higher level of awareness: ”What´s in it for us” & ”What is our role”? Priorities? How do our sh-group want to partiSEApate? Click View / Header & Footer to edit

7 2nd WS Pom B (WP3, PP7, Skåne), (30-31 Oct) WP3 - Objectives of 2nd WS Main focus on testing the methodological lessons learned during previous WS/meetings! Also: Local-regional-national consultation workshop  How can existing structures be used in MSP?  Urgent data gaps Click View / Header & Footer to edit

8 3rd WS, Pom B (WP3, PP7), Szczecin, April 2014 Cross-sectorial transnational WS  Bringing together SE/PL/DE stakeholders to a transnational process.  Matching the previous outcomes against different planning cultures, legislations and planning administrations.  Identification of pros/contras of different zoning principles  Zoning – how can it be used in the cross-sectorial transnational-dialogue? Click View / Header & Footer to edit

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