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The design loop Integrated Technologies The Design Loop Grade 9 Integrated Technology.

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1 the design loop Integrated Technologies The Design Loop Grade 9 Integrated Technology

2 the design loop Integrated Technologies What is it? Creating solutions to problems involves the process of design. It is a thinking process involving planning with intention and purpose. It provides structure for thinking and doing. Not a linear process, you move back and forth through the steps.

3 the design loop Integrated Technologies 1. Identifying problems and opportunities

4 the design loop Integrated Technologies 1. Identifying problems and opportunities Central to the process of designing is the identification of a problem in need of a solution There are a number of creative possibilities. Taking time to find the root problem is extremely important so that the ultimate solution works.

5 the design loop Integrated Technologies 1. Identifying problems and opportunities Be sure to fully understand the problem and all the simple parts to the problem. It requires careful observation and a critical eye.

6 the design loop Integrated Technologies 1. Identifying problems and opportunities The process of designing begins when there is a need. Wherever there are people there are problems needing solutions. In some cases the designer may have to invent a product. An example might be a game for blind persons.

7 the design loop Integrated Technologies At other times the designer may change an existing design. (If the handle of a pot becomes too hot to touch, it must be redesigned.) Designers also improve existing products. They make the product work even better. (Could the chair in the waiting room of a bus or train station be altered so that waiting seems shorter?) 1. Identifying problems and opportunities

8 the design loop Integrated Technologies 2. Framing a design brief

9 the design loop Integrated Technologies 2. Framing a design brief The second step in the process is one of clarification and specification. Here you will need to detail exactly what it is you intend to do. A good starting point is to ask yourself a number of questions.

10 the design loop Integrated Technologies 2. Framing a design brief Specifications describe the limitations and requirements of the project's solution. Typical specifications set limits on time, capital, or materials and clarify questions of aesthetics and ultimate user population.

11 the design loop Integrated Technologies 2. Framing a design brief Spend time researching and thinking about the specifications for your project, as they will be revisited during every phase of the design process The design brief provides direction for the entire process.

12 the design loop Integrated Technologies 3. Research and Investigation.

13 the design loop Integrated Technologies 3. Research and Investigation. Information must be gathered and documented for possible future reference Few solutions are new. Inventions involve many previously known principles and concepts

14 the design loop Integrated Technologies 3. Research and Investigation. Effective designing means looking at existing devices and systems, as well as existing knowledge and solutions as a source of ideas for new solutions

15 the design loop Integrated Technologies 4. Generation of Alternative Solutions.

16 the design loop Integrated Technologies 4. Generation of Alternative Solutions. Generating a number of alternative solutions is one of the most important steps and often the most difficult to do. Any problem can take a wide variety of directions Referred to as brainstorming.

17 the design loop Integrated Technologies Decisions must be made about the workability of ideas generated. At this point new “know how” may have to be found in order to be able to solve the problem. Factors such as time and cost should be considered at this stage. 4. Generation of Alternative Solutions.

18 the design loop Integrated Technologies 5. Choosing the Best Solution.

19 the design loop Integrated Technologies 5. Choosing the Best Solution. List the attributes (good and bad points) of the ideas and compare them. It is important that criteria be developed for making evaluations. Solutions may be combined to create the final solution.

20 the design loop Integrated Technologies 6. Developmental Work

21 the design loop Integrated Technologies 6. Developmental Work Engineering drawings, exploded-view drawings, cutaways and blueprints may be constructed 2 or 3-dimentional sketches or models may be made to demonstrate the fit between parts. The idea may be sold to the client.

22 the design loop Integrated Technologies 7. Modeling and Prototyping

23 the design loop Integrated Technologies 7. Modeling and Prototyping Appearance models do not function but are intended to show what a product will look like when it is produced. Functional models may not look like the end product, but they are operational.

24 the design loop Integrated Technologies Prototypes are models that function and look like the finished product but are usually hand built. 7. Modeling and Prototyping

25 the design loop Integrated Technologies 8. Testing and Evaluating

26 the design loop Integrated Technologies 8. Testing and Evaluating Apply the specifications to the end product to see if it does all the things that it is supposed to do. It tells you how well you have accomplished your goal and whether more development work is needed. Performance test of the device.

27 the design loop Integrated Technologies Remember that the Design Process is not linear. Steps are reviewed constantly and may have to be revisited to reach the best possible solution to the problem or challenge.

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