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Please take out your notebooks. Do you recall what an ionic compound is made of? Ionic Compound = Cation + Anion.

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Presentation on theme: "Please take out your notebooks. Do you recall what an ionic compound is made of? Ionic Compound = Cation + Anion."— Presentation transcript:


2 Please take out your notebooks.

3 Do you recall what an ionic compound is made of? Ionic Compound = Cation + Anion

4 Three Steps to Naming Ionic Compounds 1.Name the Cation. If the cation can have more than one charge, use roman numerals to indicate the charge.

5 Ex: KMnO 4 1. Name the Cation. If the cation can have more than one charge, use roman numerals to indicate the charge. Potassium

6 2. Name the Anion. Permanganate Ex: KMnO 4

7 3. Put Together Ex: KMnO 4 Potassium Permanganate

8 Ex: 2 CuNO 3 Hint: you will need to determine the charge on copper since copper can have more than one charge. Step 1: Name cation:

9 Ex: 2 CuNO 3 Step 1: Name cation- Copper II Step 2: Name anion-

10 Ex: 2 CuNO 3 Step1: Name cation- Copper II Step 2: Name anion- Nitrate Step 3: Put together

11 You Try… FeSO 4 Iron II Sulfate NaOHSodium Hydroxide SnOTin Oxide

12 Homework Turn in Lab books if you haven’t already done so. Turn if yesterdays wkst. Due Tuesday: WKST on naming ionic compounds & writing ternary ionic formulas.

13 Let’s take a look at the side with the chart. NitrateSulfatePhosphate Ammonium Calcium

14 Nitrate NO 3 - SulfatePhosphate Ammonium Calcium

15 Nitrate NO 3 - SulfatePhosphate Ammonium NH 4 + Calcium

16 Nitrate NO 3 - SulfatePhosphate Ammonium NH 4 + NH 4 NO 3 Calcium

17 Nitrate NO 3 - Sulfate SO 4 -2 Phosphate Ammonium NH 4 + NH 4 NO 3 Calcium

18 Nitrate NO 3 - Sulfate SO 4 -2 Phosphate Ammonium NH 4 + NH 4 NO 3 (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 Calcium

19 The rest of the time is yours to work… Have a great weekend! -Staude

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