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Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

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1 Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

2 Data Capture with Digital Pens CCIO annual nursing conference
2013 Data Capture with Digital Pens CCIO annual nursing conference Richard Sargent – Programme & Project Delivery Director, Anoto Limited Tom Dowden – Deputy Service Manager, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

3 Technology Overview What do digital pens do?
Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

4 Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL
The vision Freeing time to care Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

5 Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL
Digital Pens Invented by Swedish company Anoto 10 years ago A pen that captures what you write when you write on a form printed with a fine dot pattern Generates a “scan” of the form Can also convert your handwriting to text Captures date & time of pen strokes Sends data via secure Bluetooth or USB Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

6 Solution Components BlackBerry mobile platform Scheduling visits Secure upload of digital pen data Messaging between carers Lone worker protection Digital pens and PaperIQ platform for processing pen data Same technology but its the forms that drive the team, department or organisation

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How it Works Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

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Paper .... the pleasure For many its the most natural way to capture data Physical attraction - writing on glass is not the same No technology barrier Easy management The ultimate back-up BUT ... in slow decline! Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

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Paper .... the pain! Time and cost for processing paper Physical storage Duplicate data entry Cost for lost records Comfort zone! Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

10 The impact to date Where are they being used?
Case studies Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

11 Our Credentials : Police Service of Northern Ireland
4,500 officers equipped with digital pens running on the PaperIQ platform Largest deployment of digital pens to date Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

12 Our Credentials : Portsmouth Hospital Trust
Challenges Reduce travel & manage workload of midwives Give midwives access to patient notes from the field Eradicate duplicate/triplicate data entry and errors Solution Midwives use digital pens when taking patient notes The data captured is sent to the maternity record system via a BlackBerry smartphone Results Halved midwives daily admin time from 98 to 48 mins Protection against mislaid, lost or stolen forms & litigation No significant change to current working practices Reduction in errors Increased patient facing time Annual savings of £220,000 from 120 midwives Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

13 Our Credentials : Aneurin Bevan Health Board Gwent Frailty Programme
Principles/Aims Multi Agency Collaboration Split into Work streams including ‘Information Sharing’ Reduce Hospital admissions and length of stay 200 staff in 5 new Community Resource Teams (CRTs) Respond to referrals requiring rapid response within 6 hours Share information between all carers Empower the citizens receiving care and enable them to be ‘happily independent’ Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL


15 Our Credentials : Aneurin Bevan Health Board Gwent Frailty Programme
Return on Investment 200 users in Phase 1 reported an average of 10 minutes saved per patient visit. With an average of five visits per shift, this equates to projected annual savings in excess of £600,000 Carers no longer need to go to the office to pick up their schedule or file paperwork, so ABHB expects to see significant savings on travel expenses Main savings will come in medium term from reduced hospital admissions and length of stay Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

16 Remote working for community midwives in Sheffield
Tom Dowden – Deputy Service Manager, Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Neonatology

17 The challenge 100+ staff working across Sheffield
No access to IT, just a car and a mobile phone. Issues for The Trust Issues for The Midwives Very poor knowledge of activity Large spend on photocopying information for midwives. Reliance on clerical staff to relay discharges and other information on a daily basis by telephone Midwifery time to improve data collection (c. 3.5hrs per week) No access to even basic hospital data Required to carry large quantities of paper – H&S and governance issues. Large amounts of time spent ‘communicating’ with hospital and each other.

18 The Specification Ability for Community Midwives to exchange information securely with the hospital while ‘on the road’. To include Phone Recording activity Caseload management Access to Trust documents

19 The Initial Solution Web based system accessed via a BlackBerry.
Midwives maintain their caseload based on live data from Patient Administration System (PAS). Activity recorded in ‘real time’. Data from another system (Evolution) re women transferring home are available in real time. Referrals to Antenatal clinic made electronically. Direct access to results (ICE), outpatient appointments / inpatient stays (PAS) and birth information (Evolution). Workload transparent to team and managers for planning.

20 The next challenge Change in maternity tariff from payment by results to payment for pathway package. Increased requirement to collect clinical data Desire to develop the scope of electronic referrals available to community midwives. Ongoing requirements to collect specific information for audit and CQUINS.

21 Vision To electronically record clinical information that forms the ‘hand held notes’. To ensure that the woman retains access to her hand held record at all times. To do the above in a way that is: Straightforward and convenient for staff Accessible to all client groups As cost effective as possible

22 Why digital pens? Digital pen technology enables us to record the information electronically while maintaining a hard copy for the woman to keep. The technology is complementary to the systems that we have already developed based on BlackBerry. The solution is relatively straightforward for both staff and client groups.

23 Why Anoto? We initially began a conversation with Portsmouth NHSFT as they were developing a set of maternity records using digital pens. We found that we had both been working on opposite ends of the problem, and had complementary solutions: Portsmouth had concentrated on the clinical patient records and obtaining these in an electronic form through working with a partner (Anoto). Sheffield had been working on a business focussed system, with a locally developed maternity information system designed with community working at the forefront.

24 Where are we now? Completed replacement of legacy Maternity Information System (Protos/Evolution). Deploying digital pens to all community midwives. Working towards replacement of hand held notes by digital version within next two months. Objective of replacing all outpatient and inpatient maternity records with digital notes by year end. Developing full integration between digital notes and maternity information system.

25 Come and visit us on our stand
Want to know more? Come and visit us on our stand Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

26 Thank You Richard Sargent – Programme & Project Delivery Director, Anoto Limited Freeing time to care Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL

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