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Community Epidemiology Workgroup CEW 101. CEW, Why Am I Here? You have been identified as an important stakeholder –In our community –In our state –In.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Epidemiology Workgroup CEW 101. CEW, Why Am I Here? You have been identified as an important stakeholder –In our community –In our state –In."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Epidemiology Workgroup CEW 101

2 CEW, Why Am I Here? You have been identified as an important stakeholder –In our community –In our state –In our nation You will be laying the groundwork to help your community make important decisions

3 It’s A New Attitude Prevention programming can no longer only be done for these reasons: –Because that’s what we always do –Seems like that’s what’s needed –Because the kids seemed to like it –Because a mom told me her son really benefited –Because there was a grant available for it –Because they came –Because we know someone there –Because it’s common sense

4 Now It Depends On Numbers Data is needed….. –To Drive Decisions –To Focus Efforts –To Improve Outcomes –To Justify Dollars On every level…. –Federal –State –Local

5 Our State Received A Large Federal Grant This grant is to help our state and its communities LEARN This New Way of Doing Business

6 The SPF Process

7 SPF Strategic Prevention Framework Grant These new dollars are paying for us to learn a new process, not to provide programming. But because we learn best by “doing”, some of the dollars will go toward implementing strategies.

8 What’s Happened So Far The Federal Government has begun to implement the process and provide guidelines and monies to the states The State has begun to implement the process and provide guidelines and monies to its communities Now, locally, you will be doing the same.

9 Community Epidemiology Workgroup Complements the State Epidemiological Workgroup (SEW) Will be active throughout the entire process Begins at the ASSESSMENT phase of the SPF Process Continues at the local level, what has been accomplished at the state

10 Regarding Substance Abuse Issues, the SEW has: Gathered, reviewed and evaluated consumption and consequence data Noted any gaps in data Created data-based problem statements Used a prioritization process to rank them Recommended a primary focus area to the State Advisory Committee Created a Logic Model framework

11 Michigan’s Priority Problem Alcohol Related Traffic Crash Deaths Your community will be required to focus on this problem; But may additionally choose others, from the state ranking, if supported by your local data.

12 How? Collect, review and evaluate local consumption and consequence data Identify local contributing factors Note any gaps in available data Create data-driven SA problem statements Use a prioritization process to rank them Recommend a primary focus area and identify “hot spots” to the local CSPPC Created a Logic Model framework

13 The Strategic Plan The CEW will then work with the CSPPC on a local level to create a: Strategic Plan for Local Prevention Efforts Based on data Community driven Focused on “hot spots” Targeted toward “population change” Addressing state priority problem

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