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Lesson 3 What should a person suffering from a mental disorder do to receive help? Getting Help Be aware of the disorder. Be aware of when they need to.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 3 What should a person suffering from a mental disorder do to receive help? Getting Help Be aware of the disorder. Be aware of when they need to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Lesson 3 What should a person suffering from a mental disorder do to receive help? Getting Help Be aware of the disorder. Be aware of when they need to seek professional help. Be aware of the various types professional help available.

3 Lesson 3 Tell early detection and warning signs that prompt individuals of all ages to seek mental health care Describe methods for addressing critical mental health issues Select available mental health services in the community In this lesson, you will learn to: Lesson Objectives

4 Lesson 3 The early detection of mental and emotional problems is critically important to getting help for them. Knowing some specific warning signs of mental disorders can help a person of any age determine if he or she should seek help. Importance of Early Detection Getting Help

5 Lesson 3 You feel trapped with no way out, or you worry all the time. Your feelings affect your sleep, eating habits, school work, job performance, or relationships. Your family or friends express concern about your behavior. You are becoming involved with alcohol or other drugs. You are becoming increasingly aggressive, violent, or reckless. When to Seek Help for Mental or Emotional Problems Knowing When to Get Help

6 Lesson 3 Symptoms Severe Enough to Require Intervention Prolonged sadness for no specific reason Frequent outbursts of anger Overwhelming fear, anxiety, or anger at the world Unexplained change in sleeping or eating habits Social withdrawal Signs That Professional Help Is Needed

7 Lesson 3 Methods for Seeking Help There are many people who are willing and eager to assist people with critical mental health issues: Parents or guardians School psychologists Counselors Coaches Clergy members Crisis hot lines Signs That Professional Help Is Needed

8 Lesson 3 Some people are afraid to seek help for mental or emotional problems. They see these problems as a sign of weakness, not as a legitimate illness. Stumbling Blocks to Seeking Help Signs That Professional Help Is Needed

9 Lesson 3 Asking for help from a mental health professional shows responsibility for one’s own wellness. People who have mental disorders, compulsions, and addictions require professional help. Most people find that unloading problems and sharing their deepest thoughts with a “stranger” is a great relief. Helping People Who Are Reluctant to Seek Help Signs That Professional Help Is Needed

10 Lesson 3 Commonly Used Therapy Methods Psychotherapy Behavior therapy Cognitive therapy Group therapy Biomedical therapy Therapy Methods

11 Lesson 3 1.Behavior therapy 2.Biomedical therapy 3.Group therapy 4.Cognitive therapy Choose the appropriate option. Q. _____ involves treating a group of people who have similar problems and who meet regularly with a trained counselor. Quick Review

12 Lesson 3 A. 3. Group therapy Group therapy involves treating a group of people who have similar problems and who meet regularly with a trained counselor. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

13 Lesson 3 Quick Review 1.Unexplained change in sleeping or eating habits 2.Acts calmly under pressure 3.Prolonged sadness for no specific reason 4.Social withdrawal Q. Which of the following is not an indicator that a person needs help with a mental or an emotional problem?

14 Lesson 3 Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer A. 2. Acts calmly under pressure Acting calmly under pressure is not generally an indicator that a person needs help with a mental or an emotional problem.

15 Lesson 3 Quick Review Q. Mental and emotional problems are simply signs of weakness, not symptoms of a legitimate illness. True False Choose the appropriate option.

16 Lesson 3 Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer A. False. Mental and emotional problems are not signs of weakness, but of legitimate illness. People experiencing mental and emotional problems should seek the help of a mental health professional as soon as possible.

17 Lesson 3 End of Lesson 3 Click Home to view the Main menu.

18 Lesson 3 A. Correct! Group therapy involves treating a group of people who have similar problems and who meet regularly with a trained counselor. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

19 Lesson 3 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

20 Lesson 3 Mental Health Professionals Signs That Professional Help Is Needed

21 Lesson 3 Commonly Used Therapy Methods Psychotherapy Behavior therapy Cognitive therapy Group therapy Biomedical therapy Psychotherapy is an ongoing dialogue between a patient and a mental health professional. Psychotherapy is an ongoing dialogue between a patient and a mental health professional. Therapy Methods

22 Lesson 3 Commonly Used Therapy Methods Psychotherapy Behavior therapy Cognitive therapy Group therapy Biomedical therapy Behavior therapy is a treatment process that focuses on changing unwanted behaviors through rewards and reinforcements. Behavior therapy is a treatment process that focuses on changing unwanted behaviors through rewards and reinforcements. Therapy Methods

23 Lesson 3 Commonly Used Therapy Methods Psychotherapy Behavior therapy Cognitive therapy Group therapy Biomedical therapy Cognitive therapy is a treatment method designed to identify and correct distorted thinking patterns that can lead to feelings and behaviors that may be troublesome, self-defeating, or self-destructive. Therapy Methods

24 Lesson 3 Commonly Used Therapy Methods Psychotherapy Behavior therapy Cognitive therapy Group therapy Biomedical therapy Group therapy involves treating a group of people who have similar problems and who meet regularly with a trained counselor. Therapy Methods

25 Lesson 3 Commonly Used Therapy Methods Psychotherapy Behavior therapy Cognitive therapy Group therapy Biomedical therapy Biomedical therapy is the use of certain medications to treat or reduce the symptoms of a mental disorder. Therapy Methods

26 Lesson 3 A. Correct! Acting calmly under pressure is not generally an indicator that a person needs help with a mental or an emotional problem. Click Next to attempt another question.

27 Lesson 3 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer.

28 Lesson 3 A. Correct! Mental and emotional problems are not signs of weakness, but of legitimate illness. People experiencing mental and emotional problems should seek the help of a mental health professional as soon as possible. Click Next to attempt another question.

29 Lesson 3 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer.

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