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THE EUROCHIP PROJECTS Health Indicators for Health Indicators for Monitoring Cancer in Europe

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1 THE EUROCHIP PROJECTS Health Indicators for Health Indicators for Monitoring Cancer in Europe

2 1.development of a list of cancer health indicators 2.using indicators to promote actions for cancer control 3.promoting common view of cancer plan: collaborative actions help the development of the European Health Information System By consensus conferences involving cancer experts of EU institutes, organisations and cancer networks EUROCHIP-1 2002-04 EUROCHIP-2 2005-07 EUROCHIP-3 2008-11

3 Steering Committee Working Team Operational work Panel of Experts Methodological Group GS: Groups of specialists GS GS care and treatment GS GSGS GS EUROCHIP: THE ORGANISATION Steering Commitee from: Spain United Kingdom Switzerland Bulgaria Italy GS Screening Panel of Experts with representatives of all EU Member States


5 EUROCHIP-1 (2001-2004) The EUROCHIP Network draws the list of Cancer Health Indicators recommended for collection in the participating EU 15 MS

6 Tobacco Alcohol Fruit and vegetables Sun radiation Occupational carcinogens BMI & Physical activity Stage at diagnosis Incidence Survival Prevalence Mortality & PYLL Organised screening coverage % with mammography % with cervical cytology exam % with colorectal cancer screening test Radiation equipments CTS Palliative radiotherapy Delay of cancer treatment Compliance with guidelines GDP Total Health expenditure Public health expenditure Anti-tobacco regulations EUROCHIP INDICATORS Prevention Socio-economic indicators Care & Treatment Screening 1. Outcome 2. Health determinants 3. Health system indicators

7 EUROCHIP-2 (2005-2007) The EUROCHIP 2 The ACTION project implements actions to fill the gaps emerged in the EU Information System

8 THE EUROCHIP-2 THE ACTION PROJECT It is a translational research project (from epidemiology to public health) It is a project against disparities It is EC project It aims to research ways to promote health Its goal are to promote public health actions against cancer in each EU country It works to build an European platform for cancer control

9 Three indicators: “Stage at diagnosis”, “Delay of cancer treatment” and “Compliance with guidelines” EUROCHIP-2 Pilot Studies are feasibility studies in cancer registries of 10 countries They are performed to address the following questions: is it possible to collect these indicators at population level? is the information already available? from which sources can (or could) the data be obtained? EUROCHIP pilot studies refer to breast and colorectal cancer AIM: TO IMPROVE THE CANCER INFORMATION SYSTEM PILLAR 1

10 BULGARIA: assessment surveys on information level standard of cytological labs ROMANIA: assessment study shows high difficulties to implement screening in the near future In 2007 legislative changes were initiated on cervical screening LATVIA Workgroup of Latvian oncologists, gynaecologists, GP, stakeholders and health planners 2 informative documents were submitted to the MoH Screening expected to start in 2009 ESTONIA: cervical screening limits are low adherence, no screening registry, lack of reference laboratory LITHUANIA: a study was organized to evaluate results of the centralized invitation system in one municipality in Lithuania. It provides evidence and benefits of this system PILLAR 2 AIM: TO AVOID AVOIDABLE DEATHS LATVIA Workgroup of Latvian oncologists, gynaecologists, GP, stakeholders and health planners 2 informative documents were submitted to the MoH Screening expected to start in 2009 LITHUANIA: a study was organized to evaluate results of the centralized invitation system in one municipality in Lithuania. It provides evidence and benefits of this system

11 PILLAR 3 AIM: TO IMPROVE THE CANCER REGISTRATION  Activities in two countries without cancer registration: Greece and Luxembourg  Recommendations to the Network of Competent Authorities in support of cancer registration in Europe  Educational activity: EUROCHIP-2 sponsored in 2006 the participation of 9 researchers from Eastern European countries to the course “Cancer survival: principles, methods and applications” (London, 3-7 April 2006)

12 EUROCHIP-3 ( 2008-2011) EUROCHIP-3 Common Action funded by the EC's Directorate for "Health and Consumer Protection" (DG SANCO) in the strand Health Information of the Work Plan 2008-2013 of the Community Action in the Field of Health

13 EUROCHIP-3 MANDATE: Actions for the reduction of the inequalities in Cancer Health information systems in the EU Member States as shown by previous EUROCHIP projects MISSION : solidariety in EU cancer control METHOD : Multidisciplinary Consensus Conference of cancer control stakeholders coordinated at the National Institute for Cancer INT, Milan with the support of the European School of Oncology for the dissemination of results EUROCHIP is a 10 year network of over 100 representatives from International Organizations, Patient Associations and Member States delegates from the 27 EU member States


15 EUROCHIP-3 WPS 1. WP EPIDEMIOLOGY: Promotion of the collection of Cancer Indicators on diagnostic and treatment delay, implementation of EUROCHIP indicators in the EU, implementation of registries in Greece and Luxembourg (conducted at the IKNO, the Netherlands) 2. WP SCREENING: Communication to stakeholders on effective cervical cancer screening programmes and analysis, validation, and optimisation of invitation for cervical cancer screening in 5 Eastern European Countries (conducted at the Mass Screening Registry, Finland) 3. WP REHABILITATION: Identification of Cancer Health Indicators on psicho-social rehabilitation (conducted at the NIHD, Estonia) 4. WP MACROECONOMICS: Study on cancer costs and outcome (conducted by INT and AIFA?)

16 THE EUROCHIP NETWORK: TO IMPROVE CANCER CONTROL ACROSS EUROPE  MEPs Against Cancer (MAC) Meeting “Making Cancer Control a Priority” (Bruxelles, 27 June 2007)  EUROCHIP provided info, and helped the diffusion of the recommendations of the Portuguese EU Presidency “Health Strategies in Europe” conference (Lisbon, 12-13 July 2007)  EUROCHIP in the steering committee of the 2nd International Cancer Control Congress (Rio De Janeiro, 26-28 Nov 2007)  Cancer Control Chapters in:  “Cancer information” (Slovenian EU Presidency book)  “Cancer” (EUGLOREH Project)  “Cancer in Europe. The EUROCHIP projects” (DG SANCO’s Report on Major and Chronic Diseases)  EUROCHIP organized the 3rd International Cancer Control Congress (Cernobbio, Nov 2009)

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