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RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design RedHorse CRM Creating Merge Document Templates Lesson I Basic Single Data Source Templates.

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Presentation on theme: "RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design RedHorse CRM Creating Merge Document Templates Lesson I Basic Single Data Source Templates."— Presentation transcript:

1 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design RedHorse CRM Creating Merge Document Templates Lesson I Basic Single Data Source Templates

2 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 2 In this Performance Support Lesson set, consisting of two lessons, we will walk you through building two Merge Document Templates. In Lesson I we build a simple Business Letter Merge Template. Lesson II is based on a more complex template, a Quote, which uses the Repeating Line function. Because the Quote Template Lesson builds on the skills covered in the Business Letter Lesson, we recommend that you go through both Lessons in sequence. You will need Admin rights in RedHorse CRM in order to create new Merge Doc Templates or edit existing templates. The technology that is used to create templates and merge documents requires MS Word 2003 or MS Word 2007, Professional or higher. Microsoft’s lower versions do not support the XML technology.

3 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 3 Configuring Company Information: 1. Go To Admin | Settings | General 2. Review and Edit the “Licensed Company Information” Getting Ready The information contained the RedHorse Admin for the licensed company may be used in Merge Document Templates. This information may be updated as shown below.

4 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 4 Configuring User Information: 1. Go To Admin | Users 2. Double-Click a User 3. Set the User’s Linked Contact Record Getting Ready, continued Each RedHorse User should have their own Contact Record in the RedHorse CRM database. The information contained the user’s contact record may be used in Merge Document Templates. A User’s linked contact record may be updated as shown below.

5 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 5 Configuring Document Management Settings: 1. Go To Admin | Settings | General | Document Management If you select Category, RedHorse CRM includes the “Filing Category” value in path as part of the Folder Structure. Getting Ready, continued The Document Management System in RedHorse allows you to create a folder structure and file naming convention for merge documents. This should be set prior to merging documents.

6 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 6 Creating a Template: 1. Open Administration 2. Drop the Reports Menu and Select Add Report Creating a Template Now we are ready to begin creating a new Template in the Admin Center in RedHorse.

7 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 7 Creating a Template, continued: 3. In Report Type Select Merge Document 4. Click Yes to base your template on the standard CRM Blank Template Note: In this example, we are using the “standard CRM Blank Template” that RedHorse ships with as the starting point for our new template. This is analogous to the “” file in Word, in that it controls default fonts, etc. You can also browse to a different existing file, including other RedHorse CRM merge doc templates, to use as the starting point.

8 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 8 Creating a Template, continued: 5. Enter a name for your new template file. Click OK.

9 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 9 Creating a Template, continued: 6. Select a Filing Category Filing Category is an editable drop down list. It is used to create the file name when the document is merged and the folder in which it is saved, when “Category” is selected in the Document Management System.

10 Note: Templates are saved in the \Templates\ folder that is below the primary folder where RedHorse CRM is installed. Only templates saved in this location may be merged in RedHorse CRM. RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 10 Creating a Template, continued: 7. Optional: Edit the Report Name. By default, RedHorse will use the actual filename, minus the extension, for your Report Name. You may change it to make it more user-friendly. Description also is optional. 8. Click Save to create the new Merge Document Template file.

11 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 11 Creating a Template, continued: 9. Click the Add Button to add a data source. 10. Click in the Data Area field, drop the list and Select Contacts. The correct SQL Stored Procedure will be automatically selected. For more complex merge document templates or reports you may need multiple Data Sources. Continue adding them as needed. Note: RedHorse CRM ships with a number of “standard” SQL Stored procedures that supply data to document templates and reports. You can also write your own custom stored procedures for special data merge requirements. This is an advanced skill beyond the scope of this document.

12 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 12 Creating a Template, continued: 11. Click the Update Template Fields Button.

13 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 13 Creating a Template, continued: 12. Click the Edit Template Button to launch Microsoft Word and edit your template.

14 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 14 Creating a Template, continued: Since this is a standard business letter template, we will add a date field at the top. (That is an MS Word data field, not a RedHorse CRM data field.) 13. Select the Insert TAB. Click Date and Time from the “Quick Insert” icons. Select the Date and Time format. Leave the “Update automatically” checkbox selected. Click OK.

15 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 15 Creating a Template, continued: 14. Open an appropriate number of blank lines immediately below the date. 15. Press Ctrl + Shift + X to toggle On XML Codes and Elements. 16. Right-Click in the document and select Apply XML Element to Display available RedHorse CRM data macros and data fields. The elements in this list are determined by the Data Sources selected earlier in this process. 17. Select the ContactCompanyAddress macro from the list. Note: Ctrl + Shift + X is a Toggle Control that turns access the view of XML fields on or off.

16 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 16 Creating a Template, continued: 18. Click Apply to Selection Only.

17 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 17 Creating a Template, continued: Notice the XML Field Codes that are now in the Template. Note that we have NOT inserted the field codes twice. Rather, there is a Begin and an End code, much like you would find in HTML. 19. Open up a blank line, then on the next line type Dear. 20. Leave a space after Dear and Right-Click to insert the next XML code. 21. Select FirstName. Type a comma after End XML Code for FirstName.

18 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 18 Creating a Template, continued: 22. Open up a few more blank lines below Dear and type your “Closing Phrase”, e.g. Sincerely. 23. Open appropriate blank lines and then Right-Click to display the XML data sources. Select CRM_UserName to insert the name of the logged in RedHorse CRM User. Note: The XML Data Macros that insert data related to the RedHorse CRM User all start with “CRM_”.

19 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 19 Creating a Template, continued: 24. Click the Save Icon. Note: If needed, you can add other RedHorse CRM User data elements below the Full Name. Optional Step: If you are not using pre-printed company letterhead, you may wish to add a company logo graphic, as well as company name and address, etc. to the template Header and Footer sections. Use the same steps listed on the previous page to insert the appropriate “CRM_” XML codes. 25. When done Save and Close the Template in Word. Go back to RedHorse CRM to complete the Template Configuration Steps.

20 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 20 Creating a Template, continued: 26. Back in RedHorse CRM Select the Availability TAB. Note: This is where we determine location in RedHorse CRM from which we can merge our new template. This is a Business Letter template that includes Contact data. So it should only be available in RedHorse Modules where the Contact Data is available, (where a Contact RecID can be retrieved.) 27. Change this to Business Module. This will make the selection checkboxes for the individual modules available. EXTRA CREDIT BONUS QUESTION: Which Business Modules will we want to select for our new Business Letter Template?

21 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 21 Creating a Template, continued: 28. Select the Contact Business Module. This is a Business Letter template that includes Contact data. So it should only be available in RedHorse Modules where the Contact Data is available, (where a Contact RecID can be retrieved.)

22 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 22 OOPS! This is what happens if we launch a Merge Doc Template from a module where it cannot access the data that the codes in the template are programmed to request. In this case, the Contact RecID is not available. This demonstration error was generated by launching a Contact Merge Doc Template from an Account Record.

23 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 23 Creating a Template, concluded: 29. Select the Security TAB. Select the RedHorse CRM User Groups who can access this template. 30. Click Save and Close in this dialog box. Optionally, you can close the Admin dialog box or leave it open.

24 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 24 Testing Our New Template: 31. Select a Contact Record. It should have a complete address so that the test is valid. 32. Select the Reports TAB. 33. Highlight our new Template. 34. Click the View Button Now we’re ready to test our new template. Note: The Print Button will merge the template with the current contact and send it directly to the printer, without the option to edit it prior to printing. Of course, this is not useful for templates that create documents that require user editing. This applies to the PDF and Email Buttons, as well. (PDF module must be installed to use that button.)

25 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 25 Creating a Template, continued: Here is the merged document that our template created. Note the merged data in both the letter body and in the footer. Note also that some of the merged data is Contact Data and some if RedHorse CRM User Data. From here, you can use standard Microsoft Word features to save, print, or file this document.

26 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 26 Controlling Fonts & Styling Elements in Merge Templates Here is one more critical key to creating nice-looking documents from RedHorse Merge document Templates: You may notice that setting the fonts in an actual merged field in your template does not change the result in the document merged from the template. Further, none of the usual strategies for controlling such style elements seem to work. Here’s what to do: Recall that way back near the beginning of this template creation process we accepted the option to create the new template based on the existing standard CRM template: CRM_Blank_Template.xml, (Page 6, Step 6 in this presentation)? To control the fonts, especially for merged elements, first make a copy of that file and give it a meaningful name. For example, “Blank_Business_Document_Template.xml”. Think of this as a “master template”. Next edit the new file in Word, and set the default fonts, as well as other such style elements as desired. Save and close the file. Be sure it is in the \RedHorse CRM\Templates\ folder. Now when you want to create a new Merge Doc Template that uses those fonts and styles, instead of basing your new template on “CRM_Blank_Template.xml” base it on your new “master template”.

27 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 27 Congratulations on building your first RedHorse CRM Merge Document Template, a Business Letter Template! This completes Lesson I. You should now have a working knowledge of the basic skills required to create RedHorse CRM Merge Documents Templates. This simple skill will enable you to add tremendous business-specific value to any RedHorse CRM installation. The next several slides contain some valuable additional information and resources to assist you in acquiring greater skill in the creation of RedHorse CRM Merge Document Templates. Review these next few slides and when ready proceed to Lesson II, to learn how to design more advanced templates.

28 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 28 One more important Merge Document building tip I want to be sure to leave you with: Although the XML technology combined with the SQL Stored Procedures that RedHorse CRM uses to propagate the data to Microsoft Word is a very stable and robust system, Microsoft Word templates can be problematic. They have numerous hidden codes, macros and even formatting tags that can be difficult to reveal and analyze. With that in mind, if you have a complex template, or any template that represents significant development time and effort, be sure to back it up BEFORE modifying it. Also, if you do run into a template that continues to misbehave, even after reasonable attempts to correct the problem or problems, consider creating a new template from scratch. It can be very difficult to repair broken templates once they are far enough off track. Knowing when to pull the plug on a messed up template can save you hours of frustration and wasted time.

29 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 29 Additional Resources XML Training On-Line: MS Office 2007 Training On-Line:

30 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 30 Appendix – Supplying SQL Data to Reports This screen is from the RedHorse CRM Help. It provides the details for understanding the RecID constraints mentioned in the section of this presentation on building a Contact Business Letter Template, as well as details required to write your own SQL Stored Procedures.

31 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 31 The screen-shots included in this presentation were created on a workstation, running Microsoft Windows XP Pro, with Office 2007 Professional installed, and running RedHorse CRM version 2.0. Both the screens and the procedures may vary somewhat if different versions of the software are installed, or if there are other significant environmental differences. With the exception of possible added features and enhancements, the RedHorse CRM specific procedures can be expected to remain largely the same in future versions. Important: The XML technology that is used to create the templates and to use them in the merge process requires MS Word 2003 or MS Word 2007, Professional or higher. Microsoft’s lower versions do not support the XML technology.

32 RedHorse CRM – Basic Merge Document Design Page: 32 Thank you for your time! Please send your suggestions for improving these training materials to: Jeff Bell c/o Willow Bend Training materials created by Willow Bend for RedHorse Systems, Inc. Copyright RedHorse systems, Inc. © 2009 – All Rights Reserved Contact Jeff Bell if you are interested in custom training and Performance Support materials.

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