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INSP 3.2.0 3DGeo Development Inc. Internet Seismic Processing (INSP) 3DGeo’s graphical user interface for: High-end Imaging Applications:

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Presentation on theme: "INSP 3.2.0 3DGeo Development Inc. Internet Seismic Processing (INSP) 3DGeo’s graphical user interface for: High-end Imaging Applications:"— Presentation transcript:

1 INSP 3.2.0 3DGeo Development Inc.

2 Internet Seismic Processing (INSP) 3DGeo’s graphical user interface for: High-end Imaging Applications: PSDM WED Velocity Model Building MVA tool box Velocity model editing & manipulation Processing Utilities Remote Collaboration

3 INSP Internet Seismic Processing Complete Processing & Interpretation over the Internet and Intranet: Pre-processing modules Workflow builder High-end imaging modules & model building 3-D data visualization Collaboration TM

4 Client Server System for Real Time Remote Access Low latency True real-time performance Portable and Secure Runs on all platforms Superior to Thin Client

5 3DGeo’s INSP technology Work flow building Remote job building, running and QC Standard processing & high-end imaging Velocity model building Concurrent views of multiple data sets Co-paging through data volumes Editing and picking data Updating the velocity model 3-D Viewer TM

6 3DGeo’s INSP technology Started development in 1997 Patents on core technologies Extensive deployment use for – Migration velocity analysis & model building – 3DGeo processing Integrated with 3DGeo software and third party processing modules TM

7 Splash Screen

8 Login Window

9 Major Functions INSP Explorer Properties Information Window Main toolbar window

10 INSP Explorer Server being worked in server hierarchy workgroup project processing flows processing modules accessible to workgroup Allows collaborative work on data

11 Ellements of the INSP Explorer Filesystem - represents the server or the local directory. INSP has the ability to control what you are viewing in the directory tree. A local directory can be opened or “mounted” for viewing contents and transversing, and a server on your network can be opened for viewing contents and transversing. Workgroup – represents a group of INSP users that have access to and can modify a hierarchy of common objects (modules, projects, data and flow files). Processing Module – A module represents a seismic processing executable. The modules are organized in a hierarchical structure, and they can be used to build processing workflows. Each module has a set of associated parameters. Flow – a sequence of processing modules, each of them having concrete values for their parameters. A flow is represented graphically in INSP with arrows indicating the direction of the flow. Projects and Sub-Projects - A project is a collection of logically related data files, flow (processing) files and other auxiliary files (like pick files, for example). From the INSP Client graphic user interface perspective, a project is a folder that contains two mandatory sub-folders (Data and Flows) and a number of other optional folders. Data Folder- The project-level folder where all the project's data files are stored. It can have sub- folders, which can be dynamically created. A new Data Folder can be created only as a child of another Data Folder. Flows Folder- The project-level folder where all the project's flow files are stored. It can have sub- folders, which can be dynamically created. A new Flow Folder can be created only as a child of another Flows Folder.

12 Slice Viewer

13 Picking

14 Velocity Model Editing




18 Line 164

19 3-D Viewer

20 Volume visualization

21 Surface visualization

22 3-D Data Viewer

23 Complex Salt body Constraining salt picks with well information Picking time/depth sections, and inline & crossline

24 3-D View 2






30 Triangulation

31 Geometry Extraction and Coordinate System Setup Fast and accurate job setup Ensure the integrity of the geometrical parameters sets and of the relationship between them

32 Interactive setup of the geometry parameters used by 3DGeo's computational modules Visualizing the relationship between parameters for quality control Module parameterization and Geometry Setup

33 Creating a new flow

34 Flow Builder

35 Parameter Window

36 Dynamic Parameter Window Creation … if(hetch('esize','i',esize).eq.0) esize=4 if(hetch('n4','i',n4).eq.0) n4=1 if(hetch('n1','i',n1).eq.0) call erexit('need n1:n1') if(hetch('n2','i',n2).eq.0) call erexit('need n2:n2') call putch('n1','i',n1) call putch('n2','i',n2) if(hetch('o1','r',o1).eq.0) call erexit('need o1:o1') if(hetch('d1','r',d1).eq.0) call erexit('need d1:d1') …

37 Collaboration

38 Collaboration

39 Collaborative picking




43 Seplib processing utility - AGC

44 Data file - migrated


46 S2R

47 Update – Normal Ray

48 Conclusions Tight Collaboration with interpreters in real- time, via Internet Seismic Processing (INSP) to review the velocity model, horizon picks, well log info, etc. is critical INSP - Internet seismic processing system. Migration velocity analysis system overview. Collaborative seismic processing environment. The Grid

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