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© 2001 ComputerPREP, Inc. All rights reserved. Excel 2003 Specialist.

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1 © 2001 ComputerPREP, Inc. All rights reserved. Excel 2003 Specialist

2 © 2001 ComputerPREP, Inc. All rights reserved. Lesson 1: Creating and Modifying Workbooks

3 Objectives Enter data Edit and delete data Fill cells Navigate worksheets Find and replace data Copy worksheet data Move worksheet data

4 Overview of Workbooks and Worksheets Workbook – the electronic spreadsheet file in which data is stored Worksheet – the area of a workbook in which data is entered and manipulated Cell – the intersection of each column and row Active cell – the cell that is affected by the action you perform Cell pointer – the thick rectangular border that encloses the active cell

5 Overview of Workbooks and Worksheets (cont’d) Cell reference Active cell Cell pointer

6 Entering Data Text – data that will not be used in calculations Value – data that contains only numbers or mathematical operators; values are used in calculations AutoComplete – completes a text entry based on existing entries in the column containing the active cell Date: –Two-digit year under 30 is in the 21 st century –Two-digit year 30 or higher is in the 20 th century

7 Editing and Deleting Data Data can be edited by: Completely replacing existing data with new data Using Edit mode to modify existing data To activate Edit mode: –double-click the cell –select a cell and click in the Formula bar –select a cell and press F2 To delete data: Select the data you want to erase and press DELETE

8 Filling Cells AutoFill – drag a cell’s fill handle to adjacent cells to copy the contents of the cell AutoFill is useful for copying data or for completing text or number series, such as: –Days of the week –Months –Fiscal quarters –Dates Fill handle

9 Navigating Worksheets ActionResult Click a cell Selects the cell Press the left, right, up or down arrow keys Moves the cell pointer one cell in the indicated direction Press ENTER or TAB Moves the cell pointer down one cell or right one cell, respectively Click below the scroll box in the vertical scroll bar Scrolls the worksheet down one screen Click to the right of the scroll box in the horizontal scroll bar Scrolls the worksheet to the right one screen Press CTRL+HOME Moves the cell pointer to cell A1 Press F5 Displays the Go To dialog box, which you use to move to specific cells

10 Finding and Replacing Data To find and replace data: Display the Find And Replace dialog box In the Find And Replace dialog box, you can specify: –the text for which to search –the text with which to replace the search text –to replace the current or all instances of the search text with the replacement text –to find only the next or all instances of the search text –advanced search options, such as matching case and searching for formatting attributes

11 Finding and Replacing Data (cont’d) The Research task pane provides reference information you can use to conduct research about topics you specify

12 Copying Worksheet Data To copy data: Use the Office Clipboard – copy data to the Office Clipboard, then click the item in the Clipboard gallery to paste it to a new location Use AutoFill – drag the fill handle to adjacent cells Use drag-and-drop – press and hold CTRL, drag the selected cell or range from one location and drop it into another

13 Moving Worksheet Data To move data: Use the Office Clipboard – cut data to the Office Clipboard, then paste it to a new location Use drag-and-drop – drag the selected cell or range from one location and drop it into another

14 © 2001 ComputerPREP, Inc. All rights reserved. Lesson 2: Manipulating Worksheet Data

15 Objectives Create formulas Edit formulas Use cell references Use functions Use the Function Wizard Filter data Sort data

16 Creating Formulas Formula – a cell entry that performs a calculation –Formula entries begin with an equal sign ( = ) Operator – a symbol used in formulas to perform mathematical calculations: –Addition ( + ) –Subtraction ( - ) –Multiplication ( * ) –Division ( / ) –Exponentiation ( ^ ) Range Finder – identifies cell references in a formula by highlighting them in different colors

17 Editing Formulas To edit formulas: Type over (replace) the existing formula Activate Edit mode, highlight the cell reference you want to change, then click the correct cell

18 Using Cell References Relative cell reference – specifies the location of a cell relative to the cell containing the formula Absolute cell reference – specifies the exact location of a cell without regard to the location of the cell containing the formula Mixed cell reference – contains both relative and absolute cell reference components

19 Using Functions Function – a predefined formula that performs complex or advanced calculations –Function name – a word or abbreviation used to identify a function –Argument – the data required in a function to produce a value Function Argument tool tip – a pop-up box you can use to access help information about function components

20 AutoSum AutoSum – automatically sums the values in columns or rows The AutoSum drop-down menu includes: –SUM (default) –AVERAGE –COUNT –MAX –MIN

21 AutoSum Functions AVERAGE – calculates the average of values in a selected range of cells MAX – calculates the maximum value in a selected range of cells MIN – calculates the minimum value in a selected range of cells

22 AutoCalculate AutoCalculate – displays the average, count, maximum, minimum or sum of the data in a selected range (contiguous or noncontiguous) without entering a formula or function The AutoCalculate result is temporary and displays in the status bar only

23 Using the Function Wizard Function Wizard - helps you determine which function to use or assists you with providing the necessary data for the arguments needed to complete the function To activate the Function Wizard: –click the Insert Function button in the Formula bar –display the AutoSum drop-down menu and click More Functions –after beginning a formula, display the Name drop- down list in the Formula bar and click More Functions

24 The NOW Function NOW function – returns a serial number that represents the current date and time –The NOW function contains no function arguments –The NOW function can be used in calculations

25 The DATE Function DATE function – returns the serial number that represents a particular date –Function arguments: Year – a one to four digit number representing 1900 to 9999 Month – a number from 1 to 12 Day – a number from 1 to 31 –The DATE function can be used in calculations

26 The IF Function IF function – evaluates a condition and returns a value based on the true/false status of the condition –Function arguments: Logical_test – a mathematical expression Value_if_true – the result if the Logical_test is true Value_if_false – the result if the Logical_test is false

27 The PMT Function PMT function – calculates the periodic payments of a loan based on constant payments and a constant interest rate –Function arguments: Rate – the periodic interest rate of the loan Nper – the number of payment periods Pv – the present value of the loan Fv – the future value of the loan Type – the payment type (1 = payment at beginning of period; 0 = payment at end of period)

28 Filtering Data Filter – displays only worksheet data that meet a set of criteria List – a series of rows containing related data. A list contains no blank rows and the first row has columns labels (the header row) AutoFilter – filters worksheet data based on specified criteria Criteria – a set of search conditions to which data is compared

29 AutoFilter AutoFilter options: Sort Ascending – sorts the data in ascending order by the items in the selected column Sort Descending – sorts the data in descending order by the items in the selected column (All) – displays all rows in the list (Top 10…) – displays the top n rows in the list, where n is any number you specify (Custom…) – specifies a custom filter List items – the current data items in the selected column

30 Simple and Custom Criteria Simple criteria – consists of a single search condition for a column of data. Simple criteria can be applied once or multiple times Custom criteria – a set of search conditions (consisting of a comparison operator and a value) to which data is compared. You can: –specify one or two custom criteria at a time –specify whether matching entries must meet both or either criteria Comparison operator – a mathematical expression such as “is greater than”

31 Sorting Data To sort data, the data must be in list format To sort a list based on one criterion: Select a cell in a column in the list Click the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending button in the Standard toolbar Click the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending option in the AutoFilter drop-down list

32 Sorting Data (cont’d) To sort a list based on multiple criteria: –Display the Sort dialog box –Specify sort keys and sort orders using the Sort By and Then By drop-down lists and options –Specify whether or not the list contains a header row

33 © 2001 ComputerPREP, Inc. All rights reserved. Lesson 3: Restructuring and Formatting Worksheets

34 Objectives Insert and delete cells Insert and delete rows and columns Adjust column widths and row heights Hide and unhide rows and columns Apply numeric formats Align cell data Change fonts and text attributes Add borders Add background shading Use styles Find and replace cell formats Add worksheet backgrounds Apply AutoFormats Create workbooks from templates

35 Inserting and Deleting Cells When you insert cells, surrounding cells shift to the right or down to accommodate the added cells When you delete cells, cell contents are deleted and the surrounding cells shift to the left or up to fill in the gap

36 Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns When you insert rows or columns, existing data moves down or to the right When you delete rows or columns, the remaining data moves up or to the left, and all data within the deleted rows or columns is also deleted When you insert or delete rows or columns, the total number of rows and columns in the worksheet remains constant

37 Adjusting Column Widths and Row Heights To adjust column width: Use the Column Width dialog box – specify an exact amount (automatically rounded to the nearest one-seventh of a character) To adjust column width or row height: Use the mouse – drag column or row borders to increase or decrease column width or row height Use AutoFit – double-click the right border of a column or the bottom border of a row to fit the data contained therein

38 Hiding and Unhiding Rows and Columns Hide rows or columns to: –Prevent others from viewing certain data –Work on two columns or rows that do not appear in the same window Unhide rows or columns to redisplay the hidden data

39 Applying Numeric Formats Number format – displays numbers with a specified number of decimal places Percent format – displays numbers as percentages (%) with a specified number of decimal places Comma format – displays numbers with thousands separators (,) and two decimal places

40 Applying Numeric Formats (cont’d) Accounting format – displays numbers with dollar signs ($) and thousands separators. Dollar signs are vertically aligned at the cell’s left edge. Currency format – displays numbers with leading dollar signs and thousands separators Date format – enables you to specify the appearance of a date entry

41 Changing the Alignment of Data By default, text is left-aligned and numbers are right-aligned within cells Use the alignment buttons in the Formatting toolbar to left-justify, center or right-justify the data within cells

42 Rotating Text in Cells Use the Orientation options in the Alignment tab of the Format Cells dialog box to rotate text in cells (you can rotate text up to 90 degrees in each direction)

43 Merging and Splitting Cells To merge cells: Click the Merge And Center button in the Formatting toolbar (centers the text in the merged cell) –You can merge cells only one row at a time. Merging multiple rows will keep only the upper- left-most data in the selected range. To split merged cells: Click the Merge And Center button

44 Indenting Text in Cells To indent text in cells: Use the Increase Indent and Decrease Indent buttons in the Formatting toolbar

45 Changing Fonts and Text Attributes Font – the typeface and type size of data Attributes – the characteristics of text formatting that you can apply to data To change fonts and text attributes: –specify attributes in the Format Cells dialog box –click formatting buttons in the Formatting toolbar –use the Format Painter to copy existing formatting to other cells

46 Adding Borders To add (and modify) borders: Use the Borders toolbar to specify style and color, then select the cell(s) with the border drawing tool to draw the border Use the Borders button in the Formatting toolbar to specify border options Use the Border tab of the Format Cells dialog box to specify border options

47 Adding Background Shading To add background shading: Use the Fill Color button in the Formatting toolbar to display and add color fills Use the Patterns tab of the Format Cells dialog box to specify background colors and patterns

48 Using Styles Style – a set of formatting characteristics identified by a style name Use styles to format cells quickly and consistently You can create styles: –by example – select a cell containing the formatting you want, then assign a name to the group of formatting attributes –by definition – specify the formatting attributes you want to include in the style using the Format Cells dialog box

49 Using Styles (cont’d) To apply a style, select the cell or range to which you want to apply the style, then select a style from the Style dialog box Note: The style will override any formats you previously applied to the cell(s)

50 Finding and Replacing Cell Formats You specify cell format search and replacement criteria using the advanced search options in the Find And Replace dialog box

51 Finding and Replacing Cell Formats (cont’d) Once the find and replace operation is completed, remove the cell format search and replacement criteria prior to closing the Find And Replace dialog box, or else the criteria will remain in effect the next time you attempt to find and replace data

52 Adding Worksheet Backgrounds Worksheet background graphics are repeated to fill the entire worksheet To add worksheet backgrounds: –display the Sheet Background dialog box –insert the graphic you want to use as the worksheet background pattern Apply a solid background shading to the cells containing data to make the data easier to read

53 Applying AutoFormats AutoFormat – a feature that applies pre-existing formatting attributes to worksheet cells To apply AutoFormats: –select the range of cells you want to format, display the AutoFormat dialog box, then select an AutoFormat

54 Creating Workbooks from Templates Template – a workbook containing formatting attributes, text, and other worksheet elements specific to a particular theme that can be used as a base for new workbooks Access templates from: –the Spreadsheet Solutions tab of the Templates dialog box –templates stored on your computer –templates stored in My Network Places –the Microsoft Office Web site

55 © 2001 ComputerPREP, Inc. All rights reserved. Lesson 4: Manipulating and Printing Worksheets and Workbooks

56 Objectives Split and freeze worksheets Manipulate multiple worksheets Create and modify hyperlinks Manipulate multiple workbooks Save and organize workbooks Preview and print worksheets Control the appearance of print pages Print multiple worksheets Print entire workbooks

57 Splitting and Freezing Worksheets Split panes – enables you to split a worksheet into two panes so that you can view two portions of the same worksheet simultaneously Freeze panes – enables you to lock rows and/or columns to prevent them from scrolling out of view Unfreeze panes – enables you to unlock rows and/or columns so that no portion of the worksheet remains stationary as you scroll through it

58 Freezing Rows and Columns To freeze rows: Select the row just below the row(s) to freeze, and activate the freeze panes feature To freeze columns: Select the column just to the right of the column(s) to freeze, and activate the freeze panes feature To freeze rows and columns simultaneously: Select the cell just below the row(s) and just to the right of the column(s) to freeze, and activate the freeze panes feature

59 Navigating and Repositioning Worksheets The active worksheet tab displays in bold Click a worksheet tab to activate the associated worksheet Click the tab scrolling buttons to view worksheet tabs not visible in the workbook window Drag a worksheet tab to a new location to reposition the worksheet

60 Inserting and Deleting Worksheets New worksheets are inserted to the left of the active worksheet New worksheets are labeled sequentially, regardless of their order in the workbook If you delete a worksheet containing data, the data is also deleted

61 Renaming Worksheet Tabs You can rename worksheet tabs with descriptive names to better identify the worksheets –Names can contain up to 31 characters –Names cannot contain: asterisk ( * ), slash ( / ), backslash ( \ ), colon ( : ), square brackets ( [ ] ) or question mark ( ? )

62 Coloring Worksheet Tabs Use the Format Tab Color dialog box to color worksheet tabs

63 Hiding and Unhiding Worksheets Select Format | Sheet | Hide to hide worksheets Use the Unhide dialog box to redisplay hidden worksheets

64 Creating and Modifying Hyperlinks Hyperlink – a link that, when clicked, automatically accesses or opens another area or location Hyperlinks link worksheet data or objects to: –another area of the current worksheet –another worksheet –another workbook –a file in another application –a Web page –an e-mail address

65 Arranging Multiple Workbooks Use the Arrange Windows dialog box to specify how multiple open workbooks will display

66 Navigating Among Open Workbooks To navigate among open workbooks: Click the desired workbook (if they are all visible on the screen), or Display the Window menu and select the desired workbook, or Press CTRL+TAB to cycle from one workbook to the next, causing each one to activate in turn

67 Hiding and Unhiding Workbooks Select Window | Hide to hide workbooks Use the Unhide dialog box to redisplay hidden workbooks

68 Saving Workbooks To save a workbook: Click the Save button in the Standard toolbar Use the Save As dialog box With the Save As dialog box, you can: –save a workbook with a different file name –save a workbook with a different file format –save a workbook in a new location –save a worksheet or workbook as a Web page

69 Organizing Workbooks You can save a workbook in a different location by creating a folder during the save process Use the New Folder dialog box to create a new folder:

70 Previewing Print Pages With Print Preview, you can: Display the next or previous pages of a multiple- page worksheet Toggle between full-page and magnified views Specify page setup options Specify margin settings and column widths Display the worksheet in Page Break Preview to view and modify page breaks

71 Previewing Web Pages With Web Page Preview, you can: Preview how a worksheet will display in your browser without first saving the file as a Web page and manually opening it in your browser

72 Previewing Page Breaks With Page Break Preview, you can: Modify page breaks by dragging the blue dashed page break lines to different locations Insert or remove horizontal and vertical page breaks

73 Printing Worksheets To print a worksheet: Click the Print button in the Standard toolbar (prints the entire worksheet) Access the Print dialog box to specify print options Print dialog box options include: –Printer – specifies the printer to use –Print range – specifies the pages to print –Print what – specifies the portion of the worksheet to print –Copies – specifies the number of copies to print

74 Adjusting Page Scaling and Orientation Scaling – adjusts print size based on a percentage of a worksheet’s normal size Orientation – the position of the worksheet relative to the height and width of the printed page Orientation can be: –Portrait –Landscape Use the Page tab of the Page Setup dialog box to adjust page scaling and orientation

75 Changing Margin Widths Margin – the white space between the edge of the page and the printed data on the page To change margins: –drag margin markers in the Print Preview window, or –Use the Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box to: specify top, bottom, left and right margins specify header and footer positions center data horizontally and/or vertically on the page

76 Creating Headers and Footers Header – text that prints at the top of every page Footer – text that prints at the bottom of every page To create headers and footers: use the Header/Footer tab of the Page Setup dialog box to: –select built-in headers –select built-in footers –create custom headers –create custom footers

77 Inserting Page Breaks Use Page Break Preview to modify page breaks, or Use the Insert | Page Break command in Page Break Preview or Normal view

78 Setting Print Areas Print area – a portion of a worksheet designated as the only area to print When a print area is set, you can also specify a separate print range to print The print area remains in effect until you change or clear it

79 Printing Repeating Rows and Columns Labels – descriptive text entries that display above columns of data or to the left of rows of data Use the Sheet tab of the Page Setup dialog box to print repeating rows and columns so that row and column labels will appear on each printed page You can also use the Sheet tab to: –print gridlines –print row and column headings –print color data in black and white –print using Draft quality

80 Printing Multiple Worksheets and Printing Entire Workbooks Print portions of multiple worksheets by defining a 3-dimensional print range Print multiple worksheets in their entirety by grouping the worksheets without specifying a print range Print workbooks in their entirety by: –grouping all worksheets and printing them together, or –specifying to print the entire workbook in the Print dialog box

81 © 2001 ComputerPREP, Inc. All rights reserved. Lesson 5: Using Comments, Graphics, Diagrams and Charts

82 Objectives Work with comments Work with graphics Work with diagrams Work with charts

83 Inserting Comments Comments provide additional information about individual cells Comment indicators (small red triangles) display in cells containing comments To insert a comment: –right-click a cell and click Insert Comment –type text in the comment box –click outside the comment box to close it

84 Displaying and Hiding Comments To display a comment: –point to a cell containing a comment indicator –right-click the comment and click Show/Hide Comments –select the Comment & Indicator option in the View tab of the Options dialog box To hide a comment: –move the mouse pointer off of the cell containing a comment indicator –right-click the comment and click Hide Comment –select the None option in the View tab of the Options dialog box

85 Editing and Deleting Comments You can edit and delete visible and hidden comments To edit a comment: –right-click the comment and click Edit Comment –make the change and click outside the comment box To delete a comment: –right-click the comment and click Delete Comment

86 Inserting Graphics You can insert: Clip Art images (use the Clip Art task pane) Pictures from a scanner or digital camera Graphics files stored in one of the standard graphics formats

87 Moving and Resizing Graphics To move a graphic: drag it to the desired location To resize a graphic: drag a corner sizing handle (resizes the graphic proportionally) drag a side sizing handle (resizes the graphic without maintaining proportions)

88 Inserting Diagrams Organization chart Cycle diagram Pyramid diagram Radial diagram Venn diagram Target diagram

89 Manipulating Diagrams To move a diagram: drag a diagram border to move the diagram to the desired location To resize a diagram: drag a corner sizing handle (resizes the diagram proportionally) drag a side sizing handle (resizes the diagram without maintaining proportions) To modify a diagram: use the tools in the Diagram toolbar

90 Creating Charts Chart – a graphical representation of selected data in a worksheet Chart Wizard – a series of dialog boxes that prompt you for information necessary to create a chart To create a chart: –select the range of cells you want to chart –click the Chart Wizard button –proceed through the Chart Wizard

91 Creating Charts (cont’d) Tick markX-axis labelsGridlines Y-axis labelsData seriesLegendTitle

92 Changing Chart Types Column Bar Line Pie XY (Scatter) Area Doughnut Radar Surface Bubble To change a chart type: select Chart | Chart Type select the desired chart type Chart Types Stock Cylinder Cone Pyramid

93 Editing Chart Data After you have created a chart, you can change the data in the worksheet Changing the data in the worksheet will update the chart automatically

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