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Pyroxene Mineral Formula
Pauling’s Rules for Ionic Crystals
Deal with the energy state of the crystal structure 1st Rule The cation-anion distance = radii Can use RC/RA to determine the coordination number of the cation This is our previous discussion on coordination polyhedra
Pauling’s Rules for Ionic Crystals
2nd Rule First note that the strength of an electrostatic bond = valence / CN Na+ in NaCl is in VI coordination For Na+ the strength = +1 divided by 6 = + 1/6 Cl Cl Cl Cl Na
Pauling’s Rules for Ionic Crystals
2nd Rule: “the electrostatic valence principle” An ionic structure will be stable to the extent that the sum of the strengths of electrostatic bonds that reach an anion from adjacent cations = the charge of that anion 6 ( + 1/6 ) = (sum from Na’s) charge of Cl = -1 These charges are equal in magnitude so the structure is stable + 1/6 Na + 1/6 Na Na Cl- + 1/6 + 1/6 Na
Pauling’s Rules 3rd Rule:
The sharing of edges, and particularly of faces, of adjacent polyhedra tend to decrease the stability of an ionic structure Fig of Bloss, Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry. © MSA
Pauling’s Rules 4th Rule:
In a crystal with different cations, those of high valence and small CN tend not to share polyhedral elements An extension of Rule 3 Si4+ in IV coordination is very unlikely to share edges or faces
Pauling’s Rules 5th Rule:
The number of different kinds of constituents in a crystal tends to be small Using the analogy of CP oxygens this rule states that the number of types of interstitial sites that are filled in a regular and periodic array tends to be small 4 common types of cation sites in such an array: XII (large cations replace O positions) VI VIII is not CP IV III (small and uncommon cations)
Pauling’s Rules 5th Rule: HCP
VI and IV sites in HCP array of oxygen anions (not all will be occupied due to charge balance) HCP Can’t fill both (share face) IV sites VI sites
Pauling’s Rules 5th Rule: CCP
VI and IV sites in CCP array of oxygen anions (not all will be occupied due to charge balance) CCP IV sites VI sites
Pauling’s Rules ( ) A B O 5th Rule:
IV VI + 2+ 3 2 4 The spinel structure at various angles Note CCP abcabc layers of Oxygens White VI sites Blue IV sites
Pauling’s Rules ( ) A B O 5th Rule:
IV VI + 2+ 3 2 4 The spinel structure at various angles Polyhedral model White VI sites Blue IV sites
Pauling’s Rules ( ) A B O 5th Rule:
IV VI + 2+ 3 2 4 The spinel structure at various angles Now see lines of VI and IV sites Not all are occupied 1/8 of IV sites 1/2 of VI sites
Pauling’s Rules ( ) A B O 5th Rule:
IV VI + 2+ 3 2 4 The spinel structure at various angles Rotating to where cation sites almost line up
Pauling’s Rules ( ) A B O 5th Rule:
IV VI + 2+ 3 2 4 The spinel structure at various angles This orientation is looking down (010) It makes an excellent projection, since atoms all stack up on top of one another toward you The order becomes apparent But you lose the third dimension
Two miscellaneous structural concepts
Isostructuralism Minerals with the same structure, but different compositions CaF2 - BaCl2 Antistructuralism Minerals with the same struture, but one has cations where the other has anions and vice-versa CaF2 - Na2O
Polymorphism Different structural forms for compounds of the same composition different minerals The compound SiO2 has several different structural forms, or polymorphs The common form is - or low- quartz, but there are others that become stable under different conditions, including - or high-quartz, tridymite, cristobalite, coesite, and stishovite The SiO2 phase diagram After Swamy and Saxena (1994) J. Geophys. Res., 99, 11,787-11,794.
Polymorphism 1. Displacive polymorphism
quartz at 573oC at atmospheric pressure 1000 2 4 High-Quartz Low-Quartz 500 Temperature Coesite Pressure (GPa)
Polymorphism 1. Displacive polymorphism
High 1. Displacive polymorphism Note: higher T higher symmetry due to more thermal energy (may twin as lower T) Transition involves small adjustments and no breaking of bonds Easily reversed and non- quenchable (low E barrier) P6222 Low P3221
Polymorphism 2. Reconstructive polymorphs
More common: other quartz polymorphs, graphite-diamond, calcite-aragonite, sillimanite-kyanite-andalusite Transition involves extensive adjustments, including breaking and reformation of bonds High E barrier, so quenchable and not easily reversed (still find Precambrian tridymite) Stable Unstable Metastable
Pseudorphism May be confused with polymorphs
A completely different thing Complete replacement of one mineral by one or more other minerals such that the new minerals retain the external shape of the original one Limonite after pyrite Chlorite after garnet etc. Can use the shape to infer the original mineral Very useful in petrogenetic interpretations
Solid Solutions Substitution (mixing, solution) of ions on specific sites Forsterite: Mg2SiO4 Mg occupies the VI sites in the olivine structure Can substitute Fe for Mg and create Fayalite: Fe2SiO4 In olivine the substitution is very readily accomplished and any intermediate composition is possible Olivine: (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 This means that olivine is a solid-solution series in which any ratio of Mg/Fe is possible as long as they sum to two ions per formula unit (required for electric neutrality)
Solid Solutions Intermediate compositions can be expressed as:
1. A chemical analysis (in weight % oxides) SiO FeO 22.9 MgO 38.6 Total Such an analysis is very difficult to interpret in terms of the mineral that it represents
Solid Solutions Intermediate compositions can be expressed as:
1. A chemical analysis (in weight % oxides) SiO FeO 22.9 MgO 38.6 Total 2. This can be converted to a mineral formula Mg1.5 Fe0.5 SiO4 Such an analysis is very difficult to interpret in terms of the mineral that it represents
Solid Solutions Intermediate compositions can be expressed as:
1. A chemical analysis (in weight % oxides) SiO FeO 22.9 MgO 38.6 Total 2. This can be converted to a mineral formula Mg1.5 Fe0.5 SiO4 3. This can then be expressed in terms of end-members XMg = Mg / (Mg + Fe) on an atomic basis = 1.5 / 2 = 0.75 or Fo75 where the sum of the end-members = 1 (Fo75 implies Fa25) Such an analysis is very difficult to interpret in terms of the mineral that it represents
Solid Solutions Solid solutions are most extensive if the valence and radius of the substituting ions are similar Good if radii differ by < 15% Fe 2+ = 0.80 A Mg 2+ = 0.74 A (7.5%) Mn 2+ = 0.91 A (14% - Fe and 21% - Mg) Limited or rare if differ by % Never if > 30 %
Solid Solutions Solid solutions are most extensive if the valence and radius of the substituting ions are similar If valence differs will not substitute or requires coupled substitution NaAlSi3O8 - CaAl2Si2O8 in plagioclase Na+ + Si4+ exchange for Ca2+ + Al3+ to maintain 5+ total Jadeite NaAlSi2O6 - diopside CaMgSi2O6
Exsolution Lower T Limits impurity Structure may reject excess
Oriented lamellae, or Entirely rejected from the crystal Non-coherent masses As temperature drops, the decreasing thermal energy in the lattice, the tolerance of one end-member for the complementary ion becomes less In some solid solutions this may result in only limited admittance for the smaller (or larger) ion As a result the structure may reject the excess that it tolerated at higher temperatures The process is exsolution and the product may be oriented lamellae of the lesser complementary phase in the greater host Alternatively the exsolved material may be entirely rejected from the crystal, or form as non-coherent masses
Exsolution The process is exsolution and the product may be oriented lamellae of the lesser complementary phase in the greater host Alternatively the exsolved material may be entirely rejected from the crystal, or form as non-coherent masses Blebby cpx exsolved from opx host, Skaergaard Intrusion Opx with 2 lamellae of exsolved cpx, Bushveld Intrusion From Deer et al Rock-Forming Minerals vol 1A. WIley whispy perthite lamellae as albite is exsolved from orthoclase Opx with lamellae of exsolved plagioclase, Nain anorthosite
Random vs. ordered atoms
Order - Disorder Random vs. ordered atoms 1. Random Perfect Order At 0 K entropy drops to zero and all solutions become perfectly ordered at equilibrium At higher temperatures solutions (even in solids) become progressively disordered until they eventually become completely disordered The degree of disorder is a function of temperature, such that there is some equilibrium degree of disorder for a given solution at a given temperature Each atom is statistically identical (chance of being A is the same for each position) Higher T Alternating A and B- Lower T Note larger unit cell!
Order - Disorder potential mirror
This is not a trivial concept that merely concerns sub-microscopic properties The triclinic monoclinic transition in feldspar KAlSi3O8 requires that there is mirror symmetry If Al and Si are ordered on the IV sites (Al is grey in this picture, while Si is blue), then no mirror is possible Must disorder at high temperature before can become monoclinic Some feldspars, if they are heated rather slowly, may remain partially ordered, and thus will not invert to the monoclinic form at the temperature predicted (based on disordered feldspars)! Triclinic monoclinic in KAlSi3O8 requires mirror symmetry Must disorder at high temperature before ® monoclinic potential mirror
Crystal Defects Defects can affect Strength Conductivity
Deformation style Color All of our previous discussion is based on perfect crystals New techniques of XRD and HRTEM have shown that defects are common in crystalline substances
Crystal Defects Steel spheres:
a) Regular packed array with 3 point defects b) Point and line defects c) Mosaic (or domains) separated by defect boundaries These are not twins! Fig of Klein and Hurlbut, Manual of Mineralogy, © John Wiley and Sons
Crystal Defects 1. Point Defects
a. Schottky defect 1. Point Defects a) Schottky (vacancy) - seen with steel balls in last frame b) Impurity Foreign ion replaces normal one (solid solution) Not considered a defect Foreign ion is added (interstitial) Both combined b. Interstitial (impurity) defect
Crystal Defects 1. Point Defects
c) Frenkel (cation hops from lattice site to interstitial) = a + b combination b. Frenkel defect
Crystal Defects 2. Line Defects d) Edge dislocation
Migration aids ductile deformation Fig of Bloss, Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry.© MSA
Crystal Defects 2. Line Defects
e) Screw dislocation (aids mineral growth) Fig of Bloss, Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry. © MSA
Crystal Defects 3. Plane Defects
f) Lineage structure or mosaic crystal Boundary of slightly mis-oriented volumes within a single crystal Lattices are close enough to provide continuity (so not separate crystals) Has short-range order, but not long-range (V4) Fig of Bloss, Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry. © MSA
Crystal Defects 3. Plane Defects
g) Domain structure (antiphase domains) Also has short-range but not long-range order Fig of Bloss, Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry. © MSA
Crystal Defects 3. Plane Defects h) Stacking faults
Common in clays and low-T disequilibrium A - B - C layers may be various clay types (illite, smectite, etc.) ABCABCABCABABCABC AAAAAABAAAAAAA ABABABABABCABABAB
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