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 Acute – quick onset, short duration  Adhesion – a sticking together or binding of tissue fibers  Antiseptic – a substance which prevents the growth.

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2  Acute – quick onset, short duration  Adhesion – a sticking together or binding of tissue fibers  Antiseptic – a substance which prevents the growth of bacteria  Avascular – without blood or lympatic vessels. This may be a normal state as in certain forms of cartilage, or as a result of disease or injury

3  Benign – harmless  Bunionette – bony enlargement of lateral side of the head of 5 th metatarsal at the metatarsophalangeal joint; associated with an overlying bursa sac and a medial deviation of the 5 th phalange  Bursities – inflammation of a bursa  Chrondromalacia – softening of a cartilage  Chronic – of long duration, repeating; in athletes, usually a injury that has not responded to treatment

4  Congenital – existing before or at birth; date from but not necessarily detected at birth  Contusion – a bruise; an injury usually caused by a blow in which the skin is not broken  Crepitus – grating sound produced by the contact of the fractured end of bones  Diagnosis (or evaluation) – the determination of the nature of an injury or disease

5  Dislocation – the displacement of one or more bones of a joint or of any organ from the original position  Ecchymosis – extravasation (escape in to tissues) of blood also the tissue discoloration caused by the extravastion of blood  Edema – swelling as a result of the collection of fluid in the connective tissue  Effusion – escape of the fluid into a cavity

6  Epistaxis – nosebleed  Exostosis – a bengin cartilage, capped protuberance from the surface of long bones, but also seen on flat bones due to chronic irritation as from infection, trauma, or osteoarthritis  Faciitis – inflammation of fascia  Fracture – the breaking of a bone or cartilage

7  Hematoma – a circumscribed extravascular collection of blood, usually clotted, which forms a mass  Hematuria – passing of blood in the urine  Hemorrhage – escaping of blood through ruptured walls of vessels  Hernia – the adnormal protrusion of an organ or a part through the containing wall of its cavity usually the abdominal cavity beyond its normal confines

8  Inflammation – reaction of the body tissue to an irritant  Joint subluxation – partial displacement of the articular surfaces and crepitus there is a first or second degree ligamentous injury  Laceration – a tear, or a wound made by tearing the act of tearing or laceratin  Myositis ossificans – inflammation of muscle with formation of the bone  Myositis – inflammation of muscle tissue

9  Necrosis – death of tissue or cells  Open wound – a wound of injury involving a break in the skin  Osgood schlatters – osteochondrosis of the tuberosity of the tibia, seen especially in adolescents (inflammation of both bone and cartilage  Osteochondritis dissecans – a joint characterized by partial or complete detachment of a fragment or articular cartilage and underlying bone

10  Paralysis – loss of power of voluntary motion  Plantar fasciitis – inflammation at origin of plantar fascia  Separation – injury to a non movable joint  Sprain – a wrenching of a joint producing a stretching or tearing of the ligaments  Spur – an outgrowth of bony tissue into muscles or skin

11  Strain – excessive stretching or overuse of a part as of tendon/muscle  Subacute – relatively acute a stage between acute and chronic after the initial trauma  Subluxation – partial displacement of the articular surfaces  Syndrome – group of typical symptoms or conditions that characterize a deficency or disease

12  Tendinitis – inflammation of a tendon or musculoskeletal junction  Tenosynovitis – inflammation of a tendon and its sheath  Trauma – wound or injury

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