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BEFORE YOU START Step 1Verify all documentation is available, and make copies »Birth Certificate (make sure parent name matches with person completing.

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Presentation on theme: "BEFORE YOU START Step 1Verify all documentation is available, and make copies »Birth Certificate (make sure parent name matches with person completing."— Presentation transcript:

1 BEFORE YOU START Step 1Verify all documentation is available, and make copies »Birth Certificate (make sure parent name matches with person completing application unless guardian documentation is provided) »Income (make sure it is correct year/all 12 months provided) »Shot Record »Insurance/Medicaid (you can start the application without this, just give child points in selection criteria and document in note) »Medical Documents (Diagnosed Disability) »Legal Documents (if using this document as eligibility make 2 copies, 1 Brown Folder 1 to be brought to FCP as Documentation) Step 2Complete Declaration Form (refer to documentation training) Step 3Complete Intake Form (refer to documentation training) »Complete Income Worksheet (if applicable) 1

2 Do not open ChildPlus if… – You have not completed the Declaration Form – You have not completed Intake Form – If the family provided Income and you have not completed the Income Worksheet 2

3 Next, you will learn how to complete an application in Child Plus 3

4 4 Step 4: Add New Family (you must always start this way, as families who aren’t connected to your site will not show up.) Step 5: Add Child Complete the Following Applicant-applicant First Name Last Name It will look like this

5 Step 6: Hit Save & Close Found at bottom of screen 5 If they are in ChildPlus, somewhere this screen pops up. You will need to verify if this is the same person. Use address and primary adult to verify. If verified it is same person continue to Step 7. If not able to verify go to Step 38. Step 7: Select Yes, Same Person

6 6 It is NOT acceptable to create a double entry! IF when you selected YES, a screen POPS up and says “You do not have security privileges to view this person.”- Contact FCP-DO NOT start a new family.

7 It will open you to this screen. First- you need to verify this is the correct family. Look at adults, DOB, even address to confirm. If confirmed it is same family DO NOT CHANGE anything, yet, go to Step 8. If you can’t confirm same family, contact FCP team ASAP. 7

8 Step 8 – If any family member has a Green Person next to their name. Simply, hover over name with mouse. Details of their enrollment should pop up. If no one has a Green Person skip to Step 9. 8 Here you see the child has participation record for 2011-2012. You can see Current Enrollment Status, Site and Classroom. Before PIR is submitted (no later than August 30 th ) IF the child/sibling/parent had a participation record for 2011-2012, and the status says: completed, enrolled, withdrawal or accepted- you CANNOT CHANGE PIR. After PIR is submitted IF the sibling/child/parent has a participation record for 2012-2013-Contact FCP Team

9 9 Update any information if needed. Pay attention to (PIR) items. You will go thru each person’s name verifying and updating if needed. Step 9- Select each persons Name and begin updating all information. Once selected Screen will look like this.

10 10 With the Primary adult selected: You will now add an email address. You will NOT change address or phone numbers here…only add email!

11 11 While updating the applicants information; look below Update any information if needed. Pay attention to (PIR) items. You will go thru each person’s name verifying and updating if needed. For the applicant verify on the Declaration form, if the child has a DIAGNOSED Disability Select Change Groups

12 12 If the Child has a diagnosed disability; and documentation is provided. You selected Change Groups. This screen pops up. You will select Need MH/DIS Consents. This information will be used at enrollment should child get in program.

13 After each family member’s information has been updated; select Family Information. Step10- Select Family Information and begin updating all information. 13

14 14 Review Family Members- Do you need to Add or Delete any? To Add- you contact FCP Team To Delete- you contact FCP Team Review Address- Do you need to update it? Review Phone Numbers- Do you need to Edit, Add or Delete? Review Numbers in Household/Family- Do you need to Change? Review Parental Status (PIR) - Do you need to Change?

15 15 Step 11- Family Income. DO NOT EVER CHANGE anything. Simply click on Add another Income Verification

16 16 When you select it, this screen pops up. ALWAYS have the little box checked. Then Select OK. Step 12: TANF, SSI, WIC (the only time you can update PIR, because you add new) (If you answer yes to TANF or Supplemental Security Income you should NOT have taken income but rather documentation that they are receiving services)

17 Check Stub Child Care Services 2050 Child Support College Grants/Scholarships Employer Letter Foster Care Documentation Homeless no income taken Income Tax Form 1040 No Income Statement Social Security Benefits/Form 1099 Supplemental Security Income TANF Unemployment Compensation Benefits W2 Workforce Investment Act Workman's Comp 17 Step 13: Input Income Documentation Refer to the Intake Form or Income Worksheet You should have income for each adult (in family) that provides for the family UNLESS family is categorically eligible, then you would just have 1 document. For each document you will use a different line under Income Verification; if you have more than 5 you will have to contact FCP to assist you ASAP. Types of Income under Verification Box

18 18 Homeless Income Verification Pay Stubs Verification

19 19 No Income Statement Supplemental Security Income Parents provided no income statements for 2011.

20 20 Foster Care Social Security Benefits

21 Step 14: Update and/or add Emergency Contacts 21

22 Now, to Enter Site & Selection Criteria 22 Step 15: With child’s name highlighted, select Enrollment Tab Once you select your screen should look like this. Verify name is correct. Make sure there is nothing entered for current program year. If there is contact FCP team ASAP.

23 23 Step 16: Select Add Participation Record This screen pops up. ALWAYS select add a Blank participation Record. Head Start will select: Head Start 2012-2013 Early Head Start will select: EHS 2011-2012 It will look like this.

24 24 Step 17: Add Site DO NOT PICK A CLASSROOM Step 18: Application Date Next Scroll Down to #3 Eligibility

25 Enrollment Tab (eligibility screen) 25 Step 19: Eligibility Date –the date of application Step 20: Eligibility Income – Should roll-over entered based on Income Verification. If not contact FCP ASAP. You should NEVER have to type this in. Step 21: Number in Family—Should roll-over from Family Information. If it is incorrect here, you will need to go back to Family Information and update. Then come here to correct. Step 22: Income Status –Notice this defaults to Eligible (0-100%). If the family falls under the other categories, you will have to select it here. Look at % of Poverty Level underneath Eligibility Income. Step 23: Enter the Participation Year for the Applicant.

26 Enrollment Tab (eligibility screen) 26 Based on information already entered; points are automatically given for age and income Verify everything here is correct. If not; you will need to go back and update; on the Family Information, Income Verification or Applicants DOB.

27 Enrollment Tab (eligibility screen) 27 Step 24: Eligibility Criteria Step 25: Family Status (same for HS/EHS) Should match Family Information. Head Start Early Head Start Step 26: Special Need Head Start Early Head Start

28 Enrollment Tab (eligibility screen) 28 Step 27: Other Section-Each one has a line. You will select Yes or Not applicable

29 Step 28: Enter Eligibility Notes (you will copy/paste this to recruitment contact note 29 Copy from Info from Income Verification Notes Explain Documentation brought in Explain # in family & # in Household Work way down Eligibility Criteria – Explain points given for Family Status – Explain points given for Special Need – Explain points given for Other Section Should look this.

30 If the child has a suspected or diagnosed disability continue to Step 29 If there is no points given for disability continue to Step 30 30

31 STEP 29: Disability Tab 1.Click the box that states an area of concern has been identified. 2.Enter date identified (date of application). 3.Enter status 4.Use the clock and enter the notes about the concerns. 1 3 2 4 31 With child’s Name Highlighted Select Disability Tab. When you select screen will look like this. DO NOT USE STATUS: Select Diagnosed- if child got diagnosed points Select Diagnosed Prior to Program Year – if child got points for ECI Services HS ONLY Select Points Given at Recruitment-if child got suspected points NOTES: IF Selected Diagnosed: Explain diagnosis, give dates from IEP IF Selected Diagnosed Prior to Program Year: Explain what services were received and if parent still has concern IF Selected Points Given at Recruitment-Explain parent concerhn 3 4

32 Step 30: Enter Health Information-With child select click Health Tab-Health Information 32 Health Information 1.Health Worker (FSW at site) 2.Doctor/Medical Home –If they don’t have one. Use list given by Health Manager to guide family to pick one. If one they choose is not listed contact FCP team. 3.Dentist/Dental Home –If they don’t have one. Use list given by Health Manager to guide family to pick one. If one they choose is not listed contact FCP team. Step 31: Enter Primary Health Coverage Use (SCHIP) State Child Health Insurance when the child is on CHIP Use Medicaid when the child is on Medicaid Use None of the Above when the child has no insurance Use Other when the child is on TriCare – a military insurance Use Private Health Insurance when a child only has private insurance. 132

33 33 Step 32: Enter Other Health Coverage (DO NOT LEAVE IT BLANK) Use (SCHIP) State Child Health Insurance when the child is on CHIP Use Medicaid when the child is on Medicaid whether primary or secondary insurance Use None of the Above when the child has no other insurance Use Other when the child is on TriCare – a military insurance Use Private Health Insurance when a child has any private insurance whether primary or secondary insurance (Examples - Cigna, Aetna, FirstCare, BlueCrossBlueShield, United Health Care) Step 33 : Insurance Number- enter the insurance identification number. (NOT THE GROUP NUMBER) Leave it blank if the child is on Medicaid or has no secondary insurance Step 34: Medicaid Eligibility Status Use Not Eligible IF: they have CHIP or if the family income is more than 210% above poverty. Even if they have private Use On Medicaid IF: they provided documentation Use Potentially Eligible if their income is below 210%. It is important for our families to know that they could qualify.

34 34 What if they have private insurance? Identify the Insurance Number Put in notes-what type insurance it is: Blue Cross, Aetna, Cigna, Tri Care Insurance Number

35 35 Step 35: Medicaid Number: Enter the Medicaid Number if on Medicaid. Leave it blank if Not Eligible or Potentially Eligible. If the child drops Medicaid, do not delete the Medicaid number. Step 36: Other Cover Notes: Here you would enter information if you ever used Other as an option with Health Coverage. Step 37: Enter Immunizations- Under Immunization Tab You only enter shots, and Use Note section if you there isn’t a box for you to enter a certain shot.

36 36 Step 38: If at Step 3 or 4, you were able to prove that the person you are entering is not in system anymore, you will be able to complete an application via Application Express. It will take you through Steps 9-37; without changing Tabs. Once you select Save & Close. Review the following Tabs: (things highlighted in yellow are things you will have to enter as they are not in the Application Express Option Family Application-Verify each person>Refer to Step 9 (if you have a child with a diagnosed disability you will need to add the child to a group) Family Application; Family Information: Step 10 thru 15. This includes Address Phone Numbers # if Family/#in Household Parental Status Primary Language Family Income Status-TANF, SSI and/or WIC Income Verification/Documentation Entered Emergency Contacts

37 37 Enrollment Tab: Step 15-28. This includes Program Term Site Application Date Eligibility Date Income # in Family Income Status Participation Year Eligibility Criteria Family Status Special Need Other Eligibility Notes Disability Tab: Step 29 (if applicable) Health Tab: Step 30-36. This Includes Doctor/Dentist Home Primary Health Coverage Other Health Coverage Medicaid Eligibility Status Immunization Tab: Step 37

38 38 Step 39: Application for a Pregnant Woman If you are completing an Application for a Pregnant Women. You will add Woman to Group-Pregnant Women # in family includes unborn child Pregnant Woman’s name is highlighted when you select enrollment. You will select EHS. You will skip Step 37 instead Fill out the Pregnancy Tab. At recruitment all we need is expected delivery date entered.

39 39 Step 40: Print Recruitment Application After you have verified all information that was inputted Names, birthdays, income, enrollment information Select Family Information-At bottom of page is Print Application Forms

40 40 This screen pops up. ONLY CHOOSE Print Eligibility Verification Child that is being recruited (if you did app for siblings you can print both)

41 41 2 Documents per applicant will print. 1 st is Enrollment Information- It will look like this v v v v v v v

42 42 Enrollment Information Page Continued 1 st is Enrollment Information- It will look like this v v v Step 41: Verifying Staff Member-(You must sign and Date)

43 43 2 nd Page is Eligibility Verification-It will look like this v v Step 42: You select Yes: If in #4 the following is selected: Income (below federal poverty), Public Assistance, SSI, Homeless Foster Care v You select No If in #4 the following is selected: Income (between 100-130%), Over Income Question #3 is where you are certifying that the child is INCOME eligible for the program. (From ACF-PI-HS-10-02; issued 5/10/10

44 44 2 nd Page is Eligibility Verification-continued v Step 43: Verifying Staff Member-(You must sign) Make sure name printed in#7 is you.

45 45 Step 44: Parent must complete the Community Needs Survey

46 Step 45 Staple Content as follows:  Intake form  Declaration Form  Enrollment Information  Eligibility Verification (with signature and checks)  Recruitment Contact Note  Birth Certificate(HS/EHS child), Proof of Pregnancy (EHS pregnant woman)  Shot Records  Medical Insurance  Diagnosed Disability Paperwork (if applicable)  Income  Write Child’s Name & Site on copy (in top right corner w/paper turned where short side on top)  Community Needs Assessment  Place in Purple Child Plus Folder 46

47 AVOID INCOMPLETE Applications Look over each tab… Have someone else look over each tab… Call/Email FCP-we can glance thru CP and catch some errors CALL/EMAIL if you are unsure… 47

48 Recruitment/Selection Process Parent completes application with HS Staff Application is verified by Monitors IF there are no errors-Application is placed on Waitlist IF there are errors-Application will be Incomplete-FSW has 1 week to correct – Monitors will verify and place on Waitlist if error-free if not, process continues until app is waitlisted. All children are placed on waitlist Once children are selected for program. All children will receive a packet detailing information needed for Fall start. 48

49 49  3 yr old ONLY centers will be selected after May 15 th  4 yr old ONLY centers (who have no children rolling over) will be selected after May 15 th  4 yr old ONLY center (who have children rolling over into program) must complete roll-over children 1 st  3 & 4 yr old centers- will complete all roll-over enrollments BEFORE they will get new accepted children

50 Manage Time Set certain days and times of week for recruitments – EX: Academy Monday- Gina/Lori (7:30-11:30) Tuesday-Beth/Minerva (12:00-4) Wednesday-none Thursday Gina/Lori (12-4) Friday- Beth (7:30-11:30) If each recruitment took 30 minutes- this leaves time for 64 recruitments to be completed in a week By designating certain times you are making the parents responsible for getting in at a certain time you aren’t doing them randomly between working on other stuff 50

51 Manage Time Scheduling – Sites will be first option – People related to staff Start with your site supervisor then…continue to next person on list Contact person/s on declaration sheet, make appointment that day Be patient if management doesn’t return call in 5 min, call next person on list Contact Mary/myself last as we are monitoring the process and assisting all sites as needed. From April to May 15 th Focus on Recruitments (unless you are attending enrollment training prior to May 15 th ) This summer we will be taking applications 2 days a week 51

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