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1 ELDER ABUSE & NEGLECT Physical Abuse Emotional or Psychological Abuse Financial or Material Exploitation Sexual Abuse Neglect Self-neglect Abandonment.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ELDER ABUSE & NEGLECT Physical Abuse Emotional or Psychological Abuse Financial or Material Exploitation Sexual Abuse Neglect Self-neglect Abandonment."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ELDER ABUSE & NEGLECT Physical Abuse Emotional or Psychological Abuse Financial or Material Exploitation Sexual Abuse Neglect Self-neglect Abandonment

2 2 ELDER ABUSE & NEGLECT – Risk Factors Family situations include: Family conflict created by the older person’s presence (e.g., tension between adult child and spouse over parental care) A history and pattern of violent interactions within the family (e.g., “revenge” for past acts of abuse)

3 3 ELDER ABUSE & NEGLECT – Risk Factors Caregiver issues include: Lack of knowledge or caregiving skills (e.g., not knowing how to manage difficult behaviors) Caregiver stress (e.g., alcohol or substance use, mental illness, financial hardships, caregiver’s notions of “duty to personally provide care” despite difficulty in doing so) Dependency is a contributing factor in elder abuse. When the caregiver is dependent financially on an impaired older person, OR when the impaired older person is completely dependent on the caregiver, the caregiver may experience resentment that leads to abusive behavior.

4 4 ELDER ABUSE & NEGLECT – Risk Factors Cultural issues The idea that what happens at home is "private". Those outside the family who observe or suspect abuse or neglect may fail to intervene because they believe "it’s a family problem and none of my business" Shame and embarrassment often make it difficult for older persons to reveal abuse. Religious or ethical belief systems sometimes allow for mistreatment of family members, especially women. Those who participate in these behaviors do not consider them abusive.

5 5 Signs/Symptoms of elder abuse & neglect Physical Abuse Bruises, burns, welts Elder’s report of being hit, or unexplained injuries Caregiver’s refusal to let visitors see an elder alone Emotional Abuse Being emotionally upset or agitated Withdrawn or non- communicative Feeling depressed Feeling intimidated or afraid of caregiver

6 6 Signs/Symptoms of elder abuse & neglect Financial Abuse Sudden changes in banking practices, large, unexplained withdrawals by person accompanying elder Unauthorized withdrawal of funds using ATM card Abrupt changes in will or financial documents Sexual Abuse Bruises around the chest or genital area Torn, stained, bloody underclothes Elder’s report of sexual assault

7 7 Signs/Symptoms of elder abuse & neglect Neglect/ Self-Neglect Dehydration, poor nutrition, Poor personal hygiene Unsanitary or unsafe living conditions

8 8 Issues & Resources Definitions of what is considered "abuse" vary across diverse cultural and ethnic communities Important not to ignore abuse by attributing the cause to cultural differences Mandated reporting: Any persons having full or intermittent responsibility for the care or custody of an elder or dependent adult, are MANDATED REPORTERS of elder and dependent adult abuse. Need to call Adult Protective Services. The identity of the mandated reporter is kept confidential. CAPS Ambassadors should discuss situations with their site coordinators and/or the case manager at the Department of Human Services.

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