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1 Front page picture Change picture by marking Picture, right click and choose send to front. Click on the icon in the middle of the picture and locate the new picture. After inserting once again mark the picture, right click and choose send to back. Picture Size For best quality the size should be: H15.1 cm x W25.4 cm Assessing effects of metals to freshwater and marine systems Katrien Delbeke

2 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Setting environmental quality standards … the Water Framework Directive …. 2

3 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text EU Water Framework Directive Principles for compliance checking 3 CHEMICAL STATUS Annex X + 8 other pollutants (EQS) Pass Background Fail Biological quality Physico-chemical quality Annex VIII pollutants (EQS) Pass/fail High Good Mod Poor Bad Ecology Chemical Lowest ECOLOGICAL STATUS Lowest Pass/fail Lowest CLASSIFICATION EC EQS guidance

4 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Environmental compartment WaterSedimentBiota Receptor(s) at risk Humans  X  (consumption of fish products) Benthic biotaX  X Pelagic biota  X  (secondary poisoning) Top predators (birds, mammals)  X  (secondary poisoning) 4 Setting environmental quality standards (EC EQS guidance and Norway EQS proposal) EC EQS guidance

5 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text EU Water Framework Directive Setting environmental quality standards (EQS) Some important documents -Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) - Guidance Document No. 27: Technical Guidance For Deriving Environmental Quality Standards Technical Report - 2011 – 055 …..= EC EQS guidance -Draft Norwegian background document on environmental quality standards (Feb 2013) ….= Norway EQS proposal -Questions/Comments submitted by industry on the Norwegian …= industry comments -REACH dossiers submitted to ECHA 5

6 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Metal- specific characteristics - Metals are naturally occurring … varying background - Some metals are essential … Organisms have adapted mechanisms to cope against variability in metal concentrations (regulated uptake/elimination; internal binding) … Bioconcentration factors are NOT constant but depending on background values = Biota standard NOT relevant for Cu/Zn -Metals/metal compounds toxicity driven by Me-ions. … NOT Total or dissolved metals BUT Bio-availability of metal ions … Metal ions need to be released from sparingly soluble metal materials (eg ore bodies, slags, tailing) to be bio-available 6 Setting environmental quality standards (EC EQS guidance and industry comments to Norway EQS proposal EC EQS guidance

7 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text 7 MetalFreshwater AA EQS (µg/l) remarks Hg and its compounds0.05Consider also biota Cd and its compounds≤ 0.08If hardness < 40mg CaCO 3 /l 0.08H: 40 - ≤ 50 0.09H: 50 - ≤ 100 0.15H: 100 - ≤ 200 0.25H: ≥ 200 0.20generic Pb and its compounds1.2 bio-available directive 2013/39/EU Ni and its compounds4 bio-available directive 2013/39/EU Environmental quality standards for EU priority substances (EC EQS guidance -12 August 2013)

8 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Norway EQS setting – background document …industry assessment… Risk assessment data used Statistical evaluation for data-rich assessments used  Missing : metal-specific aspects of the EC EQS guidance o Incorporation of bio-availability into the compliance setting o Incorporating background levels into the compliance setting  Missing : Reach updates o Copper and zinc marine mesocosm study = now from REACH  Uncertainty around Sediment EQS o Freshwater versus marine partitioning coefficient (Kd) values…?  How the different classes were assigned…. 8

9 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Setting a Freshwater EQS 9

10 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text 10 Setting environmental quality standards (Metal- specific EC EQS guidance) Step 1 : Generic EQS Step 2: Bio-availability Step 3 : Background Norway- EQS application

11 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text 11 Importance of bioavailability - freshwater Factor 30 difference EC 50 D. magna same species, same strain, different waters Evidence on site-specific toxicity for Cd, Ni, Pb, Cu, Zn, ….related to DOC, pH, Ca, Na, …. Can we quantify the bio-availability effect? Bioavailability – freshwater

12 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Predict Metal bio-availability - freshwater The BIOTIC LIGAND MODEL for fish & invertebrates Cu 2+ DOC Toxicity Inorganic complexes (E.g. carbonates, hydroxides) Ca Mg Na H 2+ + + Competition Organic complexes toxic action or transport sites = biotic ligand (BL) Cu 2+ organism-water interface Gill Site Interaction Model (Pagenkopf, 1983) WHAM (Tipping, 1994) Cu 2+ Toxicity Di Toro et al., 2001 12 Bioavailability – freshwater

13 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text 13 Validation of bio-availability models - Freshwater (Metal- specific EC EQS guidance) MetalpHCa, mg L -1 DOC, mg L -1 Cu6.0-8.53.1-93 (160)Unlimited Ni6.5-8.2 (8.7)3.8-88Unlimited Zn6.0-8. 2 (8.5)5.0-160Unlimited Boundaries for the Biotic Ligand Model (BLM)

14 BLM applications to chronic freshwater EQS Site-specific Cu EQS If info on pH, DOC and hardness User-friendly tool : 14 Bioavailability – freshwater

15 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Conclusion long term water EQS values Cu and Zn examples 15 AA- EQS freshwater Norway EQS proposal Comment Cu7.87.8+ Bio-availability correction (BLM) Zn10.910.9+ Bio-availability correction (BLM) Background correction  Bio-availability : BLM  Background correction

16 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Setting the marine EQS 16

17 Marine EQS setting Zinc - NOECS for >40 species - marine mesocosm = NEW 17 Copper -NOECs for 24 species - marine mesocosm =NEW - bio-availability correction Marine EQS

18 Marine bio-availability correction (Metal- specific EC EQS guidance) 18 Freshwater and marine organisms face very different iono- and osmoregulatory issues related to living in either a very dilute or concentrated salt environment. = freshwater BLMs can NOT be used for marine environments Marine fish do also suffer from osmoregulatory disturbances under metal exposure and, therefore, similar toxicity mechanisms may apply = assess marine bio-availabilty corrections Marine EQS- bioavailability

19 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Scientific evidence for marine bio-availability correction …copper example 19 Marine EQS- bioavailability

20 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Conclusion long term water EQS values Cu and Zn examples 20 AA- EQS marine water Norway EQS proposal Comment Cu2.65.2 + Mesocoms study + DOC correction Zn3.46.9+ Mesocoms study + background correction  New research data : mesocosm  Bio-availability : OC correction  Background correction

21 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Setting the sediment EQS 21

22 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Sediment EQS setting (Metal- specific EC EQS guidance 1. Freshwater EQS and Kd values…copper example - Freshwater suspended matter 30,246 l/kg - Estuarine suspended matter 56,234 l/kg - marine suspended matter 131,826 l/kg 2. Sediment EQS and SSD …. zinc example - Updated data-set – sediment toxicity - Kd zinc under revision 22

23 Sediment bio-availability (Metal- specific EC EQS guidance) 23 Sediment bioavailability corrections : - Organic carbon normalization (cfr organic substances) - Insoluble MeS are formed in anaerobic conditions = correction for metal-sulfides, measured as “Metals bound to Acid Volatile Sulfides -AVS” for Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ag, Hg Metal sulphide solubility productsLog K (a) Log K (b) MnS (s)-19.15- 13.50 (amorphic)-21.80- (s)-22.39-18.10 (s)-27.98- ZnS (s)-28.39-24.70 CdS (s)-32.85-27.00 PbS (s)-33.42-27.50 CuS (s)-40.94-36.10 Ag 2 S (s)-50.10 HgS-57.25-52.70 Bioavailability – sediments

24 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Conclusion sediment EQS values Cu and Zn examples 24 EQS freshwater sedimentsEQS marine sediments EQS Norway proposal CommentEQSComment Cu21087+ SSD and Bio-availability correction : OC and AVS 84676+ Mesocosm, Kd marine and Bio-availability correction : OC and AVS Zn139147+ Updated data-set Bio-availability correction : OC and AVS 340159+ Mesocosm, Kd marine and Bio-availability correction : OC and AVS  Revised databases; Kd value marine;  Bio-availability : OC and AVS  Background correction

25 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text Summary and conclusions Thanks Most up to data information needed for WFD compliance checking Bio-availability is important to reduce uncertainty Evidence to be provided by metal by species by compartment Practically Freshwater : http://bio-met.net Marine water : DOC Sediment : OC and AVS 25

26 Headline Maximum 2 lines Subheading Bullets To change bullet and text level use the ‘increase/decrease list level’ found under the ribbon Home > Paragraph Footer text Insert Presentation title and date by opening the header and footer dialog box placed under the ribbon Insert>Text THANKS For more information, please contact Katrien. 26

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