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ATNF Scientific Software – an overview Mark Wieringa – ATNF/Operations/SCA.

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Presentation on theme: "ATNF Scientific Software – an overview Mark Wieringa – ATNF/Operations/SCA."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATNF Scientific Software – an overview Mark Wieringa – ATNF/Operations/SCA

2 ATUC Meeting Oct 2008 Scientific Software Observation Software On-line systems Caobs, tcs etc.; Monitoring applications Schedule preparation atcasched, potf etc. ATNF Supported Data reduction and Analysis Software Miriad Maintenance (MRC) Development for CABB (MHW) Livedata/Gridzilla New developments for improved HIPASS images (MRC) ASAP (MM) Pulsar suite [GH, user supported] AIPS (for VLBI), karma (kvis display) External data analysis software No local support apart from installation (& friendly other users)

3 ATUC Meeting Oct 2008 Miriad Miriad is the main data reduction package for ATCA data Support is currently split in two parts: Maintenance, installation, Bug fixes – Mark Calabretta Ports to current OS’s (Linux, OSX) Maintain ATNF installations & ftp site for distribution Respond to bug reports and feature requests

4 ATUC Meeting Oct 2008 Miriad Miriad-CABB development project (DMcC,Vince, MarkW,Naomi) Aims to get miriad to state where we can: 1.Read CABB data 2.Calibrate CABB data 3.Image CABB data 4.Cope with wide fractional bandwidth effects (divide and conquer) 5.(with ASKAP) access more advanced algorithms Current status: Simulate large CABB data files (with many zoom bands) Can read data in and inspect it with plotting tools Can split up wide band into multiple files Waiting for real CABB data and associated calibration info to proceed with calibration path Investigating issues with large files (>2GB)

5 ATUC Meeting Oct 2008 Livedata/Gridzilla GASS, HIPASS(2) and ZOA datasets available Mark Calabretta in cooperation with Lister & Naomi looking at defects in existing calibrated data products Working on improvements in Dynamic Range Tsys calibration Automated flagging Continuum subtraction Significant progress made already, more to come Datasets will probably be (re-)released next year.

6 ATUC Meeting Oct 2008 ASAP Maintained by Malte Marquarding (20%), currently overseas ASAP has been pretty stable most issues revolve around building from scratch on recent Linux releases. New release due soon, with: CLASS export facility (as requested by many observers) CLASS package has features not present in ASAP, reduced support level for ASAP means it has not anticipated need for these features, resulting in user migration.. bug fixes accumulated since the last release fixes to be able to build on the latest flavours of Linux some minor feature additions

7 ATUC Meeting Oct 2008 Pulsar software suite Several packages maintained by pulsar group (internal and external members) Packages are under version control, either locally (CVS) or on SourceForge Vince is sorting out the internal software distribution PackageMaintainer(s)Function PsrcatHobbsAccess to catalogue of pulsar parameters Tempo2Hobbsmain software for pulsar timing, needed on-line at Parkes Psrchivevan Straaten Khoo et al main software for processing the observations Dspsrvan Straaten (Swinburne) digital signal processing software for pulsar observations AnalogueFBManyanalogue filterbank processing software

8 ATUC Meeting Oct 2008 Other software AIPS Installations maintained by Chris Phillips, no local development Required for VLBI reduction Karma (kvis etc.) MarkC looks after installation & porting issues, no local development Other reduction/analysis packages Available on Linux servers, user driven, little local support Webtools Selection of locally developed tools to plan observations and prepare schedules Maintained by operations staff Calibrator database, rise/set times, planets, rfi, scheduling, OPAL

9 ATUC Meeting Oct 2008 Outlook CABB getting closer Effort needed in on-line area Can’t really start until “interim system” is operational Miriad development progressing Needs experience with real CABB data to get serious Scheduling Prototype CABB scheduler (web based) available for commentPrototype CABB scheduler ASKAP Exploring commonalities, what we can learn from each other Software Component Architecture - Services Running existing telescopes Looking for reuse/repackaging of software from both sides Monitoring and control applications Advanced data reduction algorithms Try to ease transition of ASKAP into operations in a few years

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