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Campaign Steering Committee Friday, July 27 10-1 pm Roseville.

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Presentation on theme: "Campaign Steering Committee Friday, July 27 10-1 pm Roseville."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campaign Steering Committee Friday, July 27 10-1 pm Roseville

2 Welcome –Consumer Voice Public Comment Co-occurring Update PEI Planning Process –Brief Review –Defining groups –Working model Agenda

3 Goal for today You walk away in a workgroup with a PEI planning process to move forward with


5 Public Comment Comments Welcome 3-minutes per comment

6 Co-occurring Update

7 Crisis Triage Steering Committee Transition Age Youth AdultOlder Adult Lake Tahoe Children System Change Co-occurring/ Cultural Comp. Children, Youth, Adults, Older Adults Latino, TAY, Native American VoiceMH Board Voice/ Direction System Transformation Full-service Partnerships YouthConsumerFamily Co-occurring Competence A Key Part of the Campaign Severely Emotionally Disturbed Severe Mental Illness

8 PEI Planning Process Review Sample processes Workgroups Defining a process

9 Prevention & Intervention Dollars Draft Guidelines Target Populations All age groups –51%, 0-25yrs Underserved cultures Indiv.w/early onset of mental illness Trauma exposed Children/youth : –In stressed families –At risk of school failure –At risk of juv. justice Key Strategies Disparity in access to mental health services Psycho-social impact of trauma At-risk children, youth, young adults Stigma discrimination Suicide risk

10 Prevention & Intervention Dollars Draft Guidelines Long-Term Outcomes Reduce: School failure Homelessness Long-term suffering Unemployment Incarceration Removal from home (children) Suicide Current Partners: Underserved Communities Education Faith-based Health Social services Youth-at-risk programs Community Family Resource Centers Law enforcement Employment Media (indirect)

11 Guidelines for Planning Process Use existing relationships and partnerships for outreach Seek out partnerships in underserved communities Use developed communication methods Update demographic and service data collected in CSS Reassess information collected during the CSS process to determine applicability to PEI planning process

12 Guidelines for PEI Planning Process Submit Plan Present to Steering Committee Work Group(s) Develop Plan Staff operationalizes recommendations into Plan (workplan) Public comment period on PEI Plan Public Hearing Comments incorporated into plan (w/ Steering response) Steering committee comments Ranking of priorities Recommendations for funding are formalized* * Only top priorities are selected Identify needs and priority populations (data) Develop strategies & outcomes Assess community capacity strengths (linkages) Develop priority concepts Accountability measures Facilitator & Staff Support

13 Sample Planning Structures Placer County (for CSS funding) Orange County San Diego

14 Older Adult Workgroup Placer County CSS Planning - 2005 Children's Workgroup MHSA Steering Committee Other Interest Work groups Transitional Age youth Adult Workgroup Information & Data on Target Strategies for Feedback Meetings Population System & Utilization Improvement Placer Mental Health Board CA Department of Mental Health

15 Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Orange County Planning Structure CA Dept. of Mental Health OC Board of Supervisors OC Mental Health Board Project Management Group Orange County MHSA Steering Committee Education & Training Workgroup* Capital Facilities & Technology Workgroup* Older Adult Services & Supports Workgroup* Adult Services & Supports Workgroup* Children/Youth Services & Supports Workgroup* Prevention & Early Intervention Workgroup* Focus/Stakeholder Groups Focus/Stakeholder Groups Transitional Age Older Adult Group Transitional Age Youth Group Focus/Stakeholder Groups Focus/Stakeholder Groups Focus/Stakeholder Groups Orientation/Training for Clients, Family, Providers & Advocates *Tri Chairs: Consumer Leaders, HCA Division Managers & Community Representatives

16 San Diego County Mental Health Services/ Mental Health Services Flow Chart Department of Health Board of Supervisors Health & Human Services Agency Mental Health Board Mental Health Director Mental Health Services Cross Threading Group Internal Project Team Children Work Group Adult Work Group Community Forums/Stakeholders Forums/Consumer/Family Focus Groups & Special Population Venues Older Adult Work Group Education & Training Technology & Facilities Innovations Prevention/ Early Intervention

17 Questions/Comments

18 Defining a PEI Planning Process That works for our community

19 Defining Placer’s PEI Planning Process Establish Work Groups Each Group recommends a process Groups present back Identify consistencies Merge into 1 plan

20 Recommendations Consider Prevention and Early Intervention as 2 major areas/workgroups No more 4-5 work groups Develop 1-2 larger programs vs. 7 smaller Recall 50% needs to go to 0-25 years old. Avoid duplication of State efforts –Suicide prevention & anti-stigma (education) Can we define our PEI workgroups?

21 Workgroups Defining the Planning Process Come up with a recommended planning process –Use what you like and don’t like from the others –Handout of what Steering suggested in June –Be ready to present back to group Identify who else needs to be a part of the group Identify the chair/co-chairs

22 Wrap-up/ Next Steps Next meeting –August 24, 10-1pm, xxx (Auburn) –Chairs present –Public comments Chairs conference call with core team (2 weeks) Fill out feedback form –What worked, what to change

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