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Reducing our carbon footprint The University of Sheffield Approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Reducing our carbon footprint The University of Sheffield Approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reducing our carbon footprint The University of Sheffield Approach

2 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 2 Overview Background Desktops Printing Data Centres

3 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 3 Background 13,000 PCs on campus Over 100 IT services Two data centres Centralised and distributed printing

4 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 4 PC Energy usage Work done by Chris Cartledge/Ian Jenkinson on processor wattage Work on monitor energy usage needed Work on other components (disc drives, memory?) Thin client solutions

5 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 5

6 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 6 Printing 50 million sheets of paper used 2007-2008 Only 28% of paper recycled 2010 – 98% ‘recycled or environmentally preferable’ 835,000 Kwh p/a; 450 tonnes CO2

7 Printing Environmental Print Review Recommendations Print Audit Print submissions software Pulling together print/photocopying under CiCS Student Printing Prepay replaced old collect and pay system 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 7

8 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 8 Data Centres Main activities Virtualisation Simple fixes Air-conditioning

9 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 9 Virtualisation Pre 2010 50ish physical Intel servers 100ish physical Sparc servers Doesn’t include HPC 2010 20ish physical Intel servers inc 4 VM boxes 110 VMs 50ish physical Sparc machines 4 Sparc zone hosts Further consolidation on the way

10 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 10 VM Savings 1 physical server c£250 p/a energy 1 Virtual server c£750 p/a energy 4 virtual servers running 110 VMs Savings = £500 * 106 = £10,600 p/a

11 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 11 Virtualisation - disk Pre 2007 15 different disk enclosures Directly attached storage on Novell and windows servers 2007-2010 2 physical disk enclosures Staged removal of DAS Nearly all storage now on NetApp disks

12 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 12 Simple fixes HPC – low energy memory Lower energy processors (AMD HE) Environmental considerations part of every project Air conditioning

13 Brunswick electricity use 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 13

14 CC electricity use 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 14

15 5/9/2015© The University of Sheffield 15 Free Cooling project Hot aisle containment Chiller units only active when ambient temperature rises above input temperature Savings of c£60,000 p/a approx Capital cost may be between £200k-£400k Pump-priming money may be available (Salix)

16 To Discover And Understand.

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