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Reducing blockages in the pathway to Hepatitis C treatment Emma Burke, PHE.

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1 Reducing blockages in the pathway to Hepatitis C treatment Emma Burke, PHE

2 Current London Picture Findings from the London Hepatitis C Snapshot: Self reported by London Drug Treatment Commissioners Information received from 31/32 boroughs Some form of pathway to HCV treatment in place in 20 boroughs (but with widely varying ‘strength’ of pathway) 5 boroughs reported pathways in development 6 boroughs reported no pathway in place 2Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

3 Reported Blockages to HCV Treatment Lack of local awareness of referral processes, including GPs and drugs services Clients not attending appointments at hospitals Hospital appointment systems not being flexible to the client’s needs Time delays between appointments / waiting times Need for increased hepatology presence in drug services Stigma and myth about HCV and access to HCV treatment Lack of knowledge about HCV amongst service users Service users unwilling to go through ‘harsh’ treatment Hospital staff availability to provide treatment in the community 3Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

4 Reported Blockages to HCV Treatment Lack of communication between hepatology and drug services Lack of community based treatment services Cultural issues Hospital staff perceptions of drug users Lack of drug treatment staff skills to test for HCV Lack of drug treatment staff awareness and / or training available locally Lack of clarity between providers on roles and responsibilities Patients not being followed up Not enough trained phlebotomists to take venous samples 4Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

5 Aim of workshop: identify solutions to blockages Using the LJWG Pathway document: Consider what blockages may be encountered at different stages of the pathway Suggest opportunities and solutions to resolve the blockage, drawing on local experience Identify who (role/organisation) may be able to assist taking this forward locally Feedback 1 blockage and suggested solution(s) per table 5Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

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