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Improving our Partnership (A Branch Guide to the New MOU)

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1 Improving our Partnership (A Branch Guide to the New MOU)

2 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU INTRODUCTION Partnership means mutual understanding between partners and using negotiating skills in difficult situations. After all, we all share a common interest in a highly successful Sea Cadet Corps.

3 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU The MOU and responsibility matrix clearly delineate areas of responsibilities and partnership commitments. Proactive and positive approach Places Cadets first INTRODUCTION

4 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU STARTING POINTS Branch Vice President - Sea Cadets - Liaison between the Branch and the Corps - Clear Terms of Reference Procedure for Corps CO to make representation to the Branch Corps representation at Branch meetings when Sea Cadet matters are discussed

5 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU CADET INSTRUCTORS CADRE Attraction and Retention (Matrix: 1.1, 1.2 and 1.6) Make recruiting of officers a periodic feature of your regular meetings. Ensure that the recruiting and retention of officers and CIs are part of your VP Sea Cadets’ terms of reference. At the beginning of each training year, agree on a recruiting strategy and share it with the Corps officers so that they can play their part in the bargain.

6 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU CADET INSTRUCTORS CADRE Training (Matrix 1.3) Dedicated and well trained leaders are the key to a successful corps Support the CO’s efforts to get his officers trained Notify Division of critical shortages

7 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU CADET INSTRUCTORS CADRE Key Appointments (Matrix: 1.4) Work towards a mutual agreement If there is no agreement, present your recommendations to RCSU and Division Succession planning with the outgoing CO

8 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU CADET INSTRUCTORS CADRE Civilian Instructors (Matrix: Section 2) Civilian Instructors are recruited for a specific purpose Under Contract with DND Branches should give same care to recruiting and retention as for CIC

9 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU BRANCH VOLUNTEERS All volunteers used in cadet activites must be screened A National Volunteer Database must be maintained Volunteer Screening is a League Responsability

10 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU Identify and recruit volunteers Start the screening process immediately Once approved, make the volunteers available to the Corps Follow their progress. BRANCH VOLUNTEERS Branches must therefore do the following:

11 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU SEA CADETS Attraction and Retention (Matrix: 4.1 and 4.2) Establish recruiting goal Conduct joint campaign Assist with processing new recruits Discuss retention strategies Contact with the parents

12 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU SEA CADETS Administration and policy (Matrix 4.3 and 4.4) Responsibility of the Corps Discuss any issues with Corps CO Corps to provide Branch with Cadet/Parent contact info Refer continuing difficulties to Division

13 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU SEA CADETS Rank Appointments (Matrix: 4.5) Co-operative effort Clear selection criteria Branch Participation

14 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU SUMMER TRAINING & EXCHANGES Selection (Matrix 5.1 and 5.3) Co-operative effort Consult with CO on how to promote opportunities Promote the employment of senior cadets and CIC officers as staff Participate in the selection process as determined by the course

15 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU SUMMER TRAINING & EXCHANGES Training (Matrix 5.4) A DND/CF Responsibility Refer any issues to the Corps CO or to the Division

16 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU SUMMER TRAINING & EXCHANGES Ceremonies (Matrix 5.5) Branch Members are encouraged to attend Parades and Ceremonies. Any chance to show support for our cadets must not be missed.

17 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU SUMMER TRAINING & EXCHANGES Quality of Life, Materiel and Support Services (Matrix 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8) A DND/CF Responsibility Refer any issues to the Corps CO or to the Division

18 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU CORPS (LHQ) OPERATIONS Training Programs (Matrix 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3) The Branch should: Meet with the Corp to discuss the training program Ask for a proposed budget Seek mutual agreement Allocate funds to the various activities Inform the CO of the Budget so that he can plan accordingly.

19 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU CORPS (LHQ) OPERATIONS Training Programs (Matrix 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3) The Branch should: Meet with the Corp to discuss the training program Ask for a proposed budget Seek mutual agreement Allocate funds to the various activities Inform the CO of the Budget so that he can plan accordingly.

20 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU CORPS (LHQ) OPERATIONS Administration (Matrix 6.4) Be organized Be administered according to NLOC By-laws Maintain Close Liaison Cadet Administration is a Corps responsibility, however Branches must:

21 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU CORPS (LHQ) OPERATIONS Accommodation and Training Areas Must balance need with available resources Maintain close liaison with CO Provide Maintenance, Ensure Safety Acquire appropriate insurance Work with corps to establish rules for use A Branch Responsibility:

22 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU CORPS (LHQ) OPERATIONS Materiel for training activities (Matrix 6.8 and 6.9) Ask CO to identify requirements Support any reasonable request Maintain inventory A Branch should: “The Corps must account and properly care for any Branch equipment on loan.”

23 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU CORPS (LHQ) OPERATIONS Corps formation, Probation and Disbandment (Matrix 6.10 to 6.12) Be aware of existing rules and procedures Receive support from both Division and RCSU Co-operate fully to address problems Seek mediation for local conflicts Remember that the welfare of the cadets and the viability of the Corps are the most important factors A Branch should:

24 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU FUNDING Accounting All Corps funds must be kept in one Bank account, controlled and administered by the Branch Provide CO with Petty Cash Follow Budgeting Process and Accounting Procedures Provide CO with statements Ensure Corps applies for DND/CF Grants (Contingency and Band) Corps funds come from two sources: - Public (CF) and Non-Public (Branch)

25 Branch to organize fund raising planning should be concurrent with the budget negotiations Corps required to support Branch in fund raising Fair and reasonable demands Should not interfere with training Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU FUNDING Fund Raising

26 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU CONFLICT RESOLUTION Branches to follow national conflict resolution process Always try to resolve at lowest possible level Keep calm, be understanding, use common sense Seek Division help if required

27 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU INSURANCE Insurance coverage is manditory Accidents reported to National Office ASAP Corps CO to seek authorization for all activities Manditory – RCSU Optional - Branch Corps to report any accidents/incidents to Branch ASAP

28 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU COMMUNICATIONS AND PR Joint PR Committees at all levels Close Cooperation required Identified spokespersons

29 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU CONCLUSION “A good partnership is the result of mutual respect and understanding, a positive attitude and a genuine desire of all concern to solve problems and resolve personal conflicts.”

30 Improving Our Partnership A Branch Guide to the MOU

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