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Llanwenog School Garden. Here is a sunflower that the infants made out of sticks and dandilions.

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Presentation on theme: "Llanwenog School Garden. Here is a sunflower that the infants made out of sticks and dandilions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Llanwenog School Garden

2 Here is a sunflower that the infants made out of sticks and dandilions.


4 Here are some of the vegetables that we grew in our garden last year.

5 Here are some pupils that were out planting in the garden this year.

6 After picking the vegetables, we have them for dinner. And they taste amazing.

7 Here are a few children down by the willow. As you can see in the picture the willow is over grown but we have started recreating the arch. This is the finished product

8 The infants went on a trip to the butterfly centre to see a variety of different insects and animals, therefore they can identify them if they visit our garden.

9 Here are a few children planting and placing the names of the plants

10 Parsley Mint Chive Wild Strawberries Pot

11 The infants had a bird feeder outside and everyday they would go out and refill the feed. Who’s feeding the birds today? When are we feeding the birds?

12 In our garden we grow potatoes, strawberries, broad beans and runner beans.

13  Thank you for listening.

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