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IPASI Collaboration High Power Targets Chris Densham & Patrick Hurh Targets Working Group Co-conveners 1.RaDIATE Collaboration 2.UK-PASI programme 3. Collaborative.

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Presentation on theme: "IPASI Collaboration High Power Targets Chris Densham & Patrick Hurh Targets Working Group Co-conveners 1.RaDIATE Collaboration 2.UK-PASI programme 3. Collaborative."— Presentation transcript:

1 iPASI Collaboration High Power Targets Chris Densham & Patrick Hurh Targets Working Group Co-conveners 1.RaDIATE Collaboration 2.UK-PASI programme 3. Collaborative activities between Fermilab/STFC

2 1.iPASI: RaDIATE Collaboration (as I understand it) iPASI (international) participants in RaDIATE and other PASI related Target Activities International Fermilab Brookhaven NL Pacific Northwest NL Oak Ridge NL Argonne NL Los Alamos NL FRIB/MSU CERN ESS (?) STFC/RAL ISIS High Power Targets Group Particle Physics Dept ASTeC PASI-UK PASI-UK Universities Sheffield Warwick Huddersfield UK materials community Oxford (MFFP Group) Manchester National Nuclear Lab Baznutec Ltd RaDIATE Collaboration (named on draft MoU)

3 New collaboration set up after 1 st PASI workshop (Proton Accelerators for Science & Innovation) at Fermilab, January 2012 MoU between Fermilab, BNL, Pacific Northwest NL, STFC, University of Oxford - just signed by DoE! More details in Kavin Ammigan and Barry Jones talk in WG1 Session 2

4 RaDIATE Objectives As proton accelerator particle sources (target facilities) become increasingly powerful, there is a pressing need to better understand and predict the radiation response of structural window and target materials. RaDIATE aims: Introduce materials scientists with expertise in radiation damage to accelerator targets community –recruit and develop new scientific and engineering experts who can cross the boundaries between these communities Generate new and useful materials data for application within the accelerator and fission/fusion communities; –co-ordinate in-beam experiments and post-irradiation examination Initiate, coordinate and exploit a continuing synergy between research in these currently disparate communities

5 Parameter space for consideration by Oxford RaDIATE materials programme Parameter Space for consideration by Oxford RaDIATE programme ('Whiteboard', Oxford, 20 Aug 2012) (revised 15 Nov 2012: P. Hurh, 16 Nov 2012: T. Davenne, 25 Jan 2013: K. Ammigan) MaterialApplication Facility (startup) Proton beam parameters Samples available (see IMT) Potential experiments/ studies Correlations/Anal ogues Topics of Interest Beryllium Beam windows (vacuum to air) LBNE (2020+) 700 kW; 120 GeV; ~1 Hz; σ rms = 1.3 mm 0.1-0.4 mm thick miniBoone; 1999 NuMI Target Test, SP- 0 Target SEM Windows (FNAL); 2mm thick Be head sheets (CERN) Ion irradiation?, HiRadMat, EBSD?, TEM, APT studies, Micromechan ics Zr? (also HCP) - mechanistic insight Mechanical strength; Thermal conductivity; Fracture toughness; Cyclic thermal stress (+ stress waves); Max operating temperature?; Changes to E and α?; Creep fatigue lifetime; H2 and He embrittlement; Impurities effects on microstructure; Void swelling; Irradiation creep; Stress relaxation; Creep ductility; Irradiation growth; Preferred orientation and oxidation Targets LBNE - 700 kW, L = 950 mm, D = 15.3 mm (48 sections) 700 kW; 120 GeV; ~1 Hz; σ rms = 1.3 mm LBNE - 2.3 MW, L = 950 mm, D = 15.3 mm (48 sections) 2.3 MW; 120 GeV; 1 Hz; σ rms = 1.3 mm Graphite Targets LBNE: L = 950 mm, D = 15.3 mm (48 sections) 700 kW; 120 GeV; ~1 Hz; σ rms = 1.3 mm BLIP (180 MeV, 0.1 DPA) NuMI targets; ISIS muon targets? Tomography, Indentation, Microstructur al studies AGR graphite Thermal conductivity; Integrity; Gas production: pores, interfaces; Swelling/Voiding; Cyclic thermal stress (waves); Gamma-damage?; Optimum temperature?; Damage limits? T2K (2008 -) 750 kW; 30 GeV; 0.5 Hz Tungsten Targets ISIS (1980 -) 200 kW; 0.8 GeV; 50 Hz ISIS target (c.12 DPA); W from BLIP; Oxford? ISIS tungsten target for cutting & testing (SCK- CEN, Belgium) Judith shock loading tests Thermal conductivity; Integrity; Void swelling; H2/He embrittlement; Creep/Fatigue; Differentiate failure mechanisms; Impurity effects on embrittlement; Irradiation creep ESS (2020) 5 MW; 3 GeV; 15 Hz Mu2e (2020): L = 160 mm, D = 6 mm 8 kW; 8 GeV; 0.75 Hz; σ rms = 1 mm JRJ Bennett 'little wire' High-T He embrittlement?; Effects of microstructure changes?

6 RaDIATE news Monthly meetings (5 so far) DPA calculation incorporation into MARS –Necessary for all material studies Scoping study underway by NNL/Oxford (c/o Steve Roberts/Materials for Fission & Fusion Power Group) –Initial report on Beryllium on website (Colin English/Barry Jones/NNL) –Graphite report underway (Graham Hall/Manchester) ‘PASI’ Post-doc recruitment at Oxford awaiting full funding –To work on beryllium & beryllium alloys –Widely applicable for beam windows and low-Z targets –Interesting new research topic 6

7 RaDIATE news (continued) Graphite in-beam tests at BLIP/BNL University of Manchester now part of URA NNUF (National Nuclear User’s Facility) at Culham (Real news!) –To perform activated materials testing (micro-mechanical) –£5M equipment purchase underway –£10M earmarked next year Hope to include tungsten research in future (seek funding by ESS?) –Testing of unirradiated samples of ISIS tungsten targets at Oxford (MFFP) underway –Collaboration underway with SCK-CEN (Belgium) to perform materials tests on irradiated ISIS tungsten target –Samples would be passed to NNUF for micro-mechanical tests 7

8 Chris Densham Micro-mechanical testing 1um 3m3m 10  m 4m4m 3m3m Unique materials expertise at Oxford (MFFP Group) Micro-cantilevers machined by Focused Ion Beams Compression tests Tension tests Three Point Bend Cantilever bending

9 2. PASI-UK Programme (co-ordinator Rob Edgecock) WP1 – ‘Generic’ tools for high power target development and operation (c/o David Jenkins) –Task 1: Monitoring systems – structural, heat transfer, erosion/corrosion integrity + temperature –Task 2: Studies for high Z targets WP2 – ISIS upgrades (c/o Matt Fletcher) –Task 1: Improvements to TS1 target (up to 0.5 MW) -Task 2: ESS contributions -WP3 – Fluidised tungsten (c/o Chris Densham) –Flow rig development –Pulsed proton beam test at HiRadMat facility All topics covered in more detail in WG1 Session 3

10 PASI-UK community UK Universities Rob Edgecock, Cristian Bungau, Adriana Bungau (Huddersfield University) Ali Ahmed (Sheffield University) John Back (Warwick University) STFC/RAL Matt Fletcher, David Jenkins, Eamonn Quinn, Leslie Jones, Roger Bennett (ISIS) Stephen Brooks (ASTeC) Chris Densham, Tristan Davenne, Mike Fitton, Peter Loveridge, Otto Caretta, Dan Wilcox (HPTG)

11 ISIS/PASI Target collaboration Image: Target Station 2 10 Hz operation 32 kW power Solid tungsten rod target Water cooled

12 ISIS/PASI Target collaboration Target Station 1 40 Hz operation 128 kW power Tungsten plate target Image: WP2 Objective: More neutrons from TS1! Target Station 2 10 Hz operation 32 kW power Solid tungsten rod target Water cooled

13 PASI-UK: Learning the limits of solid tungsten targets TS-2 Mk1 HIP Beam on Beam off Beam on

14 PASI-UK: generic (tungsten) test equipment in preparation 1.High pressure water erosion test rig – components delivered (Tristan Davenne/Otto Caretta) 2.10 kW, 400 kHz induction heater power supply delivered e.g. for Mu2e or ISIS target testing (Tristan Davenne) Buffer tank Tantalum coated tungsten sample Impinging water jet Pump UV steriliser Water flow meter filter nozzle Chilled water circuit Thermostatic control valve Jet diameter < 10mm Water velocity: 1-50m/s Steady-State Von-Mises Stress Field Tension Compre ssion 3.PSU purchased for high temperature tungsten fatigue (Peter Loveridge, Roger Bennett, Ali Ahmad)

15 PASI-UK WP3: Fluidised tungsten powder technology Potential solution for applications requiring highest pulsed beam powers e.g. Neutrino Factory New technology demonstrated off-line at RAL In-beam experiment on powder sample carried out at CERN –First experiment to be carried out at new HiRadMat test facility in May 2012 –Collaboration with Ilias Efthymiopoulos, Nikolaos Charitonidis (CERN) 2 nd experiment planned after long LHC shutdown

16 1 st experiment at HiRadMat, CERN (May 2012) Trough photographed after the experiment. Note: powder disruption Shot #8, 1.75e11 protons Note: nice uniform lift Shot #9, 1.85e11 protons Note: filaments! Lift height correlates with deposited energy

17 3. Collaborations between Fermilab and STFC/RAL 2.1 st NOvA (ME) target for 700 kW beam 3.2 nd NOvA target under manufacture 5.Be window experiment proposal for HiRadMat 4.Mu2e target design, development & materials testing under way 1.LBNE & NuMI (LE) target studies & prototyping

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