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California MEDITECH Info Systems 6.0 How to Manage Your Patient List

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Presentation on theme: "California MEDITECH Info Systems 6.0 How to Manage Your Patient List"— Presentation transcript:

1 California MEDITECH Info Systems 6.0 How to Manage Your Patient List
CAMIS 6.0 How to Manage Your Patient List

2 Content Logging in Physician Care Manager How to Print a Rounds List
How to Print a Face sheet How to Add a Patient How to Remove a Patient How to Build a Cover How to find a Discharged Patient Secure your Screen Help

3 How to Log in On a Hospital PC
Double-click on the CAMIS 6.0 icon and enter your user name and Password

4 How to Access My Patient List
You will launch into the Physician Care Manager (PCM) and arrive at the ‘Patient Lists’ selection screen if you have not already set up a default. Most physicians will select either My Admitted or Rounds Patients

5 How to Access My Patient List
Select “My Admitted Patients” for a list of patients for whom you were assigned the attending, admitting, consulting, or family care physician for a patient. “Rounds Patients” will list your patients as well the patients of a group or provider that you are covering.

6 Patient Lists Once you select a patient list, notice that you can toggle between lists at the top of the screen. From this screen, at the bottom of the page, you can add patients and/or Build Cover to cover other physicians.

7 Patient Care Manager Buttons at the header
Patients whom you were assigned as a Physician upon registration, as well as those manually added Includes your “My Patients” as well as any other Physician, group or location you are covering A list of patients that have been discharged within the last seven days Discharged patients of any physician or group you are covering

8 PCM Buttons at the Footer
To access a different Patient List or find any patient Click here to add a physician or group for whom you will be covering. The physician’s patients will be added to your Rounds list Add or Remove an in- house patient from your list Create a Personal List of patients that you would like to track Click here to print a rounds list Refreshes any changes in patient assignment on your list

9 How To Print My Rounds List
For a Rounds list of all your patients, click on Report at the footer.

10 Rounds List Cont. Select ‘Yes’ for List Only
‘Two Line Table’ is a recommended format to select for List Format Click ‘Ok’ at the bottom of the screen

11 Rounds List Cont. You will then have the option to View, Print, or Download (Mail is not currently activated) Select Print and click on OK

12 How to Print a Facesheet from within the Patient’s Chart
From a Patient list, Click on a Patient’s name to open their chart.

13 Facesheet cont. Click on ‘Review Visit’ at the Right hand side of the screen. Click on ADM Facesheet to launch it. If there is more than one facesheet listed, select the one on top which will be the most current

14 Use the icons at the top of the page to zoom in and out.
Click on the Print button at the bottom of the page to print. Click on the ‘Back’ button at the bottom left to return the chart.

15 Patient List To return to your patient list. Click on ‘Patient Lists’ at the top right of your screen.

16 How to Add a Patient From a Patient list, Select at the footer of the page. This will search for anyone in-house.

17 Add a Patient Search fields Search by Name, MRN, or by Provider.
Type in the last name of a patient. Click Search on the bottom of the screen

18 Add a Patient Click on the patient you wish to add, they will be added to the queue at the top of the screen. You can add more than one patient at a time by running another search. Click on Save at the bottom right of the screen.

19 Add a Patient The patient will be appear on your “My Patients” list with (Added) underneath their name.

20 Remove a Patient From a patient list, place a Check mark in the box to the left of the Patient’s account number Click “Remove” at the footer. Patients who are discharged will automatically fall off this list and be available on the “My Discharged” List for 7 days.

21 Build a Cover “Build Cover” allows you to cover another physician's patients.

22 Build a Cover Click on Provider.
Under “Select Provider”, type in the last name of another physician Press enter to search for the physician

23 Build a Cover Click on Save at the bottom right of the screen.
You will be able to view the patients on their list, but will receive a HIPAA warning if there is no direct association to that patient.

24 Build a Cover After Save, you will be taken back to your patient lists. ‘Rounds Patients’ will now display your patients as well as the patients for the physician you are covering. You will remain covered until you go back into “Build Cover” and uncheck these providers.

25 How to Find a Discharged Patient
To find a discharged Patient if they are no longer on your “My Discharged” list or a patient in the ED, click on “Lists” at the bottom left of your screen.

26 Click on Find Patient. This will search for anyone that has ever been in the system as of March 1st.
Eventually some historical data will be loaded into the system. Date TBD.

27 Fill in any of the search fields at the top and click on search at the bottom of the page.
All matches will appear below. Click once on the patient you wish to access.

28 A list of all encounters for this patient will appear.
Place a checkmark next to the ‘Reg Date’ of the encounter you would like to review or click on the checkmark at the very top of the list to select all

29 Once your encounters are selected, the tabs on the right side of the screen will light up with patient information. To return to your inpatient List, Click on Patient Lists at the top of the tabs

30 From here, click on “Lists” at the bottom left to go back to your admitted patients.

31 Secure Your Session Remember to treat the Electronic Medical Record with the same caution that you would for a paper chart. If you need to walk away and plan on returning to your current workstation, Click on the Lock icon at the bottom right of you screen

32 Secure Your Session Your Session will minimize and will be accessible at the bottom of your screen.

33 Suspended Session Your name will be displayed at the top of your session. Enter your PIN and press Enter on the keyboard to unlock your session.

34 Log Out To log completely out of CAMIS, click on the at the top left of the screen.

35 Training Helpdesk Physician Liaison, Lee La (818) 757-8807
Helpdesk Password Resets and Hardware Issues

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