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Bermuda Triangle. Definition Bermuda Triangle - the usual name of the Atlantic, in the vicinity of Bermuda, by the enthusiasts of the paranormal, which.

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Presentation on theme: "Bermuda Triangle. Definition Bermuda Triangle - the usual name of the Atlantic, in the vicinity of Bermuda, by the enthusiasts of the paranormal, which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bermuda Triangle

2 Definition Bermuda Triangle - the usual name of the Atlantic, in the vicinity of Bermuda, by the enthusiasts of the paranormal, which is considered the site of many unexplained disappearances of ships, boats and aircraft (they believe that this area takes place the phenomenon of breaking the laws of physics, is detected by the presence of „strangers” - which in their view, explain the alleged unexplained events). There is a fixed shape of a triangle, its shape is described differently in the various urban legends. Bermuda Triangle - the usual name of the Atlantic, in the vicinity of Bermuda, by the enthusiasts of the paranormal, which is considered the site of many unexplained disappearances of ships, boats and aircraft (they believe that this area takes place the phenomenon of breaking the laws of physics, is detected by the presence of „strangers” - which in their view, explain the alleged unexplained events). There is a fixed shape of a triangle, its shape is described differently in the various urban legends.

3 Legend Triangle According to Lawrence David Kusch, library staff at Arizona State University, who examined in detail the source, the father of the concept of the Bermuda Triangle is Vincent Gaddis, who used it in the article The Deadly Bermuda Triangle in Argosy magazine in 1964. According to Lawrence David Kusch, library staff at Arizona State University, who examined in detail the source, the father of the concept of the Bermuda Triangle is Vincent Gaddis, who used it in the article The Deadly Bermuda Triangle in Argosy magazine in 1964. In 1965, Gaddis published a book Invisible Horizons, which dealt with the legend. After him many other authors have tried to get fame addressing this topic. In 1965, Gaddis published a book Invisible Horizons, which dealt with the legend. After him many other authors have tried to get fame addressing this topic. Depending on the author, the size of the Bermuda Triangle is different. Some extend it until the coast of Ireland. Usually, however, are referred to the triangle between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda, which is a very busy area by ships and aircraft. Depending on the author, the size of the Bermuda Triangle is different. Some extend it until the coast of Ireland. Usually, however, are referred to the triangle between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda, which is a very busy area by ships and aircraft. Kusch and Jules LD Metz thoroughly researched this story, analyzing the 500 pages of official reports. They concluded that it was a tragic accident, one of the worst military aviation accidents in peacetime, but due to natural causes as possible. Kusch and Jules LD Metz thoroughly researched this story, analyzing the 500 pages of official reports. They concluded that it was a tragic accident, one of the worst military aviation accidents in peacetime, but due to natural causes as possible. Christopher Columbus, according to his report, observed in the vicinity of the Triangle „strange dancing lights on the horizon” Christopher Columbus, according to his report, observed in the vicinity of the Triangle „strange dancing lights on the horizon”

4 Hypotheses to explain the disaster The probable explanation for the mysterious disappearances are sporadic eruptions of methane from undersea deposits in these areas. Bubbles of methane coming out of the slots in the bottom of the ocean swell as the outflow to the surface to an enormous size. Arose from the water and bubbles of methane fluid has a density much lower than water, which in it vessels lose buoyancy and sink. The hypothesis of extracting the surface large quantities of methane could explain the crash of airplanes, but their physical mechanism is not obvious. After departure to the surface, methane is not only rises by convection to the top, but also mixed with air and is carried by the wind. At cruising altitude aircraft, the concentration of methane gas may therefore be too small to directly affect the planes fly over. High concentrations of methane, it would mix with air under the influence of engine ignition and explosion, however, the minimum methane concentration at which it would be possible (the lower explosive limit) is 5%. Obtaining such a high concentration at cruising altitude aircraft, however, is unlikely. Nevertheless, even the presence of methane in concentrations not exceeding the lower explosion limit, it can interfere with aircraft engines - methane in the air causes the excessive enrichment of fuel-air mixture and, consequently, unstable or failure of engines. Moreover, even if methane would not have reached the same quantities as to endanger the airplane engines work, the release of same and mixed with layers of air below the airplane causes changes in density and consequently the vertical movements of air masses (or air mixed with methane), and turbulence. Unexpectedly their pilot can perform the maneuver, which will eventually lead to a loss of steering and a sudden drop in height of the aircraft leaving the zone of rising air currents. The probable explanation for the mysterious disappearances are sporadic eruptions of methane from undersea deposits in these areas. Bubbles of methane coming out of the slots in the bottom of the ocean swell as the outflow to the surface to an enormous size. Arose from the water and bubbles of methane fluid has a density much lower than water, which in it vessels lose buoyancy and sink. The hypothesis of extracting the surface large quantities of methane could explain the crash of airplanes, but their physical mechanism is not obvious. After departure to the surface, methane is not only rises by convection to the top, but also mixed with air and is carried by the wind. At cruising altitude aircraft, the concentration of methane gas may therefore be too small to directly affect the planes fly over. High concentrations of methane, it would mix with air under the influence of engine ignition and explosion, however, the minimum methane concentration at which it would be possible (the lower explosive limit) is 5%. Obtaining such a high concentration at cruising altitude aircraft, however, is unlikely. Nevertheless, even the presence of methane in concentrations not exceeding the lower explosion limit, it can interfere with aircraft engines - methane in the air causes the excessive enrichment of fuel-air mixture and, consequently, unstable or failure of engines. Moreover, even if methane would not have reached the same quantities as to endanger the airplane engines work, the release of same and mixed with layers of air below the airplane causes changes in density and consequently the vertical movements of air masses (or air mixed with methane), and turbulence. Unexpectedly their pilot can perform the maneuver, which will eventually lead to a loss of steering and a sudden drop in height of the aircraft leaving the zone of rising air currents.

5 December 5, 1945 A squadron of five at 14.00 bombers Grumman TBM - 3 „Avengers” belonging to the Navy of the United States soared into the air from the airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Were to be a typical flight schooling. Aircraft maintenance was made up of the pilot, radio operator and gunner, and fuel, which should be enough to fuck around 1500 km. The crew had life jackets and a self-priming air-raft. They had to fly 250 km directly east toward the Bahamas and then turn north and after 65 km turn towards the south west to the base. Weather conditions were good. At. 15.15, after performing the tasks on the way back to the base commander Lt. Taylor gave the alarming news that the squadron is likely to be blown off course and did not see the expected land: We’re not sure what is our position, which is west... all messed up. A squadron of five at 14.00 bombers Grumman TBM - 3 „Avengers” belonging to the Navy of the United States soared into the air from the airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Were to be a typical flight schooling. Aircraft maintenance was made up of the pilot, radio operator and gunner, and fuel, which should be enough to fuck around 1500 km. The crew had life jackets and a self-priming air-raft. They had to fly 250 km directly east toward the Bahamas and then turn north and after 65 km turn towards the south west to the base. Weather conditions were good. At. 15.15, after performing the tasks on the way back to the base commander Lt. Taylor gave the alarming news that the squadron is likely to be blown off course and did not see the expected land: We’re not sure what is our position, which is west... all messed up.

6 Strange things happen here. Even the ocean does not look like it should;. communication was interrupted, but the listener still receive fragments of conversations between the pilots. It was not possible, however, get them connected to them. At. 16.00 for unknown reasons, see Taylor passed the command of the squadron Capsules Stiversowi another, which after about 15 minutes later reported back to the database: „God, It looks like we were entering into a white water... we are completely lost... Not FLY behind us... they look as if they came from another world „; After this communication link has been interrupted. From the airport, Air Station Banana River, flew to the rescue of a Martin Mariner PBM machine, equipped with special instruments and equipment to help pilots are forced to launching. The team consisted of twelve people. Headed south-east and, like a squadron disappeared without a trace. Disappearance within a few hours 6 aircraft with 27 people resulted in the greatest in the history of U.S. Navy sea and air search. Took part in them 307 planes, four Navy destroyers, several submarines, 18 Coast Guard units, special rescue vessels and hundreds of private boats and yachts. The Bahamas joined the British navy units yet, and RAF aircraft u. The search lasted from dawn to dusk, the planes searched sea area 600 000 square kilometers - to no avail. Strange things happen here. Even the ocean does not look like it should;. communication was interrupted, but the listener still receive fragments of conversations between the pilots. It was not possible, however, get them connected to them. At. 16.00 for unknown reasons, see Taylor passed the command of the squadron Capsules Stiversowi another, which after about 15 minutes later reported back to the database: „God, It looks like we were entering into a white water... we are completely lost... Not FLY behind us... they look as if they came from another world „; After this communication link has been interrupted. From the airport, Air Station Banana River, flew to the rescue of a Martin Mariner PBM machine, equipped with special instruments and equipment to help pilots are forced to launching. The team consisted of twelve people. Headed south-east and, like a squadron disappeared without a trace. Disappearance within a few hours 6 aircraft with 27 people resulted in the greatest in the history of U.S. Navy sea and air search. Took part in them 307 planes, four Navy destroyers, several submarines, 18 Coast Guard units, special rescue vessels and hundreds of private boats and yachts. The Bahamas joined the British navy units yet, and RAF aircraft u. The search lasted from dawn to dusk, the planes searched sea area 600 000 square kilometers - to no avail.

7 Not found any life-rafts, which were fitted in all aircraft and that in the event of an accident floating on the water, or any debris, or even of oil on the water, pointing to the disaster. It looks as if planes simply dissolved into the air. This flight went down in history „Lot No. 19.” But there is, however, a mysterious aspect of this case. That same day, in which the lost squadron, around 19:00 hours at Miami Airport has received a faint radio signal „FT... FT„. This was part of the squadron’s call sign. However, the possibility of its origin by any of the members of the squadron does not actually exist, because according to calculations, the fuel should run out 2 hours earlier. Unless... However, the Bermuda Triangle is not the only place where mysteriously disappearing ships and aircraft. On the opposite side of the Earth off the coast of Japan is a region called the Devil’s Sea. The incidence of unexplained events in both places is more or less the same. Not found any life-rafts, which were fitted in all aircraft and that in the event of an accident floating on the water, or any debris, or even of oil on the water, pointing to the disaster. It looks as if planes simply dissolved into the air. This flight went down in history „Lot No. 19.” But there is, however, a mysterious aspect of this case. That same day, in which the lost squadron, around 19:00 hours at Miami Airport has received a faint radio signal „FT... FT„. This was part of the squadron’s call sign. However, the possibility of its origin by any of the members of the squadron does not actually exist, because according to calculations, the fuel should run out 2 hours earlier. Unless... However, the Bermuda Triangle is not the only place where mysteriously disappearing ships and aircraft. On the opposite side of the Earth off the coast of Japan is a region called the Devil’s Sea. The incidence of unexplained events in both places is more or less the same.

8 Thank you for watching our presentation. Thank you for watching our presentation.

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