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Monday, January 13, 2014 Warm Up: 1.Write the Formulas: A.Sodium/Chlorine B.Calcium/Sulfur C.Aluminum/Nitrogen 2.Write the Names: A.BeBr 2 B.K 3 P C.B.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, January 13, 2014 Warm Up: 1.Write the Formulas: A.Sodium/Chlorine B.Calcium/Sulfur C.Aluminum/Nitrogen 2.Write the Names: A.BeBr 2 B.K 3 P C.B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, January 13, 2014 Warm Up: 1.Write the Formulas: A.Sodium/Chlorine B.Calcium/Sulfur C.Aluminum/Nitrogen 2.Write the Names: A.BeBr 2 B.K 3 P C.B 2 O 3 3.Write the Formulas: A.Lithium Phosphide B.Cesium Sulfide C.Barium Bromide 4.Where do you find the transition metals?

2 Naming Ionic Compounds with Transition Metals

3 Transition Metals:  Metals found in the D-block on the periodic table  Get there name because most do NOT have only 1 oxidation state like the metals in S and P blocks.  Most have 2 or more oxidation states that they transition in and out of. Fe +2 and Fe +3

4 Common Oxidation Numbers for Transition Metals:

5 Rules for naming Transition Metals: 1.The name of the metal ALWAYS comes first:  The metal’s name is as it is on the periodic table  Identify the metals charge with Roman Numerals 2.The name of the nonmetal ALWAYS comes second.  Change the ending of the nonmetal to “ide” 3.Unswap and Undrop  Bring the subscripts back up to the opposite element (the elements should now have their actual oxidation number)  Double check the nonmetals (anions) oxidation number to make sure it is what it is supposed to be. FeCl 3

6 Let’s Practice: Compound: Metals symbol and original oxidation number Nonmetals symbol and original oxidation number Is the nonmetal oxidation number correct? Name of the compound Ag 3 NAg +1 N -3 YesSilver (I) Nitride CoBr 2 CrI 6 Ti 3 N 4 Hg 2 O ZnF 2

7 Naming transition metals: 1.Name the metal 2.Name the nonmetal 3.Unswap and Undrop 4.Check the oxidation number FeO Fe +1 O -1 Oxygen’s oxidation number is -2. 5. Multiply to get Oxygen to it’s -2 oxidation number - multiply both Fe and O by 2 to get: Fe +2 and O -2 6. Now name it: Iron (II) Oxide What is Oxygen’s oxidation number?

8 Let’s Practice: CompoundMetals symbol and original oxidation number Nonmetals symbol and original oxidation number Is the nonmetal oxidation number correct? If no, what do you need to multiply by to fix it? Name of the compound NiONi +1 O -1 No (by 2)Nickel (II) Oxide CrO 3 Ni 3 N 2 CuO MnN Cu 2 O PtS 2

9 Writing Compounds from the Name with Transition Metals: 1.Write out the ions and their charges for each element  Remember the charges for the transition metals is written in Roman Numerals 2.Drop the signs 3.Swap the numbers 4.Simplify if needed Copper (III) Nitride Cu +3 N -3 Cu 3 N 3 CuN

10 Let’s Practice: Name:Metal Symbol and charge Nonmetal symbol and charge CompoundSimplified compound Iron (III) OxideFe +3 O -2 Fe 2 O 3 N/A Molybdemum (II) Phosphide Vanadium (I) Sulfide Chromium (IV) Chloride Silver (I) Sulfide

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