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Excellence Center CONBIOT THERMOCHEMICAL CONVERSION OF SOLID FUELS – Processes of pyrolysis, gasification and combustion of biomass an wastes. WORKGROUP.

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2 Excellence Center CONBIOT THERMOCHEMICAL CONVERSION OF SOLID FUELS – Processes of pyrolysis, gasification and combustion of biomass an wastes. WORKGROUP 2 Pyrolysis for solid products WORKGROUP leader Aleksander Sobolewski Ph.D. EXCELLENCE CENTER

3 Workgroup 2 – Pyrolysis for solid products Excellence Center CONBIOT Scope of activity  Development and implementation of ecologically safe and effective technologies of waste plastics and waste tyres utilisation,  Implementing of adsorption technologies for „end-of-pipe” cleaning of industrial gases and wastewater,  Development of technologies for activated carbon production and regeneration,  Development of gas cleaning technology (tar removal). Processes for upgrading solid products by pyrolysis:

4 Workgroup 2 – Pyrolysis for solid products Excellence Center CONBIOT Professionals  Aleksander Sobolewski Ph.D.- WG 2 leader  Zbigniew Robak Ph.D.- Carbochemistry (pyrolysis)  Monika Kosewska M.Sc.- Chemistry (pyrolysis)  Bogumiła Latkowska M.Sc.- Designing (gas cleaning)  Sławomir Stelmach M.Sc.- Chemical engineering (adsorption)  Henryk Fitko M. Sc.- Process engineering  Ryszard Wasielewski M.Sc.- Carbochemistry (waste processing)  Rafał Bigda M.Sc.- Chemistry

5 Workgroup 2 – Pyrolysis for solid products Excellence Center CONBIOT WG 2 - equipment Pyrolysis testing stand: type:fix-bed charge:~5kg/test temperature:up to 1000 o C atmosphere:N 2 or combustion gases heat exchange:direct or indirect heating:electrical (2 zones) control:automatic temperature regulation

6 Workgroup 2 – Pyrolysis for solid products Excellence Center CONBIOT WG 2 - equipment Gasification testing stand: type:fix-bed charge: ~1kg/test temperature:up to 1100 o C reaction agents:CO 2, H 2 O, air heat exchange: indirect heating: electrical (1 zone) control: manual temperature regulation

7 Workgroup 2 – Pyrolysis for solid products Excellence Center CONBIOT Testing charge: ~3kg/test final temperature: 450-700 o C testing time: up to 120 min analysis of solid product analysis of gaseous products Temperature profile in standard pyrolysis tests: Test conditions:

8 Workgroup 2 – Pyrolysis for solid products Excellence Center CONBIOT THERMAL PROCESSING OF WASTE PLASTICS PRODUCT Product is a full value solid fuel. Karboterm Ash: 10 % Heating value: 30000 kJ/kg Sulfur: < 0,8 % Chlorine: < 0,2 % Product application: Karboterm is a full value component for a coal blend in coking plants or a fuel in power plants with a grained hard coal. PROCESS THERMOLYSIS Two stage process WP/bitum ratio: 4 / 1 Temp.: 350 o C Time: 60 min Description: Prepared waste plastics are thermally processed with an addition of carbo- or petrochemical bitumens. The reduction of volatile hydrocarbons and elimination of chlorine from polymer decay are characteristic for the process. Hot liquid semi-product is cooled by mixing with a grained hard coal. RAW MATERIAL 100.000 Mg of waste plastics per year in Poland Composition

9 Workgroup 2 – Pyrolysis for solid products Excellence Center CONBIOT THERMAL PROCESSING OF WASTE TYRES PRODUCT Char Ash: 11,6 % Methylene blue number: 3 cm 3 /g Jodine number: 160 mg /g BET (nitrogen): 80-110 m 2 /g Product application: Adsorptive clean-up of flue gases from municipal wastes incineration plants.. PROCESS ACTIVATION Temp.: 600 o C Time: 120 min RAW MATERIAL 150.000 Mg of used tyres per year in Poland Properties Thermal treatment of waste rubber shreds includs two following processes PYROLYSIS Temp.: 850 o C Time: 45 min Activation agent: steam Particle size: 3-10 mm Moisture: 1,2 % Ash: 5,5 % Volatile matter: 68,6 % Fixed carbon: 24,7 % Activated carbon Ash: 14,7 % Methylene blue number: 25 cm 3 /g Jodine number: 670 mg /g BET (nitrogen): 623 m 2 /g Final products properties are comparable to commercial powder activated carbon used in adsorptive gas cleaning

10 Workgroup 2 – Pyrolysis for solid products Excellence Center CONBIOT THERMAL TREATMENT OF SEWAGE SLUDGE PRODUCT Char Ash: 40-70 % BET (nitrogen): 80-110 m 2 /g Product application: Dry granuled sludge: Gardening fertylizer Coking blend component Char: Adsorptive clean-up of flue gases, Improvement agent for biological treatment of wastewater. PROCESS PYROLYSIS Drying & Peletizing Temp.: 70 o C Time: 10-15 min RAW MATERIAL 360.000 Mg of municipal, 700.000 Mg of industrial sewage sludge per year in Poland Sewage sludge properties Treatment of sewage sludge includs two following processes: PRETREATMENT Temp.: 400-700 o C Time: 120 min wet dry Organic matter 15 % 52 % Ash: 10 % 38 % Moisture: 75 % 10 % Particle size - 2-10 mm

11 Workgroup 2 – Pyrolysis for solid products Excellence Center CONBIOT Conference cycle : „Thermochemical conversion of biomass and wastes” Task 1.2 „Properties and application of biomass and waste pyrolysis products” Scope:  Examination of the properties of solid products from biomass and wastes pyrolysis,  Copyrolysis of biomass and wastes with fossil fuels,  Adsorptive properties of solid products from biomass and wastes pyrolysis,  Refining of pyrolysis products (carbon black, carbonising and reducting agents, catalyst carriers, binders, filling materials for plastic and rubber). Speakers:DMT(D), CPM(F), CSIC(ES), IUT(F).

12 Workgroup 2 – Pyrolysis for solid products Excellence Center CONBIOT Twinnings Task 3.4 Co-operation with research centres from Germany and France in the field of biomass and industrial waste pyrolysis and of effective using refined pyrolysis products in the environmental protection processes. Partners:DMT - Deutsche Montan Technologie GmbH (Germany) CPM – Centre de Pyrolyse de Marienau (France) Activities: - commonly co-ordinated research projects with DMT and CPM in the field of refining solid products of biomass and waste pyrolysis, - young researcher intership in DMT : using and refining of pyrolysis products, - young researcher intership in CPM : indirect and direct pyrolysis.

13 Workgroup 2 – Pyrolysis for solid products Excellence Center CONBIOT Twinnings Task 3.5 Co-operation with research center from Spain in the field of biomass and industrial waste pyrolysis especially effective using of refined pyrolysis products. Partner:CSIC – Instituto de Carboquimica (Spain) Activities: - commonly co-ordinated research projects with CSIC in the field of refining solid products of biomass and waste pyrolysis (carbon black, carburizing and reducting agents, binders, filling material for rubber), - young researcher intership in CSIC : using of pyrolytic char for carbon black production and filling material for rubber industry.

14 Workgroup 2 – Pyrolysis for solid products Excellence Center CONBIOT WG 2 –Competence: Today :  Our technological knowledge (pyrolysis and gasification),  Experience of solid wastes processing,  Our existing databases. Tomorrow :  Cooperation with European centres in the field of biomass and waste processing,  New processes for effective waste utilization (hydrogen, methanol),  Development of existing databases. Competence evaluation: very good Competence evaluation: excellent

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