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Exam 2 Review Dr. Sanchez. Theme: Social Influence Attitudes & Behavior Persuasion & Attitudes Compliance, Conformity, Obedience Gender & The Body.

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Presentation on theme: "Exam 2 Review Dr. Sanchez. Theme: Social Influence Attitudes & Behavior Persuasion & Attitudes Compliance, Conformity, Obedience Gender & The Body."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exam 2 Review Dr. Sanchez

2 Theme: Social Influence Attitudes & Behavior Persuasion & Attitudes Compliance, Conformity, Obedience Gender & The Body

3 1. Attitudes & Behavior What is an attitude? What is the tripartite view of attitudes? Understand different methods of measuring attitudes –What’s the IAT?

4 Attitudes & Behavior Understand the different sources of attitudes and how they work: –Genes –Social experiences – for affectively (e.g., classical conditioning) vs. behaviorally (e.g., operant conditioning) based attitudes

5 Attitudes & Behavior Relationship between attitudes and behavior –Specificity Correspondence –Theory of planned behavior What are the variables and how do they affect whether an attitude will predict a behavior? –Attitude strength and accessibility –Measurement of attitudes

6 2. Persuasion & Attitudes (Advertising) What is persuasion? Know the Elaboration likelihood model! –Different routes to persuasion –When does attitude change occur through each of the routes? Understand persuasive cues/sources in a message Be able to identify different sources in a print ad

7 Persuasion & Attitudes (Advertising) Understand persuasive cues/sources in a message How does mood affect persuasion? –Classical conditioning –Misattribution –Non-conscious mimicry Be able to identify different persuasive cues in a print ad

8 Persuasion & Attitudes (Advertising) Inconsistencies and persuasion: –Balance theory –Cognitive dissonance theory Persuasion & culture

9 3. Compliance, Conformity, Obedience How do they differ? How can language induce compliance? –Langer study What’s the norm of reciprocity?

10 3. Compliance, Conformity, Obedience Sequential Request Strategies to induce compliance: Compare and contrast and know studies –Foot-in-the-door –Low-balling –Door-in-the-face –That’s not all, folks

11 3. Compliance, Conformity, Obedience Conformity –Types: Public vs. Private –Why: Informational vs. Normative Influence –Understand Asch and Sherif studies –Majority vs. Minority Influence –What factors decrease/increase conformity?

12 3. Compliance, Conformity, Obedience Obedience Know the Milgram experiments!!! –What were the prods? –What factors influenced obedience? –How many people obeyed? –How many people did experts think would obey? –Authoritarian Personality –How does original milgram differ from video

13 Gender What is self-objectification? What are the consequences of self- objectification? Know experiments manipulating self- objectification and results –Gender differences? Know Bem’s work on gender identity

14 Gender What is backlash? –Know experiments What is identity misclassification? –Know experiments

15 4. Group Influence Group vs. Collective? Collective processes (presence of others) –Social facilitation know studies Why does it occur? What are the main variables? –Social loafing When do you get this instead of facilitation? –Deindividuation –Collective Effort Model

16 4. Group Influence Group processes –Why join? –Types of group roles –Group norms –Group cohesiveness Brainstorming Diversity and Groups Group polarization – understand this Groupthink –Causes and consequences

17 Films and Readings All fair game

18 Style of Exam It is not enough to know definition of concepts and theories –Must be able to apply the theories –Must be able to distinguish one theory from another –This exam has roughly 50-60 questions, all multiple choice A-D

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