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SEO PROPOSAL 212.863.9699 Zach Morrison Vice President.

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Presentation on theme: "SEO PROPOSAL 212.863.9699 Zach Morrison Vice President."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEO PROPOSAL 212.863.9699 Zach Morrison Vice President

2 NYCSFATLPHL ELITESEM.COM CONFIDENTIAL 1 Perform full scale audit to understand the full size of the opportunity and depth of optimizations available. 2 Develop Short and Long Term Strategy & Execution Plan 3 Clean up foundational elements to improve site performance 4 Expand reach through off page optimizations. PROCESS

3 Audit & Discovery PHASE 1

4 NYCSFATLPHL ELITESEM.COM CONFIDENTIAL SCOPE & OBJECTIVE The audit will include a thorough review and diagnosis of the client’s online properties and 3 competitors. The audit is a comprehensive under the hood analysis of the site, platform and competition. The objective of the audit is to isolate opportunities for improvement and growth on the site and in the respective markets.

5 NYCSFATLPHL ELITESEM.COM CONFIDENTIAL AUDIT DETAILS KEY PRELIMINARY FACTORS Page Indexation File Names Site Link Indexation Canonicalization Site Code Server Speed Page Load Speed Doc Type Javascript Page Rank Registration Info (Whois) Trust Factor Domain History Domain Benefit Contact information, Location, Etc. Robots.txt SITEMAP HTML Sitemap XML Sitemap Webmaster Tools (Part 1) HTML Errors Crawl Errors Broken Links USER ISSUES Usability Site Folds Architecture Messaging Footer Usage Page Speed Bread Crumbs Color Scheme Flash Potential Bounce Issues SITE COMPOSITION Keyword Focus File Names (part 2) Page Title Meta Description Meta Keywords H Tag Usage Content Duplication UGC Site Updates Content Density/Usage Products Inn Stock Images Image Files and Or CDN Alt Tags Videos, collateral ( i.e. white papers, etc.) OTHER SEO COMPONENTS Social SEO PR SEO Video SEO Image SEO Affiliate Program Widget SEO Blog COMPETITOR REVIEW Components of Competitor Review Competitor Links Competitor Content Competitor Architecture Competitor Strategy Competitor Blogs

6 NYCSFATLPHL ELITESEM.COM CONFIDENTIAL PLANS & PROCESS KEY ASSUMPTIONS Full analytics Access will be provided Most Important 50-100 Keywords Platform Login/Access Server Specs Deal Road Map Market Expansion Road Map Any info you might deem as valuable for a more thorough audit DELIVERABLES Comprehensive Audit Findings Word Document (approximately 50 Pages) Document will highlight key areas for traffic opportunities. Document will call attention to foundation clean up needed. Document will layout key tasks that should be top priority Comprehensive Raw Data to Compliment Audit Document THE SCOPE INCLUDES: Total Hours 40 Hours 30 Hours of On page Work and Investigation 8 Hours of Documentation and Summaries 2 Review Call NOT INCLUDED: Keyword Strategy, Mapping, Targeting. Calendar Year Plan There will be no changes or implementations

7 Strategy & Execution Plan PHASE 2

8 NYCSFATLPHL ELITESEM.COM CONFIDENTIAL STRATEGY & EXECUTION PLAN Based on our findings from the audit, Elite SEM will develop a short & long term strategy execution plan outlining all projects that need to be completed in order to improve overall SEO performance. Elite SEM will deliver a 12 month (month by month) plan that outlines all of the details for each project at hand. Total Hours 20 Hours 12 Developing Month By Month Project Outline 3 Hours of Review Of Documentation 5 Hours of Continued Support & Updates

9 Optimizations for the present PHASE 3

10 NYCSFATLPHL ELITESEM.COM CONFIDENTIAL OPTIMIZATION Keyword Mapping Foundation Document Meta Creation/Optimization Body Content Optimization Technical Optimizations Image Optimizations H Tag Optimizations Conversion Improvement Local Search Improvement and Optimizations Webmaster Tools Creation and Optimization Baseline Reporting and Monthly Analysis SUGGESTED PROJECT BASED: ON GOING HOURS: ESTIMATE - 30 – 120 HOURS PER MONTH FOUNDATIONS

11 Long Term Growth & SEO Sustainability PHASE 4

12 NYCSFATLPHL ELITESEM.COM CONFIDENTIAL SEO SUSTAINABILITY ON PAGE New Content Creation Blog Creation/Strategy Blog Posts Landing Page Creation Winnable Keywords Internal Linking Optimizations OFF PAGE Link Building (9 Tiered Approach) Reputation Management Social Linking PR SEO Content Competition Monitoring Monthly Reporting Monthly Consulting Hours REPORTING Baseline Reporting and Monthly Analysis PROJECT BASED: ON GOING HOURS: 30-120 HOURS PER MONTH

13 THANK YOU 212.863.9699 954.913.4321 Zach Morrison Vice President

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