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HETC – UDG Proposal – University of Ruhuna Sub Activity 2 : Improving English Language Skill of UG students N. J. De S. Amarasinghe.

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Presentation on theme: "HETC – UDG Proposal – University of Ruhuna Sub Activity 2 : Improving English Language Skill of UG students N. J. De S. Amarasinghe."— Presentation transcript:

1 HETC – UDG Proposal – University of Ruhuna Sub Activity 2 : Improving English Language Skill of UG students N. J. De S. Amarasinghe

2 - University Committee appointed for the Sub Activity 2 on English (UAC – English) participated in the 1 st PPC meeting held on 21.04.2010. - As decided at the above meeting the 1 st meeting of the UAC-E was held on 29.04.2010 at 10.30 am in two venues namely Wellamadama and Hapugala.

3 (1). Video Conference Room – Computer Science Department, Wellamadama With the participation of Faculty Activity Committees of Agriculture, FMST, H & S.S, Management and Science (2). Video Conference Room – Faculty of Engineering With the participation of Faculty Activity Committees of Medicine and Engineering. - At this meeting the Chairpersons of FAC’s made presentations based on the decisions taken and discussions at the FAC meetings held prior to 29.04.2010.

4 Table 1 FacultyFAC meeting held onPresenter Agriculture26.04.2010Dr. Nilantha De Silva FMST22.04.2010Dr. H.B. Asanthi H & S.S.Not indicatedDr. Gamini Fonseka Management27.04.2010Dr. P.A.P. Samantha Kumara Science26.04.2010Dr. K.K.A.S. Yapa Medicine27.04.2010Dr. Deepani Siriwardane Engineering19.04.2010Dr. Indika Perera

5 I.Presentations included; 1.The background information on the present situation and the current issues with respect to English teaching programmes at different faculties. All the faculties conduct English Intensive Courses for new entrants except in the Faculty of H & S.S. All the Faculties conduct regular English Programmes (on going courses) except in the Faculty of Agriculture. Present status of English of English Language skills of UG students.

6 2. Type of data and information to be collected for the self evaluation (SWOT analysis) Three types of questionnaires were suggested For students For Academic and Academic support staff Industries/employers providing training and/or employment to Ruhuna University undergraduates/graduates  In additions to the above 3 types of questionnaires, it was suggested to collect information from passed out students  Main Library also intends to conduct a survey to collect data for issues related to the use of library to improve English Language skills.

7 3. Facilities available in each faculty to teach English Language to UG students. Space Furniture Equipment Staff Syllabi & Teaching material Time allocation 4. Testing of English Language skills of UG students and methods used for evaluation 5. Suggestions to improve English language skills of UG students.

8 II.Decisions taken - 1.Presentation from all the faculties and the library to be sent to all chair persons and the library representative. 2.To obtain information on (a).the medium of teaching in each Faculty/Degree programme (b).English knowledge requirement for the award of the Bachelor’s Degree in each faculty 3.To develop a common format for questionnaires, so that the data analysis would be easy.

9 4.All faculties were requested to have FAC-E meetings before the next UAC-E meeting scheduled for 06.05.2010 5.To invite all the chairperson + 1 representative from each faculty and the library representative to the next UAC-E meeting scheduled for 06.05.2010 to be held at the Physics Conference Room 6.To conduct the initial assessment on the English knowledge of UG students from each faculty, a set of question papers to be designed based on the Level 5 English paper already used in the EMP Course at the Faculty of Medicine

10 2nd UAC – English meeting - was held on 06.05.2010 with the participation of the FAC-E chairpersons (* H & S.S. – chairperson was represented by Mr. Wimal Wijesinghe, * Management & Finance – Chairperson was excused and was represented by Ms. P.K. NIshadi, * Agriculture – Chairperson was represented by Dr. Wijith Jayamanne)

11 Objectives 1. Agree for common formats of questionnaires to collect information from UG students Academic & Academic support staff of 7 faculties Industries & Employers of Ruhuna University UG students and passed out students 2. Request ELTU to set Level 5 Test papers for initial evaluation

12 Outcome 1.Developed common formats for the 3 kinds of questionnaires and include specific questions/sections as decided by the respective FAC- E’s. 2.All faculty chairpersons were asked to e-mail the revised versions of questionnaires to UAC-E chairpersons asap. 3.Faculty chairpersons were requested to start data collection/conduct surveys asap. 4.Finalized the questionnaires for the survey to be conducted by the main library.

13 5.Decided to summon a meeting with the ELTU coordinators of each faculty to request them to set Level 5 question papers for initial assessment of English knowledge of UG students of each faculty. 6.To request Dean/Medicine to obtain past Level 5 question papers of the EMP course. 7.Some problems faced by the ELTU teachers and the need for curriculum revision were also highlighted

14 Current Status Yet to be presented by the chairpersons

15 Thank You.

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