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IBPA Conference San Diego, California 2014 Building Statewide Bullying Prevention Collaboration to Support Schools Office for Safe Schools Mary Dolan Bullying.

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Presentation on theme: "IBPA Conference San Diego, California 2014 Building Statewide Bullying Prevention Collaboration to Support Schools Office for Safe Schools Mary Dolan Bullying."— Presentation transcript:

1 IBPA Conference San Diego, California 2014 Building Statewide Bullying Prevention Collaboration to Support Schools Office for Safe Schools Mary Dolan Bullying Prevention Consultant

2 Office for Safe Schools Coordinates school safety and security programs Collection of the annual school violence statistics Coordination of anti-violence efforts Development of policies and strategies to combat school violence Grant Management- Safe Schools Targeted Grants, SRO & School Police Grants Supports and provides technical assistance and professional development programs in the following areas – security-related activities to support school safety: crisis intervention, school police training, violence prevention, and social/emotional wellness and safety provides services to all local school entities (LEAs)

3 Initiatives PA Bullying Prevention Support Plan Standards Aligned System – Safe & Supportive Schools Portal-Resources Safe & Supportive Schools Webinars (S3) Student Assistance Program (SAP) OBPP Trainer Certification Courses School Climate Surveys National School Climate Leadership Certification (proposed project) Truancy Toolkit Multihazard Emergency Planning for Schools

4 Michael J. Kozup Director, Office for Safe Schools 333 Market Street, 14th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 Phone: 717.705.0353 | Fax: 717.783.2008

5 Workshop Objectives 1.History of research-based bullying prevention in Pennsylvania 2.PA Bullying Prevention Support Plan 3.Data-driven decision making 4.Statewide collaboration

6 1999200120062008 2010/2011 201220132014 PA BP Support Plan project begins Highmark initiative concludes Columbine Increase in State safe schools funding (PDE/PCCD) BP statewide surveys conducted BP Legislation passes! PA Bullying Prevention History Highmark Healthy High 5 25 LEAs received OBPP Scholarships First Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in the US. Sandy Hook PA BP Support Plan completed. PA BP Partnership is formed! 25 LEAs received OBPP Scholarships PDE Office for Safe Schools established Increase in state safe schools funding

7 Early Partners in PA’s Research-based Bullying Prevention Efforts Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency (PCCD) Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Center for Safe Schools, CSIU Institute on Family & Neighborhood Life at Clemson University – Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP)

8 Growing Support for Bullying Prevention 2006-2011 Highmark Foundation’s Healthy High Five Initiative – Windber Research Institute – Center for Safe Schools 2008- Bullying Prevention Legislation 2010- Office for Safe Schools, PDE (ACT 104) 2011- PA Bullying Prevention Support Plan, PDE

9 PA Bullying Prevention Support Plan History of PA BP efforts Data Collection Recommendations

10 PA Bullying Prevention Support Plan Work began in December 2011 Key partners identified and interviewed Fact-finding workgroup formed Statewide surveys conducted October 2013 Support Plan completed March 2014 new partnership planned September 2014 PA Bullying Prevention Partnership Meeting

11 6 Recommendations 1.Demonstrate collaborative efforts to expand and sustain bullying prevention education and efforts to support safe and secure learning environments. 2.Build upon the foundation of over one decade of research-based bullying prevention efforts.

12 6 Recommendations 3. Increase capacity of the PA Bullying Prevention Network to serve Pennsylvania’s schools. 4. Continue and expand bullying prevention education for schools communities and future educators.

13 6 Recommendations 5.Utilize data to identify and address bullying prevention needs. 6. Integrate bullying prevention efforts with school climate initiatives.

14 Data Collection Interviews- early BP partners – Past efforts and current/future BP goals Workgroup – Professionals involved in the PA BP work over the past decade Statewide Surveys – PA BP Principals, PA BP Network, Education Departments (PA Institutions of Higher Ed)

15 Key Findings




19 School Principal Survey Barriers to bullying prevention Funding to sustain programs and funding to release staff for training (substitute costs) were sited equally as barriers when making decisions concerning bullying prevention programs. Funding to implement programs Time to train teaching/support staff were listed next as barriers.

20 Workgroup Findings Challenges: 1.Statewide infrastructure 2.Funding 3.Sustainability & fidelity 4.School climate connection 5.Integrating BP efforts with other initiatives 6.Public awareness

21 Workgroup Findings Strengths: – Data collection – Statewide BP Network- trainers – Research – Research-based BP – Buy-in

22 PA Bullying Prevention Network Funding for new implementation Buy-in for BP programs Sustaining efforts School climate improvement Fidelity- OBPP implementation

23 PA Higher Education Future Teachers Survey

24 Collaboration is working with others to do a task and to achieve shared goals. [ It is a recursive process where two or more or organizations work together to realize shared goals,recursiveorganizations this is more than the intersection of common goals seen in co- operative ventures, but a deep, collective determination to reach an identical objective for example, an endeavor that is creative in nature [ by sharing knowledge, learning and building consensus. Most collaboration requires leadership, although the form of leadership can be social within a decentralized and egalitarian group.leadershipdecentralizedegalitarian In particular, teams that work collaboratively can obtain greater resources, recognition and reward when facing competition for finite resources. Wikipedia

25 Coalition Formal arrangement for collaboration among sectors or groups of a community in which each group retains its identity but all agree to work together toward the common goal… Community Anti-Drugs Coalitions of America (CADCA)

26 Forming a Statewide BP Partnership 1.Who will take the lead? 2.Conduct research on past efforts. – Who has been at the BP table? – Past barriers and/or challenges? 3.Identify sectors that “should” be at the table. 4.Examples: Government agencies, prevention organizations, LEAs, law enforcement, parents, youth, higher education, etc.

27 What sectors are represented at your table?

28 If you are not at the table, you are on the menu! (source: unknown- origin seems to point to negotiation work)

29 Who is Missing? 1.How will you determine the membership criteria? 2.Can anyone join the partnership? 3.Who formally invites new members?

30 Partnership Function Mission Statement Goals Core Strategies Engage individuals in your sector/s and spheres of influence

31 Partnership Infrastructure Organization Leadership Development Productive meetings Effective ongoing communication Sustainability

32 Relationships Matter!

33 Mission Statement Through productive collaboration, the mission of the PA BP Partnership is to communicate information and resources to schools, families and communities, which will help advance efforts to create, transform and sustain safe and supportive learning environments. (First Draft- September 25, 2014)

34 Recommendation #1 Demonstrate collaborative efforts to expand and sustain bullying prevention education and efforts to support safe and secure learning environments. 1-1 Identify leadership and coordination for the advisory or leadership group. PDE,Office for Safe Schools 1-2 Create a new coalition or expand the existing PA bullying prevention coalition. PA BP Partnership 1-3 Identify multi-system stakeholders committed to building ongoing, collaborative partnerships to reduce bullying behavior in schools and communities. Members of the PA BP Partnership

35 Collaborative Efforts continued… 1-4 Establish a framework which would best support a statewide approach to bullying prevention. Developing infrastructure of PA BP Partnership 1-5 Identify the mission and goals of a statewide bullying prevention coalition of advisory group. Mission statement completed & goals (core strategies) are being developed 1-6 Establish an effective and transparent communication plan for coalition members. Developing online and in-person networking opportunities for members of the PA BP Partnership

36 Collaborative Efforts continued... 1-7 Create an open membership atmosphere to welcome new and emerging partners. Ongoing commitment to growth of partnership 1-8 Identify students who can give voice to bullying prevention needs. Cumberland Valley High School – ITO club

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