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Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Reducing Health Inequalities in Bradford.

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Presentation on theme: "Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Reducing Health Inequalities in Bradford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Reducing Health Inequalities in Bradford and Airedale Districts Knowledge and Intelligence from Public Health England 20 November 2013 Jake Abbas, Associate Director Northern and Yorkshire Knowledge and Intelligence Team PHE 1

2 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Our Mission “To protect and improve the nation’s health and to address inequalities, working with national and local government, the NHS, industry, academia, the public and the voluntary and community sector.”

3 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Session Plan Knowledge and intelligence function within Public Health England Evidence, measurement and reporting –PHOF – building the inequalities focus –National tools and resources –Local data and intelligence –Developing new sources of intelligence –Access to the best evidence What else? 3

4 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Public Health Outcomes Framework To improve and protect the nation’s health and wellbeing and improve the health of the poorest, fastest Outcome 1) Increased healthy life expectancy – taking into account health quality as well as length of life Outcome 2) Reduced differences in life expectancy between communities (through greater improvements in more disadvantaged communities) Improving the wider determinants of health 1 19 indicators, including: Children in poverty People with mental illness or disability in settled accommodation Sickness absence rate Statutory homelessness Fuel poverty Health improvement2 24 indicators, including: Excess weight Smoking prevalence Alcohol-related admissions to hospital Cancer screening coverage Recorded diabetes Self-reported wellbeing Health protection3 7 indicators, including: Air pollution Population vaccination coverage People presenting with HIV at a late stage of infection Treatment completion for tuberculosis Healthcare and public health preventing premature mortality 4 16 indicators, including: Infant mortality Mortality from causes considered preventable Mortality from cancer Suicide Preventable sight loss Excess winter deaths

5 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Wicked problems: Health inequalities Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy, and premature mortality rates vary across the country – higher rates strongly linked to socioeconomic deprivation


7 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Comparing nationally 7

8 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Comparing regionally 8

9 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Comparing with Peers 9

10 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Health inequalities within Bradford

11 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme 11Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer Showing the inequalities in life expectancy in years, for 2006-10 The gap between the most and least deprived 10% of the population by local authority Source: PHE Life Expectancy at Birth by Deprivation Deciles. ONS death registration data and mid-year population estimates & Department for Communities and Local Government, Indices of Deprivation 2010

12 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Data tools and resources from PHE PHOF Longer Lives Local Health Health Profiles Data Portal 12

13 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Session Plan Knowledge and intelligence function within Public Health England Evidence, measurement and reporting –PHOF – building the inequalities focus –National tools and resources –Local data and intelligence –Developing new sources of intelligence –Access to the best evidence What else? 13

14 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Session Plan Knowledge and intelligence function within Public Health England Evidence, measurement and reporting –PHOF – building the inequalities focus –National tools and resources –Local data and intelligence –Developing new sources of intelligence –Access to the best evidence What else? 14

15 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Developing a deeper understanding of local health inequalities – rapid review pilots in Y&H Improving and adding to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment process locally Voluntary sector focus, barometer on current issues around poverty and health Collaboration between VS organisations, LA PH team, Involve Y&H Two pilots –Sheffield – Food banks Interviews with local providers, –Wakefield - Pressured parents - workshop with four Wakefield Voluntary Organisations Some emerging messages: –Better co-ordination and integration of services –Opportunity to support and deliver cross- cutting programmes to most deprived communities –Importance of pathways to universal services –Potential rich source of intelligence 15

16 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Health Equity North New effort to confront north-south divide 3 October, 2013 | By Kaye Wiggins England’s public health body is preparing to “make noise” about the north- south divide in health outcomes. The Public Health England initiative could extend to taking ministers to task over their approaches to welfare and employment policies, as they are often strongly linked to health. The new approach is expected to include academic research and the creation of a “commission on health equity” and a range of expert groups formed from key public health figures in the North of England.

17 Produced by PHE Knowledge & Intelligence Team – Northern and Yorkshire: Local Health Intelligence Solutions Programme Reducing Health Inequalities in Bradford and Airedale Districts Knowledge and Intelligence from Public Health England 20 November 2013 Jake Abbas, Associate Director Northern and Yorkshire Knowledge and Intelligence Team PHE 17

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