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Presentation on theme: "SIMPLIFIED MODELS OF ILD AND SID DETECTORS: SIMULATIONS AND SCALED TEST ULB: Christophe Collette, David Tschilumba, Lionel SLAC: Marco."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIMPLIFIED MODELS OF ILD AND SID DETECTORS: SIMULATIONS AND SCALED TEST BENCH @ ULB: Christophe Collette, David Tschilumba, Lionel Fueyo-Rosa @ SLAC: Marco Oriunno, Thomas Markiewicz, Kirk Bertsche

2 CLIC final focus 2 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012)

3 CMS Experiment (LHC tunnel) 3 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012) [C. Collette et al. “Control strategies for the final focus of future linear particle collider” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Vol. 684 (August 2012), pp. 7-17]

4 Simplified model Cantilever support 4 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012) Random force

5 Model of the technical noise C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012) 5 PSD of the random force F

6 Solutions tested 1. Isolation 2. Damping 3. Stiffening 6 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012)

7 Example of results seismometer 7 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012)

8 8

9 Finite element model (Full scale) 9 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012) Resonances frequencies multiplied by 2 Active tendon

10 Numerical results Avantages : Stiffness Active damping Alignment 10 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012)

11 Scaled test bench (in production) 11 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012) Resonances frequencies multiplied by 2 Active tendon: APA100M+BK8200 Active tendon

12 Experimental set-up 12 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012)

13 13 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012) Divided by 30 Positioning: out of phase sinusoidal signals in the two vertical actuators: Amplitude: 30 µm Frequency: 30 Hz Active damping of all the modes

14 Simplified model of the SiD Additional features:  QD0s and QF1s  Detector tilt  Beam dynamics  Soil model  Technical noise model 14 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012)

15 Simplified model of the SiD 15 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012) QF1 QD0 QF1

16 Simulations 16 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012) Integrated RMS of the random force

17 Ground motion measurement at SLAC 17 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012)

18 Power spectral densities 18 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012) Without technical noiseWith technical noise

19 Integrated RMS 19 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012) Without technical noiseWith technical noise QF1s play a big role; Technical noise is not very harmful

20 Conclusions  Simplified model of the CLIC_ILD final focus, updated with ground motion model from CMS  Proposal of active tie rods:  Improve the robustness to technical noise  Active structural damping  Positioning  Results validated on a scaled test bench  Simplified model of the SiD detector  QF1 plays a big role  Technical noise is not very harmful  Future work: Passive and active isolation of the QF1 and QD0 20 C. Collette, LCWS 12 (October 25, 2012)

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