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BIENVENUE À PIZZA HUIS Ils ont pâte et de fromage; nous avons la pizza.

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Presentation on theme: "BIENVENUE À PIZZA HUIS Ils ont pâte et de fromage; nous avons la pizza."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIENVENUE À PIZZA HUIS Ils ont pâte et de fromage; nous avons la pizza

2 PIZZA DE CINQ VIANDES Ella a pepperoni épicé, poulet sauté, bifteck assaisonné, savoureux bacon, et les crevettes au beurre. Ella a aussi le fromage gluant, et une sauce épicée.

3 REQUIREMENTS Not Yet Meeting Expectations Minimally Meeting Expectations Fully Meeting Expectations Exceeding Expectations Cover Page Title, Advertiseme nt, and Picture May be missing one or more elements Advertisement uses less than 10 French words. Many French words may be misspelled Title or picture may be missing Advertisement uses at least 15 French words Some French words may be misspelled All three elements are complete Advertisement correctly uses at least 20 French words All three elements are complete Advertisement effectively uses at least 25 French words Menu Title, Pictures, and Descriptions One or more elements may be missing from some pizzas Descriptions may be short and/or have many errors One element may be missing from some pizzas Descriptions are present, but may have many errors All three elements are present for at least three pizzas Descriptions are generally correct May show special attention to detail; may include more than 3 pizzas Descriptions are detailed and/or creative, and generally correct GrammarDoes not use “avoir” Does not correctly use fem/masc. pronouns Correctly uses “avoir” at least once Shows an attempt to use correct fem/masc. pronouns Correctly uses “avoir” at least twice Correctly uses fem/masc. pronouns (le/la, un/une) a couple of times Correctly uses “avoir” in multiple places Correctly uses fem/masc. pronouns (le/la, un/une) throughout the menu

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