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November Meeting 2014 Non-Profit Program. Welcome Yasmin Cruz Your Cheerleader JOHN HANCOCK.

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Presentation on theme: "November Meeting 2014 Non-Profit Program. Welcome Yasmin Cruz Your Cheerleader JOHN HANCOCK."— Presentation transcript:

1 November Meeting 2014 Non-Profit Program

2 Welcome Yasmin Cruz Your Cheerleader JOHN HANCOCK

3 Program Overview By Today: Return Executed Non-Profit Agreements and create CrowdRise team page. By Year End: Finalize team recruiting and support runners setting up their personal CrowdRise pages –Fundraising begins: Giving Tuesday, Holidays –Confirm training partner/program –Plan race weekend event(s) January – March 2014: Tell your organization’s story and provide ongoing support to runners –Register your runners –Emergency contact information/preparedness plan –Develop media plan –Conduct team meetings: training support and fundraising support Incentivize runners: Superstar of the Week Order gear/branded apparel Plan long-runs (18M in Late Feb/Early March & 20M in Mid March)

4 Important Dates November 22, 2013 –On-Site Meeting #2: Team Registration January 31, 2014 –Applications Due to B.A.A –Runner Release Forms Due to JH February 1, 2014 –Outstanding Applications Expire March 28, 2014 –On-site Meeting #3: Countdown to Race Weekend April 15, 2014 –Commemoration April 21, 2014 –118 th Boston Marathon Webinars December 12, 2013 (Charity) January 16, 2014 (Runner) February 20, 2014 (Runner)

5 Resources: Facebook Closed Group Page

6 Resources: Microsite

7 CrowdRise All of your runners: Deferred runners, BAA runners, qualified runners, bibs from a town, virtual runners, JH runners should be on one team page – no exclusions If desired, after all of your runners have pages set-up, you can email to request the join our fundraiser button be removed.

8 Fundraising Minimum Option Charities can add fundraising minimums to their runners on CrowdRise. Runners will be asked to commit to raising a minimum amount for your charity. If the runner doesn’t reach the minimum by the specified date, he or she will be charged on CrowdRise for the difference in the form of a donation to your charity.

9 Offline Donations Determine a system for entering offline donations for checks received. Charity organizers can manage and assign donations to specific fundraisers once checks are received, or allow fundraisers to enter offline donations themselves. Be clear with your runners on your protocol. You can access this feature in the MANAGE TEAM tab under the toolkit dropdown.

10 Access Reports Access fundraiser and donor reports through the REPORT CENTER tab on your fundraiser page Filter reports by: - Donations - Date Range - Runner Name

11 Access Reports Download your report as a CSV/Excel document. Report includes: - Name - Email - Address - Donation Amount - Net Donation - Date of Donation - Fundraiser Name

12 Send Messages Send messages to update your team members at any time. You can access this feature in the MANAGE TEAM tab under the TOOLKIT dropdown.

13 Marathon Promotions John Hancock will be offering promotions that you can use to incentivize runners. CrowdRise will draft all of the emails making it incredibly easy for you to share with your runners.

14 Please Welcome… Barbara Sicuso Director of Registration B.A.A.

15 Runner Registration Things to keep in mind –Your packet will contain extra invitational entry forms. –Individual entry forms only become official when you place a sticker on it. –Faxed or copied forms will be accepted by BAA, but it is not the preferred method. –YOU send the forms in one packet to Hopkinton (Blacking out existing form remittance info not a bad idea). –Please copy all forms and keep them on file. –Strongly encourage use of a mailing service that will provide a tracking number.

16 Please Welcome… Thomas Crohan AVP & Counsel John Hancock

17 Housekeeping Recent B.A.A. initiatives General comments on recruitment Tips on engaging Out of Town Runners Advice for new teams

18 Resources: Training Group Runs – Partner Up Jolly Jaunt and other races Connect with your local Running Clubs- L Street, Liberty, Heartbreak Hill, Somerville Road Runners, Colonials Shoe stores offer weekly free runs: –City Sports Back Bay/ Tuesdays 6pm and Suburbs Saturdays & Sundays 10am –Marathon Sports/ Wednesdays @ 6pm –SEAC & HHRC/ Wednesdays & Thursdays

19 You have QUESTIONS… and, we may have ANSWERS…

20 Closing Remarks

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