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“Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” …. Not Our Work  The phrase does not refer to our own efforts to gain our salvation  Just believe, obey (baptism)…then,

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Presentation on theme: "“Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” …. Not Our Work  The phrase does not refer to our own efforts to gain our salvation  Just believe, obey (baptism)…then,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” …


3 Not Our Work  The phrase does not refer to our own efforts to gain our salvation  Just believe, obey (baptism)…then, coast the rest of the way  Hints of “Once Saved, Always Saved”

4 “Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” God’s Work  Reference to His efforts 2,000 years ago so that we might believe, obey, be saved  All have sinned  Gentiles Rom 1:21-25, 26-27, 28-32  Jews Rom 3:9-18, 19-23 (Psa 14,53,5,140,10; Isa 59; Psa 36) IdolatryHomosexuality Other Sins

5 “Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” God’s Work  Question Ù why didn’t man bring himself back to God?  Answer Ù he couldn’t  All the righteous deeds he could do in and of themselves wouldn’t bridge the chasm his sins have caused  Law isn’t the answer Rom 10:5 Gal 3:10

6 “Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” God’s Work  The one who adopts the “Law approach” will only find frustration & an increased sin awareness Rom 7:12, 14-16, 19-20  Instead of bringing him back to God, law would only plunge him deeper into his separation from God

7 “Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” God’s Work  So, man is in trouble  He can’t devise his own plan to bring himself back to God  Even if God gives a law that is “just, holy, and good”…he still can’t reach God  What does he realize? Rom 7:24-25a 8:1-4

8 “Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” God’s Work  Thus, God reached down to save man  Truths we must realize & accept if we see Jesus as the Answer JUSTICE  Payment, penalty for sin  God won’t look the other way…ignore sin  Also why we can’t ignore sin

9 “Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” God’s Work  Thus, God reached down to save man  Truths we must realize & accept if we see Jesus as the Answer LOVE, MERCY, & GRACE  Not giving what man deserves [mercy]  Giving what man doesn’t deserve [grace]  All because of love Eph 2:1-9

10 “Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” God’s Work  By what means could God extend love, mercy, & grace…and yet be true to His demands for justice?  A painful decision at a heavy price  The blood of His Son Rom 3:21-26

11 “Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” Man’s Response  It is still not enough that Jesus died for all sinners [If so, universal salvation]  The story had to be told [taught]  The message had to be placed before sinful man…challenge a response Lk 1:1-4 Acts 1:1  What if it never got told??

12 “Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” Man’s Response  Precisely Paul’s point Rom 10:6-17  Man doesn’t have to do something “tremendous”…God did the work vv. 6-8  Not just telling the story, but also building something in that message that induces man to respond in faith

13 “Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” Conclusion  Now man has the opportunity to go to heaven  He can choose to work his way there by law-keeping [a failed option]  He can believe in Christ…achieve righteousness by faith & obedience Rom 4:1-8 6:1-4, 10-12 1:5 16:25-26

14 “Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done” Conclusion  If Jesus had not come, no sense in telling the story…doing anything w/eternal hope  But He did come…and He wants YOU !!  The question is…do you want what He is offering??  If so…

15 “Believe, Obey, The Work Is Done”


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